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CRI – A provider perspective Focusing on ‘targeted’ services – ie not those already held in safeguarding systems with CP plan etc. Consider barriers to.

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Presentation on theme: "CRI – A provider perspective Focusing on ‘targeted’ services – ie not those already held in safeguarding systems with CP plan etc. Consider barriers to."— Presentation transcript:

1 CRI – A provider perspective Focusing on ‘targeted’ services – ie not those already held in safeguarding systems with CP plan etc. Consider barriers to engagement with substance misusing parents Consider what an early recovery plan would look like. What are the barriers to parents moving through and leaving recovery services Examining our own fears around risk and planning for the ‘risks of recovery’

2 Format of workshop We’re going to ‘segment’ into three groups. Engagement Early recovery Successful completion and the onward journey to better than well Keep some key concepts in mind throughout the journey - Recovery Capital – Parental Resilience - Systemic Thinking – Dynamic Risk Management – Team around the family

3 How can we improve our engagement with parents at early entry points ? How can we improve our response to parents who don’t meet the safeguarding threshold ? How, and when, do we assess parental need, risks and resilience factors ? Group 1

4 Group 2 – Early recovery stage With a team around the family, who else would should be involved in the recovery support plan? How and when does this team change? What would a parent’s early recovery plan contain ? During the early recovery journey what changes 1. For the parent? 2. For the child(ren)?

5 Group 3 – Recovery phase Considering what we’ve heard about inoculating factors, what causes parents to be in treatment for longer? During this treatment stage what future further risks need to be considered? What recovery capital should be in place to maximize long term outcomes for parents ?

6 Group 1 – Some Solutions we’ve found Skills, Skills, Skills Engagement practice The assessment process itself – intuitive, visual, meaningful, maps etc. Peer mentors and parent champions Accessibility plan – when, where and with whom? Premises fit for families? If not, children’s centres, home visits etc. Registered childminders, creche facilities Safeguarding as a positive thing Parental capacity assessments can enable access to resources – pre CAF etc. Systemic approach from the start Team around the family from the start

7 Group 2 – Some Solutions we’ve found Skills, Skills, Skills Recovery planning practice The recovery planning process itself – intuitive, visual, meaningful, maps etc. Peer mentors and parent champions Premises fit for families? If not, children’s centres, home visits etc. Safeguarding as a positive thing – continuous risk management Parenting programme inbuilt or resourced Systemic approach from the start – ITEP/BTEI family and social capital mapping. Team around the family from the start Family support plan Family group conference

8 Group 3 – Some Solutions we’ve found Skills, Skills, Skills Recovery planning practice The recovery planning process itself – intuitive, visual, meaningful, maps etc. Systemic approach continues – ITEP/BTEI family and social capital mapping Peer mentors and parent champions Increasing psychosocial offer as we contemplate change Increasing mutual aid offer – parent specific groups? continuous risk management Partnership work continues A reintegration ‘plan’ with check in Virtual Team around the family continues Right of return

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