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Leadership and Management Course Intro Why do we study them? How are they different?

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Presentation on theme: "Leadership and Management Course Intro Why do we study them? How are they different?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Leadership and Management Course Intro Why do we study them? How are they different?


3 Leadership and Management Manage Projects, Tasks Lead People Mr. Feith at OSD

4 Leadership and Management What Projects and Tasks? Division Officer Department Head Staff Action Officer Executive Officer Commanding Officer

5 How do you manage? Four Management Functions –Plan –Organize –Lead –Control –(Debrief, feedback)

6 The Planning Management Function “…defining goals for future organizational performance and deciding on the tasks and use of resources needed to attain them.”

7 Stretch Goals Designed to challenge to organization

8 The Organizing Management Function “Organizing involves the assignment of tasks, the grouping of tasks into departments, and the allocation of resources…”

9 The Leading Management Function “Leading is the use of influence to motivate employees to achieve organizational goals.”

10 The Controlling Management Function “Controlling means monitoring employees’ activities, determining whether the organization is on target towards its goals, and making corrections as necessary.” Measuring Quality

11 Deming GE & Six Sigma Baldridge Award

12 Management by Objective (MBO) Precise, explicit planning Supports “Controlling” Function Reduces ambiguity Possibly ineffective during rapid change

13 Management by Walking Around (MBWA) Common in the Navy See and check on your people Make sure you don’t miss any

14 Debrief, then feedback Incorporate and use Lessons Learned Large scale: LL by ship during port visit Small scale: Formation flight in Training Command Turnaround Training Plan

15 Shewhart Cycle …of Continuous Improvement debrief an evolution or training event, and feed the results of that debrief into the planning for the next event Plan, Do, Check, Act


17 Management Skills Conceptual Human Technical

18 Range of Skills


20 Organizational Design (Grand Scale) “Product” = Strike Force Functional = Logistics, Communications Geographic = Commander Naval Forces Japan Support = Schoolhouse, Hospitals, PSD’s

21 Organizational Design (Small Scale) Wardroom, Chief’s Mess, Sailors CO/XO, Department Heads, Division Officers

22 Ship / Squadron Common Departments: Operations Maintenance Safety Admin Weapons - Engineering, Navigation

23 Your Job: Division Officer May start in support role: –Personnel Officer –NAVOSH Officer, etc.

24 Rule of 3 to 5 Standardized reporting relationships

25 Matrix Organization organization formed with team members from more than one unit, each with specialized skills, or a need to participate in the project.

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