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SHUTTLE ANTENNA MONITORING SYSTEM Allows the NIC Operators to monitor the configuration, status, and performance of Shuttle antenna systems as an aid for.

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Presentation on theme: "SHUTTLE ANTENNA MONITORING SYSTEM Allows the NIC Operators to monitor the configuration, status, and performance of Shuttle antenna systems as an aid for."— Presentation transcript:

1 SHUTTLE ANTENNA MONITORING SYSTEM Allows the NIC Operators to monitor the configuration, status, and performance of Shuttle antenna systems as an aid for troubleshooting Space Network (SN) and Ground Network (GN) Shuttle support problems. Performs the following functions: Display converted X, Y, and Z Shuttle coordinates to Mercator projection. Provide real-time orbiter equipment configuration and status (S- band and K-band). Provide real-time forward link status, Automatic Gain Control’s (AGC) bit and frame sync status data. Provide orbiter orientation and aspect angle to a Tracking and Data Relay Satellite (TDRS) for rapid fault detection and fault isolation. Provide trend analysis of S-band communications problems. Provide K-band hardware and software limits and blockage data. Provide a real-time paper audit trail of anomalous S-band and K- band operations.

2 SHUTTLE ANTENNA MONITORING SYSTEM System Description Pentium class PC Linux Operating System C Programming Language Application Data Flow Orbiter Data (OD) is received at JSC via the SN and/or GN. Relevant data is striped from the OD and formatted in Calibrated Ancillary System (CAS) data format. CAS data is transmitted to WSC and the NIC via Closed IONet. NIC forwards CAS data to MILA. CAS data is displayed at WSC, NIC, and MILA on SAMS.

3 SAMS Data Flow

4 SAMS Screen

5 Multi Mission Display Processing System (MMDPS) The MMDPS allows a NIC operator to view a variety of SN service performance displays for assistance in real-time monitoring and troubleshooting. The system provides an operator with the ability to utilize several displays simultaneously. Displays include a current active display of service logged into, SN support summary, system log message window, specific service description windows, Block Monitor window, a systems tools window, and password protection.

6 MMDPS Display


8 SITE STATUS DISPLAY The SSM display workstation allows NIC personnel to view the same SSM information as JSC Mission Control Center (MMC) personnel. SSMs are continuously transmitted from MILA/PDL to the MCC and NIC during Space Shuttle support and provide real-time status, configuration, and data quality information of both the Site and the Shuttle Orbiter systems. MILA Uplink MILA Downlink PDL Uplink PDL Downlink

9 SSM Display


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