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Physics of GRB Jets Jonathan Granot Stanford “GRBs: the first 3 hours”, Sanrotini, August 31, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Physics of GRB Jets Jonathan Granot Stanford “GRBs: the first 3 hours”, Sanrotini, August 31, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Physics of GRB Jets Jonathan Granot KIPAC @ Stanford “GRBs: the first 3 hours”, Sanrotini, August 31, 2005

2 Outline of the Talk: Observational evidence for jets in GRBs Observational evidence for jets in GRBs The jet dynamics: degree of lateral expansion The jet dynamics: degree of lateral expansion  Semi-Analytic models  Simplifying the dynamical Eqs.: 2D  1D  Full hydrodynamic simulation The Jet Structure: how can we tell what it is The Jet Structure: how can we tell what it is  Afterglow polarization  Statistics of the prompt & afterglow emission  Afterglow light curves Off-axis viewing angles & X-ray flashes Off-axis viewing angles & X-ray flashes Conclusions Conclusions

3 Observational Evidence for Jets in GRBs The energy output in  -rays assuming isotropic emission approaches (or even exceeds) M  c 2 The energy output in  -rays assuming isotropic emission approaches (or even exceeds) M  c 2   difficult for a stellar mass progenitor  True energy is much smaller for a narrow jet Achromatic break Achromatic break or steepening of the or steepening of the afterglow light afterglow light curves (“jet break”) curves (“jet break”) Optical light curve of GRB 990510 (Harrison et al. 1999)

4 Dynamics of GRB Jets: Lateral Expansion Simple (Semi-) Analytic Jet Models (Rhoads 97, 99; Sari, Piran & Halpern 99,…) Typical Simplifying Assumptions: A uniform jet with sharp edges (even at t > t jet ) A uniform jet with sharp edges (even at t > t jet ) The shock front is a part of a sphere within θ < θ jet The shock front is a part of a sphere within θ < θ jet The velocity is in the radial direction (even at t > t jet ) The velocity is in the radial direction (even at t > t jet ) Lateral expansion in a velocity of c s  c/  3 or  c in the local rest frame Lateral expansion in a velocity of c s  c/  3 or  c in the local rest frame The jet dynamics are obtained by solving simple 1D equations for conservation of energy and momentum The jet dynamics are obtained by solving simple 1D equations for conservation of energy and momentum Most works assume a uniform external medium (ISM) Most works assume a uniform external medium (ISM)

5 Simplified Jet Dynamics: (Rhoads 97, 99; Sari, Piran & Halpern 99,…) dR    jet dR + c s dt’  (  jet + c s /c  )dR dR    jet dR + c s dt’  (  jet + c s /c  )dR d  jet /dR  (dR  /dR -  jet )/R  c s /c  R d  jet /dR  (dR  /dR -  jet )/R  c s /c  R   jet ~  0 + c s /c    jet ~  0 + c s /c  The jet edges become visible when  ~ 1/  0 The jet edges become visible when  ~ 1/  0 Sideways expansion becomes large  ~ (c s /c) /  0 Sideways expansion becomes large  ~ (c s /c) /  0 R RRRR  jet  jet  R  / R

6 Quick & Dirty: E/c 2 ~  ext (R)R 3 (  jet ) 2  2 +  jet ~ c s /c   R ~ const E/c 2 ~  ext (R)R 3 (  jet ) 2  2 +  jet ~ c s /c   R ~ const More Careful Analysis : More Careful Analysis (Rhoads 99) : E/c 2  M  2  d(  2 )/dR = -(  2 /M)dM/dR E/c 2  M  2  d(  2 )/dR = -(  2 /M)dM/dR dM/dR = 2  (  jet R) 2  ext (R),  2 /M   4 c 2 /E dM/dR = 2  (  jet R) 2  ext (R),  2 /M   4 c 2 /E  jet   jet -  0  (c s /c)  dr/  r ~ (c s /cR)  dr/   jet   jet -  0  (c s /c)  dr/  r ~ (c s /cR)  dr/   ~ (c s /c  0 )exp(-R/R jet ),  jet ~  0 (R jet /R)exp(R/R jet )  ~ (c s /c  0 )exp(-R/R jet ),  jet ~  0 (R jet /R)exp(R/R jet ) t   dr/2c  2 ~ R jet /4c  2    t -1/2 t   dr/2c  2 ~ R jet /4c  2    t -1/2 R jet = [E/  ext  (c s ) 2 ] 1/3 (comparable to the Sedov length for the true energy, if c s ~ c) R jet = [E/  ext  (c s ) 2 ] 1/3 (comparable to the Sedov length for the true energy, if c s ~ c)

7 Most models predict a jet break but differ in the details: Most models predict a jet break but differ in the details:  The time of the jet break t jet (by a factor of ~20)  Temporal slope F ( > m,t > t jet )  t - ,  ~ p (±15%)  The sharpness of the jet break (~1- 4 decades in time) Kumar & Panaitescu (2000) predicted a significantly smoother jet break for a stellar wind environment (this was reproduced in other works, but not observed yet) Kumar & Panaitescu (2000) predicted a significantly smoother jet break for a stellar wind environment (this was reproduced in other works, but not observed yet) Implications: Implications: Afterglow Light Curve

8 Simplifying the Dynamics: 2D  1D Integrating the hydrodynamic equations over the radial direction significantly reduces the numerical difficulty Integrating the hydrodynamic equations over the radial direction significantly reduces the numerical difficulty This is a reasonable approximation as most of the shocked fluid is within a thin layer of width ~ R/10  2 This is a reasonable approximation as most of the shocked fluid is within a thin layer of width ~ R/10  2 (Kumar & JG 2003)

9 Numerical Simulations: (JG et al. 2001; Cannizzo et al. 2004; Zhang & Macfayen 2006) The difficulties involved: The hydro-code should allow for both  ≫ 1 and   1 The hydro-code should allow for both  ≫ 1 and   1 Most of the shocked fluid lies within in a very thin shell behind the shock (  ~ R/10  2 )  hard to resolve Most of the shocked fluid lies within in a very thin shell behind the shock (  ~ R/10  2 )  hard to resolve A relativistic code in at least 2D is required A relativistic code in at least 2D is required A complementary code for calculating the radiation A complementary code for calculating the radiation Very few attempts so far

10 Movie of Simulation

11 Proper Density: (logarithmic color scale) Bolometric Emissivity: (logarithmic color scale)

12 The Velocity Field (on top of lab frame density) (JG, Miller, Piran, Suen & Hughes 2001)

13 The Jet Dynamics: very modest lateral expansion There is slow material at the sides of the jet while most of the emission is from its front There is slow material at the sides of the jet while most of the emission is from its front

14 Main Results of Hydro-Simulations: The assumptions of simple models fail: The assumptions of simple models fail:  The shock front is not spherical  The velocity is not radial  The shocked fluid is not homogeneous There is only very mild lateral expansion as long as the jet is relativistic There is only very mild lateral expansion as long as the jet is relativistic Most of the emission occurs within θ < θ 0 Most of the emission occurs within θ < θ 0 Nevertheless, despite the differences, there is a sharp achromatic jet break [for > m ( t jet ) ] at t jet close to the value predicted by simple models Nevertheless, despite the differences, there is a sharp achromatic jet break [for > m ( t jet ) ] at t jet close to the value predicted by simple models

15 Comparison to (Semi-) Analytic Models: Similarities: Similarities:  An achromatic jet break at t jet for > m ( t jet )  The value of t jet is similar  Temporal slope, F ( > m, t > t jet )  t - , is close to the analytic value   p (  =1.12p for p = 2.5 and is even closer to p for p m, t > t jet )  t - , is close to the analytic value   p (  =1.12p for p = 2.5 and is even closer to p for p < 2.5) Differences: Differences:  The jet dynamics are very different  For < m (t jet ) (radio)  changes more gradually and moderately at t jet and changes more sharply only at a later time when m decreases below obs  Jet break is sharper than in most analytic models, and is somewhat sharper for θ obs = 0 than for θ obs  θ 0

16 Why do we see a Jet Break:    Aberration of light or ‘relativistic beaming’ Source frame Observer frame 1/  1/  The observer sees mostly emission from within an angle of 1/  around the line of sight 1/  Direction to observer Relativistic Source:  1/  jet The edges of the jet become visible when  drops below 1/  jet, causing a jet break v  ~ c  jet ~ 1/  For v  ~ c,  jet ~ 1/  so there is not much “missing” emission from  >  jet dE/d   (t)  >  jet & the jet break is due to the decreasing dE/d  + faster fall in  (t)

17 Lateral Expansion: Evolution of Image Size (Taylor et al. 04,05; Oren, Nakar & Piran 04; JG, Ramirez-Ruiz & Loeb 05) GRB 030329 Image diameter (JG, Ramirez-Ruiz & Loeb 2005) v  ~ c Model 1: v  ~ c v  ≪ c Model 2: v  ≪ c while  ≳ 2

18 The Structure of GRB Jets:

19 How can we determine the jet structure? 1. Afterglow polarization light curves the polarization is usually attributed to a jet geometry  Log(  ) 00 dE/d  Log(dE/d  )   core   -2 Structured jet †† :Uniform jet † : † Rhoads 97,99; Sari et al. 99, … †† Postnov et al. 01; Rossi et al. 02; Zhang & Meszaros 02 t Log(t) P t t jet (Sari 99; Ghisellini & Lazzati 99) t Log(t) P t t jet (Rossi et al. 2003) dE/d  Log(dE/d  )  p = const  p flips by 90 o at t jet Ordered B-field * : * Granot & Königl 03 t Log(t) P  p = const tt0tt0 while for jet models P(t ≪ t j ) ≪ P(t~t j )

20 Linear polarization at the level of P ~ 1%-3% was detected in several optical afterglows Linear polarization at the level of P ~ 1%-3% was detected in several optical afterglows In some cases P varied, but usually  p  const In some cases P varied, but usually  p  const Different from predictions of uniform or structured jet Different from predictions of uniform or structured jet (Covino et al. 1999) (Gorosabel et al. 1999) Afterglow Polarization: Observations GRB 020813 tjtj

21 The Afterglow polarization is affected not only by the jet structure but also by factors such as The Afterglow polarization is affected not only by the jet structure but also by factors such as  the B-field structure in the emitting region  Inhomogeneities in the ambient density or in the jet (JG & Königl 2003; Nakar & Oren 2004)  “refreshed shocks” - slower ejecta catching up with the afterglow shock from behind (Kumar & Piran 2000; JG, Nakar & Piran 03; JG & Königl 03) Therefore, afterglow polarization is not a very “clean” method to learn about the jet structure Therefore, afterglow polarization is not a very “clean” method to learn about the jet structure Afterglow Pol. & Jet Structure: Summary

22 Both the UJ & USJ models provide an acceptable fit Both the UJ & USJ models provide an acceptable fit Provides many constraints Provides many constraints but not a “clean” method but not a “clean” method to study the jet structure to study the jet structure Jet Structure from log N - log S distribution (Guetta, Piran & Waxman 04; Guetta, JG & Begelman 05; Firmiani et al. 04) (Guetta, JG & Begelman 2005) Cumulative distribution differential distribution different binning

23 dN/d  appears to favor the USJ model dN/d  appears to favor the USJ model dN/d  dz disfavors the USJ model dN/d  dz disfavors the USJ model It is still premature to draw strong conclusions due to the inhomogeneous sample & various selection effects It is still premature to draw strong conclusions due to the inhomogeneous sample & various selection effects Not yet a “clean” method for extracting the jet structure Not yet a “clean” method for extracting the jet structure Jet Structure from t jet (z) distribution (Perna, Sari & Frail 2003)(Nakar, JG & Guetta 2004)

24 Uniform “top hat” jet - extensively studied  Uniform “top hat” jet - extensively studied  Afterglow Light Curves: Uniform Jet (Rhoads 97,99; Panaitescu & Meszaros 99; Sari, Piran & Halpern 99; Moderski, Sikora & Bulik 00; JG et al. 01,02)  e =0.1,  B =0.01, p=2.5,θ 0 =0.2, θ obs =0, z=1, E iso =10 52 ergs, n=1 cm -3  e =0.1,  B =0.01, p=2.5, θ 0 =0.2, θ obs =0, z=1, E iso =10 52 ergs, n=1 cm -3 (JG et al. 2001)

25 It is a “smooth edged” version of a “top hat” jet It is a “smooth edged” version of a “top hat” jet Reproduces on-axis light curves nicely Reproduces on-axis light curves nicely Afterglow Light Curves: Gaussian Jet (Zhang & Meszaros 02; Kumar & JG 03; Zhang et al. 04) (Kumar & JG 2003)

26 Works reasonably well but has potential problems Works reasonably well but has potential problems Afterglow LCs: Universal Structured Jet (Lipunov, Postnov & Prohkorov 01; Rossi, Lazzati & Rees 02; Zhang & Meszaros 02) (Rossi et al. 2004)

27 LCs Constrain the power law indexes ‘a’ & ‘b’: dE/d    -a,  0   -b LCs Constrain the power law indexes ‘a’ & ‘b’: dE/d    -a,  0   -b 1.5 ≲ a ≲ 2.5, 0 ≲ b ≲ 1 1.5 ≲ a ≲ 2.5, 0 ≲ b ≲ 1 Afterglow LCs: Universal Structured Jet (JG & Kumar 2003)

28 Usual light curves + extra features: bumps, flatening Usual light curves + extra features: bumps, flatening Afterglow LCs: Two Component Jet (Pedersen et al. 98; Frail et al. 00; Berger et al. 03; Huang et al. 04; Peng, Konigl & JG 05; Wu et al. 05) (Peng, Konigl & JG 2005) (Berger et al. 2003) (Huang et al. 2004) GRB 030329

29 The bump at t dec,w for an on-axis observer is wide & smooth The bump at t dec,w for an on-axis observer is wide & smooth Two Component Jet: GRB 030329 (Lipkin et al. 2004) (JG 2005) Abrupt deceleration gradual deceleration

30 The bump in the light curve when the narrow jet becomes visible is smooth & wide The bump in the light curve when the narrow jet becomes visible is smooth & wide Two Component Jet: XRF 030723 (Fynbo et al. 2004) (JG 2005) (Huang et al. 2005)

31 Afterglow Light Curves:Off-Axis Viewing Angles Afterglow Light Curves: Off-Axis Viewing Angles Granot et al. (2002) θ 0 =0.2, E jet =310 51 erg, n=1 cm -3, z=1, p=2.5,  e =0.1,  B =0.01 v  = c s Model 2: uniform jet + sharp edges & v  = c s

32 Prompt Emission:Off-AxisViewing Angles Prompt Emission: Off-Axis Viewing Angles E peak   -1, f   -a   1+[  (  obs -  0 )] 2 a  2  0 <  obs ≲ 2  0 a  3  obs ≳ 2  0 E peak   -1, f   -a where   1+[  (  obs -  0 )] 2 & a  2 for  0 <  obs ≲ 2  0 ; a  3 for  obs ≳ 2  0  ≫ 1  obs ≳ 2  0 The prompt emission from large off-axis viewing angles,  ≫ 1 or  obs ≳ 2  0, will not be detected (“orphan afterglows”) E peak f The prompt emission from slightly off-axis viewing angles might still be detected, but peaks at lower E peak & has a much smaller fluence f (X-ray flashes or X-ray rich GRBs)

33 Suggest a roughly uniform jet with reasonably sharp edges, where GRBs, XRGRBs & XRFs are similar jets viewed from increasing viewing angles (Yamazaki, Ioka & Nakamura 02,03,04) Suggest a roughly uniform jet with reasonably sharp edges, where GRBs, XRGRBs & XRFs are similar jets viewed from increasing viewing angles (Yamazaki, Ioka & Nakamura 02,03,04) Light Curves of X-ray Flashes & XRGRBs (JG, Ramirez-Ruiz & Perna 2005) XRF 030723XRGRB 041006

34 Afterglow L.C. for Different Jet Structures: Uniform conical jet with sharp ejdges:  Uniform conical jet with sharp ejdges:  Gaussian jet in both  0 & dE/d  : might still work Gaussian jet in both  0 & dE/d  : might still work Constant  0 + Gaussian dE/d  : not flat enough Constant  0 + Gaussian dE/d  : not flat enough Core + dE/d    -3 wings: not flat enough Core + dE/d    -3 wings: not flat enough  obs /  0/c = 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6  obs /  0/c = 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6 (JG, Ramirez-Ruiz & Perna 2005)

35 Conclusions : Numerical studies show very little lateral expansion while the jet is relativistic & produce a sharp jet break (similar to that seen in afterglow observations) Numerical studies show very little lateral expansion while the jet is relativistic & produce a sharp jet break (similar to that seen in afterglow observations) There are some important differences in the resulting afterglow light curves, especially at < m (t jet ) (radio) There are some important differences in the resulting afterglow light curves, especially at < m (t jet ) (radio) The most promising way to constrain the jet structure is through the afterglow light curves The most promising way to constrain the jet structure is through the afterglow light curves XRF & XRGRB afterglow light curves favor a roughly uniform jet with rather sharp edges XRF & XRGRB afterglow light curves favor a roughly uniform jet with rather sharp edges

36 Afterglow Light Curves from Simulations

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