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Published byValentine Bailey Modified over 9 years ago
Presentation of the NYDA 3 YEAR PLAN Wednesday, 23 March 2011 _________________________ NYDA Presentation template/Rev02
Letter of invitation 1
2 VISION Integrated and mainstreamed youth development in all organs of state, private sector and civil society for sustainable livelihoods PURPOSE The NYDA is established to mainstream and integrate youth development for sustainable livelihoods. MISSION Initiate, facilitate, implement, coordinate, design and monitor youth development interventions aimed at promoting economic participation and social cohesion
3 NYDA has identified the following broad categories of young people: Category 1 – Unskilled and unemployed. These are largely young people who may have matric or dropped out of school but with no vocational skills; Category 2 – Skilled and unemployed; employed but unskilled; and those in skills programmes; Category 3 – Skilled and employed and those in self-employment.
4 YOUTH COHORTS INCREASING NEEDS OF YOUTH Unemployed and unskilled (out of education system) Category 1 Unemployed & skilled (incl. unemployed graduates) Category2 Self-employed /entrepreneurs Youth in educational facilities Employ ed Youth with special needs (e.g. disabled, youth in conflict, teenage mothers; youth with HIV/AIDS), cut across the different levels
PROGRAMME INTERVENTIONS DESIGNED FOR THE FOLLOWING KEY COHORTS Youth in rural areas Out of school youth Young persons with disabilities Unemployed youth 5
6 NYDA KEY PERFORMANCE AREAS AND STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES KEY PERFORMANCE AREADEFINITION 1.National Youth Service And Social Cohesion Promote youth social dialogue and create opportunities for young people to serve their communities Objectives: To promote opportunities for young people to serve their communities To create a platform for young people to participate in and benefit from democratic processes To develop capacity building materials for youth development practitioners To create and support social networks to benefit young people 2.Economic Participation To enhance the participation of young people in the economy through targeted and integrated programmes. Objectives: To provide business support to young people To provide financing support to young entrepreneurs To provide employment opportunities to young people To design and implement specific interventions for women, persons with disability and youth in rural areas
7 CONTINUED 3.Policy, Research And Development Developing a body of knowledge and best practice in the youth development sector to inform and influence policy development, planning and implementation. Objectives: To develop IYDS and guidelines for the implementation of youth development programmes To identify annual national youth development priorities To promote, lobby and advocate for a uniform approach by all sectors on matters relating to youth development. To conduct research and evaluations to inform policy and programme Interventions To provide inputs on policies and legislation by government and other relevant structures
8 CONTINUED 4.Training And Development To promote, facilitate and provide training and development opportunities to young people to enhance their socio-economic wellbeing Objectives: To facilitate education opportunities in order to improve access to quality education. To Facilitate And Implement Technical, Entrepreneurship And Life skills Training Programmes To provide and facilitate capacity building of youth development practitioners To facilitate youth development work as a recognized profession
9 CONTINUED 5.Youth Advisory And Information Services To ensure access for youth to information about various interventions aimed at improving the living conditions of young people, including information and career guidance services to young people. Objectives: To provide career guidance services To provide access to information regarding products and services of the NYDA and referrals to other agencies 6.National Youth Fund Establish a mechanism to enable the NYDA to raise funds for purposes of advancing and implementing programmes aimed at improving the livelihoods of the youth. Objectives: To plan and set up the National Youth Fund To mobilise and leverage financial assistance to small, micro, medium enterprises and cooperatives owned by youth
10 CONTINUED 7.Governance Ensures that NYDA operations comply with applicable legislation and regulations governing a schedule 3A institution. Objectives To ensure compliance with all applicable statutes and policies To implement systems and processes to increase the recoverability of defaulting loans
11 SUMMARY OF NYDA’s KEY PRIORITIES 2012-2014 National Youth Service 155,000 young people will be involved in the NYS project to provide them with an opportunity to serve their communities whilst gaining skills and training through projects facilitated by the NYSU. Further 111, 640 young people will be engaged on the NYDA funded NYS projects. Economic participation 26,600 youth will be supported with Business Consultancy Vouchers, business opportunities support services, and mentorship. 14,050 companies will be registered through the programme of assisting youth having their companies registered with CIPRO. 281 entrepreneurs will be assisted to access funds through the voucher program. R331 million businessopportunities will be sourced for BOSS deals, voucher support, and mentorship R243,280 million will be set aside to be accessed by youth owned small and medium enterprises. 89,089 of jobs will be created through various NYDA programmes ranging from Business Consultancy Vouchers, business opportunities support services, and mentorship programmes
12 CONTINUED National Youth Service and Social Cohesion –155,000 enrolled in NYS programme Education, training and skills development –The organization will enrol over 8,000 youth to rewrite grade 12 exams through its matric re-write programme. –293,900 youth will be provided with various skills covering critical areas such as business management skills, life skills and job preparedness skills. Youth Advisory and Information Service –Over 1,6million youth will be provided with group career guidance. National Youth Fund –The organization will work in partnership with other stakeholder to raise over R480 million which will go into the National Youth Fund.
STRATEGIC THEMATIC AREAS FOR PROGRAMME INTERVENTIONS Infrastructure value chain Agriculture value chain Green Economy Mining value chain Tourism 13
14 NYDA KEY PERFORMANCE AREAS, INDICATORS AND TARGETS SET FOR 2011/12 -2013/14 KEY DELIVERABLES FOR KEY PERFORMANCE AREA 1 KEY PERFORMANCE AREA 1NATIONAL YOUTH SERVICE AND SOCIAL COHESION GoalPromote youth social dialogue and create opportunities for young people to serve their communities Target Objective 1Key performance indicatorYear 1Year 2Year 3 To promote opportunities for young people to serve their communities Number of youth serving their communities through NYDA funded projects 10,000 youth48,400 youth53,240 youth Number of youth serving their communities through National Youth Service Unit (NYSU) registered projects 40,000 youth55,000 youth60,000 youth Target Objective 2Key performance indicatorYear 1Year 2Year 3 To create a platform for young people to participate in and benefit from democratic processes Local Municipalities assisted to establish youth councils 08 local municipalities 30 local municipalities Local Municipalities mobilised to participate in elections 15 local municipalities 30 local municipalities Number of hosted dialogue sessions with young people 4 sessions
15 Objective 2Key performance indicatorYear 1Year 2Year 3 To create a platform for young people to participate in and benefit from democratic processes Number of young women mobilised towards celebration of Women’s Month 500 young women 500 young women 500 young women Number of young women mobilised towards the 16 Days of Activism (against violence and abuse on women and children) 500 young women 500 young women 500 young women Number of youth participating in Youth Month Celebrations 10,000 youth10,000 youth 10,000 youth Target Objective 3Key performance indicatorYear 1Year 2Year 3 To develop capacity building materials for youth development practitioners Number of programme support materials developed 3 programme support materials 3 programme support materials 3 programme support materials Curriculum developed and implemented for youth development training Copy of curriculum Update copy of curriculum Update copy of curriculum Target Objective 4Key performance indicatorYear 1Year 2Year 3 To create and support social networks to benefit young people Number of volunteer mentors participating in mentorship 300 volunteer mentors 400 volunteer mentors 500 volunteer mentors Number of opportunity providers participating in the buy youth campaign 400 opportunity providers 500 opportunity providers 600 opportunity providers
16 KEY DELIVERABLES FOR KEY PERFORMANCE AREA 2 KEY PERFORMANCE AREA 2 ECONOMIC PARTICIPATION GoalTo enhance the participation of young people in the economy through targeted and integrated programmes. Target Objective 1Key performance indicatorYear 1Year 2Year 3 To provide business support to young people Number of beneficiaries supported with Business Consultancy Vouchers, business opportunities support services, and mentorship 3500 beneficiaries 11,000 beneficiaries 12,100 beneficiaries Youth owned companies registered with CIPRO through business support voucher issuance 2500 new companies 5,500 new companies 6,050 new companies Number of youth entrepreneurs assisted to access funding and business opportunities through voucher programme, business support programme, and mentorship 50 entrepreneurs 110 entrepreneurs 121 entrepreneurs Value of funding and opportunities accessed by voucher recipients, Business Opportunities Support Programme, and mentorship R50mR110mR121m Value of businesses opportunities sourced for BOSS deals, voucher support, and mentorship R100mR110mR121m Target Objective 2Key performance indicatorYear 1Year 2Year 3 To provide financing support to young entrepreneurs Number of social enterprises financed by NYDA6 enterprises financed 10 enterprises financed 15 enterprises financed Number of beneficiaries supported through social enterprise financing 300 youth500 youth750 youth
17 Target Objective 2Key performance indicatorYear 1Year 2Year 3 To provide financing support to young entrepreneurs Value of finance provided to social enterprisesR10mR8mR12m Number of loans provided to micro enterprises9,000 loans38,375 loans55,625 loans Value of loans issued to youth owned micro enterprises R16,6mR76mR118m Number of loans provided to SME’s40 loans193 loans212 loans Value of loans issued to youth owned small and medium enterprises R40mR96,800mR106,480m Target Objective 3Key performance indicatorYear 1Year 2Year 3 To provide employment opportunities to young people Number of jobs created through Business Consultancy Vouchers, business opportunities support services, and mentorship programmes 2,000 jobs11,000 jobs12,100 jobs Number of jobs created through social enterprises financing 430 jobs3,600 jobs5,040 jobs Number of jobs created through SMME’s financing280 jobs2,420 jobs2,662 jobs Number of jobs created through Micro finance lending9,000 jobs13,337 jobs17,380 jobs Number of jobs facilitated through placements in job opportunities 1,200 jobs placements 3,600 jobs placements 5,040 jobs placements Target Objective 4Key performance indicatorYear 1Year 2Year 3 To design and implement specific interventions for women, persons with disability and youth in rural areas Number of economic participation projects targeted at young women, youth with disabilities, and rural youth 16 interventions20 interventions 30 interventions Value of economic participation projects provided to young women, youth with disabilities, and rural youth R3.6mR2mR3m
18 KEY DELIVERABLES FOR KEY PERFORMANCE AREA 3 KEY PERFORMANCE AREA 3 POLICY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Goal Developing a body of knowledge and best practice in the youth development sector to inform and influence policy development, planning and implementation. Target Objective 1Key performance indicatorYear 1Year 2Year 3 To develop IYDS and guidelines for the implementation of youth development programmes IYDS adopted by NYDA Board and CabinetIYDS adopted by board & cabinet Evaluation protocol for IYDS Developed.Evaluation protocol of the IYDS 1 evaluation report Target Objective 2Key performance indicatorYear 1Year 2Year 3 To identify annual national youth development priorities List of national youth development priorities submitted to The Office of the Presidency List of YD priorities 1 submission Target Objective 3Key Performance IndicatorYear 1Year 2Year 3 To promote, lobby and advocate for a uniform approach by all sectors on matters relating to youth development. Number of partnerships established with government, civil society and the private sector 15 partnerships 25 partnerships Government Departments lobbied to establish Youth directorates 5 Departments lobbied 6 Departments lobbied
19 Target Objective 4Key Performance IndicatorYear 1Year 2Year 3 To conduct research and evaluations to inform policy and programme interventions Submission of status of youth report to The Office of the Presidency. Final Draft of Status of youth report Status of youth report submi tted Report recommendations implemented Number of research projects reports produced6 research reports 15 Research reports 15 Research reports Number Programmes and projects evaluation reports produced 10 Evaluation reports 20 Evaluation Reports 25 Evaluation reports Number of publications produced on youth development 24 KM publications 15 KM publications 15 KM publications Target Objective 5Key Performance IndicatorYear 1Year 2Year 3 To provide inputs on policies and legislation by government and other relevant structures Number of written youth development related policies & legislations submitted to relevant Departments 6 submissions7 submissions 7 submissions Number of Portfolio committee meetings attended10 Portfolio Committee Meetings 10 Portfolio Committee Meetings 10 Portfolio Committee Meetings
20 KEY DELIVERABLES FOR KEY PERFORMANCE AREA 4 KEY PERFORMANCE AREA 4 TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Goal To promote, facilitate and provide training and development opportunities to young people to enhance their socio-economic wellbeing Target Objective 1Key Performance IndicatorYear 1Year 2Year 3 To facilitate education opportunities in order to improve access to quality education. Number of young people enrolled to re-write Grade 12 Exams 2,000 youth6,000 youth Number of young people provided with entrepreneurship and business management skills 5,000 young people 35,000 young people 50,000 young people Target Objective 2Key Performance IndicatorYear 1Year 2Year 3 To Facilitate And Implement Technical, Entrepreneurship And Life skills Training Programmes Number of youth provided with technical skills training500 youth1,650 youth2,750 youth Number of youth provided with job preparedness training 10,000 youth27,000 youth37,800 youth Number of youth provided with lifeskills training2,000 youth27,000 youth37,800 youth Number of young people enrolled in Youth Build South Africa projects 200 youth400 youth600 youth Number of young people attend entrepreneurship awareness programmes 10,000 youth Number of youth attending Buy Youth Campaign training 300 youth400 youth500 youth
21 Target Objective 3Key Performance IndicatorYear 1Year 2Year 3 To provide and facilitate capacity building of youth development practitioners Number of facilitators trained in lifeskills13 facilitators60 facilitators84 facilitators Number of facilitators trained in job preparedness13 facilitators60 facilitators84 facilitators Number of youth practitioners trained in career guidance 13 practitioners 60 practiti oners 84 Practitioners Centre for Youth Development Practice (CYDP) launched CYDP launchedCYDP launched CYDP Fully operational Target Objective 4Key Performance IndicatorYear 1Year 2Year 3 To facilitate youth development work as a recognized profession Number of Unit standards developed and approved towards Youth Work Qualification 2 unit standards 2 unit standards Full unit standards Number of youth practitioners who obtained credits for Youth York Qualification 10 youth practitioners 15 youth practitioners 20 youth practitio ners
22 KEY DELIVERABLES FOR KEY PERFORMANCE AREA 5 KEY PERFORMANCE AREA 5YOUTH ADVISORY AND INFORMATION SERVICES Goal To ensure access for youth to information about various interventions aimed at improving the living conditions of young people, including information and career guidance services to young people. Target Objective 1Key Performance IndicatorYear 1Year 2Year 3 To provide career guidance servicesNumber of youth provided with individual career guidance information 2,600 youth82,800 youth115,920 youth Number of estimated young people provided with group career guidance information 397,000 estimated youth 540,000 estimated youth 756,000 estimated youth Target Objective 2Key Performance IndicatorYear 1Year 2Year 3 To provide access to information regarding products and services of the NYDA and referrals to other agencies Number of young people receiving information and/or referrals from NYDA access points. 500,0001,000,0001,100,000 Number of interactions with young people through the NYDA Call Centre. 140,000155,000170,000 Number of NYDA beneficiary stories published20 publication
23 KEY DELIVERABLES FOR KEY PERFORMANCE AREA 6 KEY PERFORMANCE AREA 6 NATIONAL YOUTH FUND Goal Establish a mechanism to enable the NYDA to raise funds for purposes of advancing and implementing programmes aimed at improving the livelihoods of the youth. Target Objective 1Key Performance IndicatorYear 1Year 2Year 3 To plan and set up the National Youth Fund Framework for financial assistance approved by NYDA Board Approved Framework Polices and procedures to manage the Fund approvedPolices and procedures Target Objective 2Key Performance IndicatorYear 1Year 2Year 3 To mobilise and leverage financial assistance to small, micro, medium enterprises and cooperatives owned by youth Value of funds raised from the private sector for the National Youth Fund R30mR60mR70m Value of funds raised through partnerships for the National Youth Fund R60mR120mR140m Target Objective 3Key Performance IndicatorYear 1Year 2Year 3 To provide financial support to projects initiated by youth Value of funds invested on youth initiated projectsR20mR30mR40m
24 KEY DELIVERABLES FOR KEY PERFORMANCE AREA 7 KEY PERFORMANCE AREA 7 GOVERNANCE Goal Ensures that NYDA operations comply with applicable legislation and regulations governing a schedule 3A institution. Target Objective 1Key Performance IndicatorYear 1Year 2Year 3 To ensure compliance with all applicable statutes and policies Adequate corporate governance controlsApproved strategic risk register and Adequate controls opinion based on internal audit Target Objective 2Key Performance IndicatorYear 1Year 2Year 3 To implement systems and processes to increase the recoverability of defaulting loans Decrease in the number of loans defaulting in all of our loans books 20% decrease30% decrease40% decrease
27 BUDGET Operational costs increase gradually within the 2013 and 2014 year end together with the employee costs.6.1% in 2013 and 5.5% in the 2014 year end. This increase is based on inflation based on the actual costs estimates for the 2011 year ends. Capital Expenditure decreases by 21 21.6% in the 2013 year end and again by 26.17% in the 2014 year end due to the initial capital Investment in Capex automatically results in lower marginal increases in subsequent years. Loans and Investments increase with a steady 10% due to an expectation of a similar increase in the collection to fund the loans and investments of the organization. Core Programmes as a separate line item increases by 8.74% in the 2013 year end and then and larger increase in the 2014 year end due to an increased forecast in core programmes as a result of an increase in allocation…… In summary all the core programmes increase on a more steeper basis than all other line items if the total allocation is increased.
28 THANK YOU!!!!
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