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What is the total price of a $22.30 item if the sales tax rate is 6%?

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Presentation on theme: "What is the total price of a $22.30 item if the sales tax rate is 6%?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is the total price of a $22.30 item if the sales tax rate is 6%?

2 $22.30 * 6% (.06) = $1.338  $1.38 $22.30 + $1.38 = $23.68

3 Bell Ringer / Attendance – 5 min House-keeping – 5 min Pass out GRADES. These need to be signed by a parent/guardian and returned tomorrow (Monday at the latest) for a grade. Juniors and Seniors  1 st half of class you will be on the computers completing the ethics assignment QUIETLY. 2 nd half of class you will be completing the vocabulary for Chapter 2.4 (page 47) Sophomores  1 st half of class you will be listening to a lecture regarding ethics and taking notes. 2 nd half of class you will be on the computers completing the ethics assignment QUIETLY.

4 Ethics Principles

5 Define ethics. Discuss the impacts of unethical behavior. Identify one person in sports and entertainment that demonstrated unethical behavior and how their career / fan base was impacted from their decisions.

6 A system of deciding what is right or wrong in a reasoned and impartial part of sound business decisions. Business should be conducted with integrity, trust, and fairness, which are all core standards of ethics.

7 Ethical behavior is based on solid PRINCIPLES. Principles  the high standards of rules and guidelines in both business and personal life. What are some of your principles?

8 Tell the truth Not get in to trouble Be nice to people Get your work done Treating elders with respect Treat others like you would like to be treated Don’t steal

9 Character development can be divided into stages in which people advance from childish behavior to mature and responsible behavior based on principles.

10 A child learns that exhibiting bad behavior will result in punishment, while good behavior will result in rewards. As a child matures, the influence of others’ expectations of him or her grows. Eventually, the child may reach a stage of maturity in which he or she acts on the basis of a set of principles.

11 Ethical people do not act just because they can. They consider the results and affects on others before making a decision.

12 Professional Athletes, Coaches, Politicians, Artists, Celebrities, Business People, and even Teachers sometimes make the media for BAD ETHICAL DECISIONS. How does this negative exposure affect you?

13 Having a profit motive for a business is sometimes mistakenly confused with acting unethically out of greed. Making a profit is a legitimate goal of a business. Without profits a business will cease to exist. A need to make a profit is not an excuse for unfair or deceitful business practices.

14 When athletes take illegal drugs, they are behaving unethically and getting an unfair advantage over their competition. Barry Bonds

15 In efforts to control the bad behavior of professional athletes, leagues, and teams assess fines to players. NBA: $13.9 million Amare Stoudamire was fined $50,000 for using a discriminatory slur. NFL: $3.3 million Joe Mays (Broncos) suspended for 1 game and fined $50,000 for a violent hit on QB Matt Schaub (Texans) MLB: $170,725 Chris Perez (Indians) was fined $750 for an un-sportsman like tweet. Nascar: $384,494 Kurt Busch was fined $50,000 for driving recklessly on pit road

16 Only fans can really influence the behavior of ethically challenged athletes and celebrities. Fans can effectively take a stand against bad behavior by not buying tickets or the products promoted by unethical celebrities. As long as the fans put up with poor behavior from celebrities, the celebrities who lack self- control will consider themselves above the standards of ethics.

17 Good decisions are both ethical and effective. Good decisions are the right choices for the long term. When sports teams establish core values and demand that players act within ethical guidelines, the players will ‘step up to the plate’ ESPY: Sportsman Moment

18 Describe an example of a celebrity or athlete that has demonstrated unethical behavior and an example of a celebrity or athlete that has demonstrated ethical behavior in the sports and entertainment industry. Explain what impact this behavior had on the person involved and to the sports and entertainment industry. 2 PARAGRAPH MINIMUM PER ATHLETE / CELEBRITY.

19 Chad ‘Ochocinco’ Johnson was arrested on for a charge of domestic assault against his wife, Evelyn Lozado. Chad plead no contest to the charge and will serve one year probation for the charges, along with paying for Evelyn’s medical cost and will undergo therapy. Chad was also released from the Miami Dolphins after the charge. Due to Chad’s poor decisions, he is now jobless (in the NFL) and in the process of a divorce from Evelyn. The Dolphins depended on Chad to be a leader to the Dolphins and serve as a role model and veteran wide receiver. Chad has now left the Dolphins club and fans without a vibrant personality and all-start receiver. Chad has over 3.6 Twitter followers and 2.1 million Facebook fans in the social media realm, leaving fans from everywhere disappointed.

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