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Published byKristina Atkins Modified over 9 years ago
Green Engineering PC General Meeting (w/Post Meeting Updates) July 29, 2014 Marty Bradley Program Committee Chair
GEPC Charter The purpose of the Green Engineering Program Committee (GEPC) is to promote a holistic, systems approach to improved energy efficiency, sustainability, renewable energy and ‘cradle-to- cradle’ design. GEPC serves as the AIAA focal point for all “green” aerospace-related programs and technologies, and works synergistically with the appropriate technical committees to assure that the AIAA membership is adequately informed about all aspects of this critical aerospace activity.
What is Green Engineering? Biofuels Renewable Energy Energy Conversion Efficiency Airframe Efficiency AIAA Conferences & Literature Recycling Operations Climate Monitoring
Agenda Key messages from Jeff Hamstra’s P&E Meeting Highlights of Aviation 2014 Current Action Items P&E14 Meetings and Sessions How to get involved/more involved with the GEPC Subcommittee Status and Plans 4
Agenda Key messages from Jeff Hamstra’s P&E Meeting Highlights of Aviation 2014 Current Action Items P&E14 Meetings and Sessions How to get involved/more involved with the GEPC Subcommittee Status and Plans 5
P&E Group Organization 6 October 28, 2013 Deputy for Operations Wayne Hurwitz Deputy for Technical Products David McGrath Aerospace Power Systems Dick Shaw Aerospace Power Systems Dick Shaw Terrestrial Energy Systems Mark Bryden Terrestrial Energy Systems Mark Bryden Propellants & Combustion M.S. Anand Propellants & Combustion M.S. Anand Nuclear & Future Flight Propulsion Chris Taylor Nuclear & Future Flight Propulsion Chris Taylor Energetic Components & Systems Hobin Lee Energetic Components & Systems Hobin Lee Director Propulsion and Energy Jeff Hamstra Director Propulsion and Energy Jeff Hamstra Hybrid Rockets Brian Evans Hybrid Rockets Brian Evans Liquid Propulsion Scott Forde Liquid Propulsion Scott Forde Solid Rockets Mark Langhenry Solid Rockets Mark Langhenry Electric Propulsion Eric Pencil Electric Propulsion Eric Pencil Gas Turbine Engines John Sordyl (A) Gas Turbine Engines John Sordyl (A) High Speed Air Breathing Propulsion Ryan Starkey High Speed Air Breathing Propulsion Ryan Starkey Air Breathing Propulsion Systems Integration Michelle McMillan Air Breathing Propulsion Systems Integration Michelle McMillan Deputy for Rocket, Space & Advanced Propulsion Joaquin Castro Deputy for Air Breathing Propulsion Jimmy Kenyon Deputy for Energy Mike Piszczor Pressure Gain Combustion Program Committee Venkat Tangirala Pressure Gain Combustion Program Committee Venkat Tangirala Green Engineering Program Committee Marty Bradley Green Engineering Program Committee Marty Bradley
AIAA Propulsion and Energy Group Meeting at P&E The purpose of this meeting is for our leadership team to discuss key issues and opportunities. Every P&E Committee should be represented by the Chair, Vice-Chair and/or delegate, so please forward this invite as necessary. Agenda : Welcome Guest Speakers P&E Group Update 2014 P&E Forum Update 2015 P&E Forum Update P&E Deputy Director Reports Emerging Technologies Committee Overview AIAA Executive Director Comments TC Chair Roundtable - Bring a Topic 7 Report key items from this meeting
P&E Meeting - Notes “Engage, Don’t Wait!” P&E Group Initiatives Standing up a new Major Award Nominations Committee – Contact Wayne Hurwitz [action GEPC Awards] New Annual Report format – Joaquin Castro Membership Push – Jimmy Kenyon [action GEPC Membership Danielle Soban] Push Energy (what is AIAA’s role) - Mike Piszczor [action GEPC Green Energy John Blanton] Electric/hybrid Electric Aircraft Propulsion – sort our TC/PC/WG lead – talk to Dan Jenson from the Emerging Technologies Committee P&E Forum 2015 – Call for papers due in mid-August for Sept publication. Abstracts due Jan. [action GEPC Conference Ruben Del Rosario] 8
Agenda Key messages from Jeff Hamstra’s P&E Meeting Highlights of Aviation 2014 Current Action Items P&E14 Meetings and Sessions How to get involved/more involved with the GEPC Subcommittee Status and Plans 9
Aviation 2014 Sessions Link to GEPC Sharepoint - Conference Subcommittee Link to GEPC Sharepoint - Conference Subcommittee 10 You can also view the document in the GEPC Sharepoint – Conference Subcommittee..”Sessions of GEPC Interest at AV14.xlsx
Rich Wahls – Notes from Aviation 2014 FYI - decided over the course of the week... AVIATION 2015 General Chair is... Me, and the Integration Tier Chair is.... Robb Gregg (from Boeing). At Aviation2014, the first meeting of the technical program planning committee for Aviation 2015 was held (I could not attend - and I did not have my 2015 role by then). I'm told most TC/PC did NOT have someone identified as lead for AV15 yet - so did/most did not. BUT THE FIRST DRAFT FOR CALL FOR PAPERS IS JULY 23 PER CATHY C at AIAA who is the AIAA project manager for Aviation 2015. Even if GEPC does not call for papers or create invited sessions, I think the GEPC should think about and submit an idea to Robb/me for an integration tier session - we will put it in the mix and see what happens... by the way, I believe that soon (maybe even at P&E), the integration tier name will change to something like "Forum 360" to emphasize the "conversational aspect" and because "integration" means different things to different people. 11
Highlights from Aviation 2014 (1) David Eames Favorite session: –Transformational Flight - Distributed Electric Propulsion »Outstanding sessions highlighting the next potential breakthrough in electric propulsion systems Favorite presentation: –Aural Effects of Distributed Propulsion – presented by Steve Rizzi »Eye opening (or ear opening!) presentation that opens up a rich design space for tailoring the acoustic signature of distributed electric propulsion systems. Brien Seeley –Also very helpful was the finale on Friday where the NASA panel moderated by Bob Pearce included all of the program chairs describing their respective goals. –The Transformational Flight Program Committee meeting discussed the need to start looking at how future transformative vehicles would be integrated into the future NAS. »FAA regulations were seen as a looming impediment and there was a general pessimism for any quick solutions to that. 12
Highlights from Aviation 2014 (2) Rich Wahls Favorite session: –NASA Aeronautics Vision for the 21st Century: Why a New Strategy? »This was the Friday morning Integration Tier session and introduced the realign NASA Aeronautics Programs, which includes all the "green aviation" work and more. Favorite presentation: –AIAA 2014-3275 "Aerodynamic Shape Optimization of an Adaptive Morphing Trailing Edge Wing" by Lyu and Martins from U of Michigan »The work in this paper is excellent, truly blending aero-structural design for reduced energy consumption of transport aircraft. The tool/framework they are developing is excellent. Recording Available: – –It has recordings of the live stream plenary and integration tier sessions, including the Friday morning NASA programs one that several people have mention. There were also integration panel sessions the focus on UAS and NAS issues, including how such transformative vehicles maybe be integrated into the NASA … now just UAVs, but other small vehicle too. 13
Agenda Key messages from Jeff Hamstra’s P&E Meeting Highlights of Aviation 2014 Current Action Items P&E14 Meetings and Sessions How to get involved/more involved with the GEPC Subcommittee Status and Plans 14
Actions: 1.Add Noel Bakhtian to Policy, Liaison, Green Energy – Dani Soban 2.Schedule Leadership Team Meeting – Marty 3.Generate call for papers for Aviation 15– Andy Gibson (July 23) 4.Generate draft call for papers for P&E 15 –Valerie Lyons (July 25) 5.Generate Charts for Aviation 14 summary (each include some highlights) – Rich Wahls, Brien Seeley, David Eames 6.Finalize succession plan – Marty & Leadership Team 7.Send out email to fill gaps in member spreadsheet – Dani Soban 8.Get outline topics for Year in Review Article – Keiichi Okai, Gary Dale (Aug) 9.Send out email to enable/energize liaison activities – Tayo Ladeinde 10.Find new lead for Green Aviation – Marty & Leadership Team 15 Green = complete
Actions: 11.Develop process for Green Engineering Best Presentation Award – Essam and Conference Subcommittee 12.Publish 1 st Newsletter – Tayo Ladeinde (Marty to send intro paragraph) 13.Figure out status of Engine Design Competition & GEPC Role – Ian Halliwell, Jeff Hamstra 14.Figure out approach & TC/PC for Electric / Hybrid Electric propulsion – Jeff Hamstra (need GEPC POC for P&E15) (Meeting at SciTech15 to discuss) 15.Arrange note taker / action item recorder for GEPC P&E Meetings – Leadership Team – Valerie Lyons 16.Set Agenda and draft chart set for GEPC P&E Meetings – Marty 17.Establish back-ups for Marty at GEPC P&E Meeting – Leadership Team (cancelled) a)Pick up plaques for Valerie & Jason from Betty - Sivaram b)Attend Jeff Hamstra’s P&E Meeting on Sunday – Rich Wahls c)Facilitate GEPC Leadership Team Meeting on Monday – xxx d)Facilitate GEPC General Meeting on Tuesday - xxx 18.Send out actions to all “named” people – Marty 19.Find new lead for Awards – Marty & Leadership Team = Essam Khalil 16
Actions: 21.Standing up a new Major Award Nominations Committee – Contact Wayne Hurwitz [action GEPC Awards – Essam Khalil] 22.Membership Push – talk to Jimmy Kenyon [action GEPC Membership Danielle Soban] 23.Push Energy (what is AIAA’s role) – talk to Mike Piszczor [action GEPC Green Energy John Blanton] 24.Electric/hybrid Electric Aircraft Propulsion – sort our TC/PC/WG lead – talk to Dan Jenson from the Emerging Technologies Committee [GEPC Leadership] [Redundant with #14] 25.GEPC Awards – Figure out possible award nominations for Green Engineering related people or projects (RCEE, ERA, SUGAR, MIT Double Bubble D8, ???) – Essam Khalil 26.Identify SciTech16, Aviation 16, and P&E 16 GEPC Technical Chairs – Ruben Del Rosario 27.Find new lead for Education – Marty & Leadership Team 17
Actions: 28.Start AIAA GEPC Facebook Page or Group – Marty 29.Prepare and present information on the Energy Optimized Aircraft and Equipment Systems Program Committee – Ruben Del Rosario 30.yyy 18
Agenda Key messages from Jeff Hamstra’s P&E Meeting Highlights of Aviation 2014 Current Action Items P&E14 Meetings and Sessions How to get involved/more involved with the GEPC Subcommittee Status and Plans 19
20 See the GEPC Sharepoint, AIAA website, or your onsite conference program for more detailed information 1900-2200 Terrestrial Energy Systems TC Salon F
A Future with Hybrid Electric Propulsion Systems - Opportunities and Challenges " This panel session will review recent progress and future prospects for Hybrid Electric Propulsion Systems for Aircraft Applications. Topics to be addressed will include discussion on nearer term opportunities for ground and small scale flight demonstrations leading to longer term applicability of the technology for Larger Commercial Transports". 1) Nateri Madavan – Overview of NASA Roadmap to Hybrid Electric Propulsion Systems for Large Commercial Transports 2) Marty Bradley – From More Electric Architecture Aircraft to Hybrid Electric Propulsion Transports 3) John Nairus – More electric architectures for military platform, Does it lends itself to hybrid electric propulsion? Synergies and opportunities 4) Kevin Daffey – Rolls-Royce perspectives on Hybrid Electric. How do we capitalize in other industries advances? 5) Neil Garrigan – GE perspective. How do we get from now to HEP configurations in 20 years. What research and advances are needed? Questions: 1) Is it possible to have Hybrid Electric Propulsion Systems? By when? 2) What are the longest pole at this time? 3) Which of these long poles are in the Aero Industry vs. advances coming from other industries? 4) As we head to the future vision, what spinoff do we capitalize on? More Electric Architectures? Military Applications? Benefits to other industries? 5) Roles of government vs. large cmmercial industry vs. new emerging industries 21 P&E Panel: Monday 9:30 AM – noon
Implementation, Utilization, and Coordination of Advanced Energy Concepts within the Government and Department of Defense 22 Given the reliance of the modern warfighter on advanced technology, the need for lightweight, highly efficient power sources is greater than ever for the military. Advanced battery technology, photovoltaics, advanced fuels, etc. have taken on ever increasing roles within the Department of Defense. This reliance on efficient, low-cost power systems has increased the need for coordination and collaboration on advanced technology between the DoD and other Government agencies. Topics discussed will include research in advanced power generation technology, system requirements, planned implementation, and coordination activities for these advanced technologies. P&E Session Tuesday 3-6 PM
Advanced Terrestrial Energy Technologies: Generation, Storage, Distribution 23 P&E Session Tuesday, 29 July 2014, 0930 hrs Recent years have seen enormous shifts in energy usage, generation and outlooks. Renewables have increased in penetration dramatically, led by photovoltaics. Low-cost natural gas is reaching the market, offsetting pollutants from traditional generation. The greater penetration of renewables leads to several technological challenges, including the wide-scale generation, distribution, and storage of energy and efficient usage on the next grid. Timothy J. Peshek, Research Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, Case Western Reserve University (Moderator) Ina T. Martin, Director of Operations, Materials for Optoelectronic Research and Education (MORE) Center, Case Western Reserve University Emily Pentzer, Professor of Chemistry, Case Western Reserve University Robert Savinell, George Dively Professor of Chemical Engineering, Case Western Reserve University James Soeder, Senior Technologist for Power, NASA Glenn Research Center
70 Years of Aero Propulsion Research at NASA Glenn Research Center 24 P&E Session Tuesday, 29 July 2014, 1500 hrs A historical perspective on aero propulsion research conducted at the NASA Glenn Research Center over the past seventy years with emphasis on research related to engine noise, combustion, CFD, controls, materials & structures, and sensors & instrumentation. Dhanireddy Reddy, Deputy Chief, Propulsion Division, NASA Glenn Research Center (Moderator) Clarence Chang, NASA Glenn Research Center Sanjay Garg, NASA Glenn Research Center Dennis Huff, NASA Glenn Research Center Larry Matus, NASA Glenn Research Center Ajay Misra, NASA Glenn Research Center Louis Povienelli, NASA Glenn Research Center
70 Years of Power and Space Propulsion at NASA Glenn Research Center 25 P&E Session Wednesday, 30 July 2014, 1500 hrs A historical perspective on power and space propulsion research conducted at the NASA Glenn Research Center over the past seventy years with emphasis on research related to electrical, chemical and nuclear propulsion, cryogenic propellants, direct energy conversion, and electrochemical and energy storage. George Schmidt, Chief, Propulsion Division, NASA Glenn Research Center (Moderator) Stanley Borowski, NASA Glenn Research Center Dianne Linne, NASA Glenn Research Center Valerie Lyons, NASA Glenn Research Center Lee Mason, NASA Glenn Research Center Michael Meyer, NASA Glenn Research Center Michael Patterson, NASA Glenn Research Center Concha Reid, NASA Glenn Research Center
Agenda Key messages from Jeff Hamstra’s P&E Meeting Highlights of Aviation 2014 Current Action Items P&E14 Meetings and Sessions How to get involved/more involved with the GEPC Subcommittee Status and Plans 26
Subcommittee Positions to Fill! Everyone should know what subcommittee they are in and what position they have. If not, you need to volunteer for something … 1.Year in Review article –Keiichi Okai, Gary Dale, xxx 2.Website/Sharepoint – xxx 3.Meeting Notes – xxx 4.Membership Recruiting – xxx 5.Education Outreach (high school, college, local sections) – xxx 6.Public Policy Assistant to Leader – xxx 7.Standards Leader – xxx 8.Liaison Assistant to leader – xxx 9.Green Aviation Leader – xxx 10.Education Leader – xxx 11.Conference GEPC Technical Leads - xxx Or just pick a Subcommittee and they will find a role for you! 27
How to get involved/more involved with the GEPC? Send an item for newsletter to Tayo Ladeinde (anytime) Suggest a topic/provide a paragraph and picture for the Year in Review article (now - early Aug) Get on the GEPC Sharepoint ( ) and look around Become a Liaison to another organization you are in or want to be in. Identify ideas for joint or coordinated activities with GEPC. Volunteer to lead a Subcommittee (Green Aviation, Standards, Education) If you don’t have a subcommittee assignment, pick one and get in contact with the subcommittee leader. Report your choice to Marty and Danielle Soban (Membership) 28
Agenda Key messages from Jeff Hamstra’s P&E Meeting Highlights of Aviation 2014 Current Action Items P&E14 Meetings and Sessions How to get involved/more involved with the GEPC Subcommittee Status and Plans 29
Subcommittee Status Reports Leadership Membership Communications Conference Standards Education Awards Liaison Policy Green Aviation Green Energy 30
Green Engineering Program Committee Publication / Communications Tayo Ladeinde Awards xxx Education Essam Khalil Membership Danielle Soban Service Subcommittee Representatives Technical Subcommittee Representatives Chair Marty Bradley Vice Chair (Future Chair) xxx Past Chair Jason Slagle Conferences Ruben Del Rosario Liaison Tayo Ladeinde Green Aviation xxx Green Energy John Blanton Standards xxx Public Policy Jason Slagle July 27, 2014
Green Engineering Program Committee Publication / Communications Tayo Ladeinde Awards Essam Khalil Education xxx Membership Danielle Soban Service Subcommittee Representatives Technical Subcommittee Representatives Chair Marty Bradley Vice Chair (Future Chair) Ruben Del Rosario Past Chair Jason Slagle Conferences Franz-Josef Kahlen Liaison Tayo Ladeinde Green Aviation xxx Green Energy John Blanton Standards xxx Public Policy Jason Slagle July 30, 2014
GEPC Leadership Team Members (Chairs, subcommittee leads, also past & incoming leads) Responsibilities Set goals, prioritize efforts, plan meetings 2014 Accomplishments Annual Report – Complete and submitted Leadership Telecons in March & June General Telecon in April, July Marty has “unofficial” GEPC business cards 2014 Plans Develop succession plan (send email to Marty if you are interested in becoming the next PC chair (should be picked by end of July) Report-out summary for Aviation 2014 Conference Additional Leadership Telecons Additional General Telecon Enable and energize subcommittees 33
GEPC Leadership Team Contact Info Chair - Marty Bradley Vice Chair – Ruben Del Rosario Membership – Danielle Soban Communications – Tayo Ladeinde Conference – Franz-Josef Kahlen Standards - Open Awards – Essam Khalil Education – Open Liaison – Tayo Ladeinde Policy – Jason Slagle Green Aviation – Open Green Energy – John Blanton 34
Subcommittee Status Reports Leadership Membership Communications Conference Standards Education Awards Liaison Policy Green Aviation Green Energy 35
GEPC Membership Subcommittee Members (Danielle Soban, Larry Leavitt) Responsibilities Membership roster & information (Danielle Soban) Recruiting (Open) Member upgrades (Larry Leavitt) 2014 Plans Update Excel database –New members, missing info, meeting attendance (physical and virtual) –Send out email to members requesting specific information to fill gaps in member data Recruiting Member upgrades - facilitate “Matchmaking” to match candidates, nominators, and references 36
Attendance – GEPC Leadership Team Meeting 7/28/2014 1.Marty Bradley 2.Essam Khalil 3.Ruben Del Rosario 4.Rich Wahls 37
Attendance – GEPC General Meeting 7/29/2014 1.Ian Halliwell (virtual) 2.Andy Gibson (virtual) 3.Marty Bradley 4.Valerie 5. Ruben Del 6. Larry 7. Cheryl 8. Jerry 9. David 10. Michael 11. Kevin 12. Michael 13. Jeff 14. Naoki 15. Shunichi 16. Keiichi 17. Michael 18. Nateri 19. Essam 20. Chris 21. Rich 22. Mike 23. Romar 38
GEPC Membership Upgrades Email sent to all GEPC members on 3/31/2014 discussing upgrade process for: Member to Senior Member Senior Member to Associate Fellow For the 2015 cycle, GEPC Membership Subcommittee has an action to facilitate “Matchmaking” to match candidates, nominators, and references. Notify Larry Leavitt and Dani Soban if you would like help getting nominated for Fellow or Associate Fellow in 2015 39
40 Green Engineering PC– Member Positions (1) PC Chairs Chair – Marty Bradley Vice Chair (Future Chair) – Ruben Del Rosario Past Chairs – Jason Slagle Membership – Danielle Soban Recruiting – xxx International recruiting – Danielle Soban Upgrades – Larry Leavitt Publication/Communications – Tayo Ladeinde Year in Review Article – Keiichi Okai, Gary Dale, xxx Website – Nathan Hicks, xxx Other (newsletter?) - Tayo Ladeinde Robert Dougherty Education – Essam Khalil Short Course – George Miley, Michael Houts (Nuclear), Webinar - Marty Bradley (SUGAR) Outreach (college, high school) – Marty Bradley, Rich Wahls AIAA Design Competition – Marty Bradley, Danielle Soban ABP Design Competition – Ian Halliwell, Ruben Del Rosario Franz-Josef Kahlen, Keith Blodgett, Kuni Kitagawa Update
41 Green Engineering PC– Member Positions (2) Conferences –Ruben Del Rosario - xxx See Conference Subcommittee charts Note: All PC Members should also volunteer when sessions chairs and abstract reviewers are needed Standards – xxx xxx Public Policy – Jason Slagle, xxx Dan Jensen, Jeff Hamstra, Noel Bakhtian Awards – Essam Khalil, Sivaram Gogineni, Ryo Amano Best Paper Award – xxx Coordination with other awards (Propulsion, etc) - xxx
Subcommittee Status Reports Leadership Membership Communications Conference Standards Education Awards Liaison Policy Green Aviation Green Energy 42
GEPC Communications Subcommittee Members Tayo Ladeinde, Nathan Hicks, Gary Dale, Keiichi Okai) Responsibilities Meeting notes & distribution Website - Sharepoint : Aerospace America Year in Review article - Keiichi Okai, Gary Dale, xxx 2014 Plans Assign note taker for meetings Update, improve, maintain website Write YiR article, with help from Green Aviation & Green Energy Publish quarterly GEPC newsletter to enhance communications 43
Year in Review Article From: Gregory Wilson [] Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2014 12:17 PM We are now soliciting manuscripts for the December issue, "2014 Year in Review." All Technical Committee and Program Committee chairs are asked to designate a writer to prepare a year-end review for submission due Friday, September 5. Due to budget constraints, it has been determined that the length of ALL reports will be limited to 600 Please review the following guidelines then submit your article via e-mail to our Editor-in- Chief, Ben Iannotta at Goal: Year-end articles should describe the most important developments and events in the author's technical or programmatic domain in the 2014 calendar year. The year-end edition should be fun for readers to thumb through to recall the important developments of the previous months. Target Audience: Engineers and other well-informed readers who want to learn about key technologies or developments in a particular domain. Photos: Provide at least two images to illustrate your article 44
Sample Newsletter 45
Subcommittee Status Reports Leadership Membership Communications Conference Standards Education Awards Liaison Policy Green Aviation Green Energy 46
Conference Subcommittee Ruben Del Rosario* / xxx Andy Gibson Chris Hughes (new at SciTech14) Franz-Josef Kahlen Nicole Mendoza D.R. Reddy Rich Wahls Danielle Soban Larry Leavitt George Miley Valerie Lyons David Eames Gary Dale ….looking for new members *Subcommittee Chair 47
GEPC Conferences & Tech Chair Assignments JPC13 San Jose, CA GEPC Tech Chair = Dyna Benchergui July 15-17San Jose Convention Center SciTech14 National Harbor, MD GEPC Tech Chair = Franz-Josef Kahlen January 13-17Gaylord National AV14 Atlanta, GAGEPC Tech Chair = Rich Wahls June 16-20 P&E14 Cleveland, OHGEPC Tech Chair = Ruben Del Rosario July 28-30Cleveland Medical Mart & Convention Center SciTech15 Orlando, FL – Gaylord Palms GEPC Tech Chair = Franz-Josef Kahlen 5-9 January 2015 AV15 Dallas, TX - Hilton AnatoleGEPC Tech Chair = Andy Gibson 22-26 June 2015 P&E15 Orlando, FL – Hilton OrlandoGEPC Tech Chair = Valerie Lyons 27-29 July 2015 SciTech16 San Diego, CA – Manchester Grand Hyatt GEPC Tech Chair = Chris Hughes 48
GEPC Conferences & Tech Chair Assignments Aviation 16 GEPC Tech Chair = Open P&E16 GEPC Tech Chair = Open SciTech17 Grapevine, TX – Gaylord Texan SciTech18 Orlando, FL – Gaylord Palms 49
Point of discussion How do we engage others as committee members? How do we bring other PC members to help organize sessions and panels? – also encourage young people Where should our technical concentration be? How do we differentiate ourselves from TC sessions? GEPC picking up papers related to electric propulsion from ABPSI TC? How do we interact with other GEPC Subcommittees? Conference Subcommittee to coordinate with Honors and Awards Subcommittee to administer GE Best Paper Award at SciTech15+ 50
Call for Papers Template – first for GEPC 51 3 Abstracts received, reviewed, and accepted (+ 1 orphan accepted) + 3 Invited Sessions & 1 co-sponsored Session (Structural Dynamics) 3 Abstracts received, reviewed, and accepted (+ 1 orphan accepted) + 3 Invited Sessions & 1 co-sponsored Session (Structural Dynamics)
P&E 2015 Abstracts – GEPC Draft Call for Papers* due Jul 25 Greetings P&E Forum 2015 Technical Area Organizers, Cathy Chenevey (AIAA) has provided the topic-area template (attached) for the P&E Forum 2015 call-for-extended- abstracts. AIAA is continuing to converge upon this common format/template for the Forums. As I mentioned in my May 19 email, I’d like to have draft call for the topic areas available in time for our Jul 29 Technical Program Committee meeting at the P&E Forum 2014. So please aim to complete the draft call and send to me by Jul 25. We will have some time to finalize the calls in Aug. Again, it is good to work the call for abstracts with your respective TC and PC membership with a perspective of, What should be emphasized today? As noted on the spreadsheet, you are free to include a more lengthy/descriptive narrative to support your topic area. If desired, please do so as a Word document. The narrative will be available (electronically) as a.pdf, linked to your section of the call. I appreciate your patience in waiting for this template, and will appreciate your timely response. Please contact me with any questions. Please note that I have copied the TC/PC Chairs, and Jason Smith (GE Aviation) and Michael Choi (NASA GSFC), who have graciously agreed to serve as P&E Forum 2015 Deputy Technical Program Chairs for the Aviation and for Energy, respectively. I hope to see you at our P&E Forum 2015 Technical Program Committee meeting, Tues, Jul 29, 1530-1700 hrs., at the P&E Forum 2014. I will be in touch with additional information as we approach our Jul 29 meeting. Best regards, Jerry Dr. Gerard E. Welch 52 * “Call for Papers” is used to request authors to submit abstracts, not the deadline to submit an abstract Status Valerie?
Subcommittee Status Reports Leadership Membership Communications Conference Standards Education Awards Liaison Policy Green Aviation Green Energy 53
GEPC Standards Subcommittee Members (none) Responsibilities Working with other AIAA committees, develop AIAA standards 2013 Activities none 2014 Plans Get a leader xxx 54 Topics? 1.Aviation CO2 Life Cycle Assessment for Alternative Fuels 2.Performance analysis / metrics for electric/hybrid electric aircraft Topics? 1.Aviation CO2 Life Cycle Assessment for Alternative Fuels 2.Performance analysis / metrics for electric/hybrid electric aircraft
New AIAA Standard From: Amy Barrett Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2014 1:36 PM New Standard Available: AIAA Qualification and Quality Requirements for Space Solar Cells (S-111A-2014) This standard is a revision of a document developed by the AIAA Solar Cells and Solar Panels Committee on Standards. It focuses on space solar panel qualification; much effort and care has been taken to clarify requirements and resolve other issues that were present in the original version. It establishes the quality requirements and provides the methods for establishing the qualification of electrical components integrated onto spacecraft solar panels. The result is a new standard that defines the best practices for space solar panel qualification. Standards are free to AIAA members; download a copy today!download a copy 55
Subcommittee Status Reports Leadership Membership Communications Conference Standards Education Awards Liaison Policy Green Aviation Green Energy 56
GEPC Education Subcommittee Members (Essam Khalil, George Miley, Michael Houts, Franz-Josef Kahlen, Marty Bradley, Danielle Soban, Keith Blodgett, Sivaram Gogineni) Responsibilities Short courses, webinars, outreach, design competitions, workshops 2014 Plans Organize Nuclear short course (George Miley, Michael Houts) Support 2013-2014 GTE TC (Gas Turbine Engine) design competition for a Supersonic Business Jet engine (Ian Halliwell & Ruben Del Rosario) done GTE TC (Gas Turbine Engine) interested in a jointly sponsored Hybrid Electric Engine Design Competition (Ian Halliwell)– we agreed to support if they include some environmental parameters in the RFP and deliverables Plan International Training courses on green energy (Essam) 57 Leader TBD
Subcommittee Status Reports Leadership Membership Communications Conference Standards Education Awards Liaison Policy Green Aviation Green Energy 58
GEPC Awards Subcommittee Members (Essam Khalil, Sivaram Gogineni, Ryo Amano) Responsibilities Best Paper Award Coordination with other awards 2014 Plans Honors and Awards Subcommittee to coordinate with Conference Subcommittee to administer GE Best Paper Award at SciTech15+ Nominate a GE candidate for an existing AIAA award –Contact other TC and PC award committees to talk about green engineering related emphasis and nominees –Send request to membership (and newsletter) to help with ideas for finding green engineering related nominees for other AIAA awards. –Find place to nominate RCEE, ERA, SUGAR, or MIT Double Bubble D8 for an award(?) Plaques being presented to past-chairs Jason and Valerie – to be handed to them at P&E 14. 59 Leader Essam Khalil
Subcommittee Status Reports Leadership Membership Communications Conference Standards Education Awards Liaison Policy Green Aviation Green Energy 60
GEPC Liaison Subcommittee Members (Tayo Ladeinde, all GEPC members) Responsibilities Coordinate activities with other organizations 2014 Plans Additional work to “get the word out” to other organizations –Contact all members based on the Liaison List to engage, filter Develop specific goals for 2014 –Engage members and collect ideas for collaboration with other organizations 61
62 Air Breathing Propulsion TC’s – Marty Bradley (HSABP), Ian Halliwell (GTE), Jerry Welch (GTE), Keith Blodgett (ABPSI), Steve Johnson (ABPSI), Chris Hughes (ABPSI), Dyna Benchergui (ABPSI)– Jimmy Kenyon wants to talk about joint effort on Propulsion Student Competition FAA CLEEN – Ruben Del Rosario NASA ERA – Gaudy Bezos-O'Conner NASA SFW – Rich Wahls Aeroacoustics TC – Robert Dougherty Atmospheric and Space Environments TC – xxx Aircraft Design TC – Marty Bradley, Danielle Soban, Dyna Benchergui Society & Aerospace Technology TC – xxx Propellants & Combustion TC – xxx Terrestrial Energy Systems TC – David Lilley, Mark Bryden, Dyna Benchergui Energy Optimized Aircraft and Equipment Systems PC – Ruben Del Rosario Applied Aero TC – Rich Wahls EPT CoS – Electric Propulsion Testing Standards - Nathan Hicks ETC – Emerging Technologies Committee – Dan Jensen (talk about energy harvesting – flying windmills, thermoelectric) Navy - Dyna Benchergui DoE - Dyna Benchergui, Noel Bakhtian Adaptive Structures TC - Dyna Benchergui Propulsion for Future Flight TC – George Miley Asian Liaison – Kuni Kitagawa IEEE – Valerie Lyons IGTI – Ian Halliwell, D.R. Reddy ARPA-E - Nicole Mendoza Texas A&M – Nicole Mendoza V/STOL TC – Andrew Gibson Transformational Flight PC - Brian Seeley, Andrew Gibson ASME Wind Energy TC - xxx (talk to Doug Cairns More Rocket and Space TC’s – xxx Pressure Gain Combustion WG (PC) – Jerry Welch (talk to Dan Paxson) LENR – xxx Talk to Don Anderson of Emerging Technologies Committee CAAFI – xxx Having conference on Jan 28-29 th Washington DC If you are also a member of another TC or organization, you should sign up to a liaison slot in addition to your regular subcommittee GEPC Liaison List
Liaison - Commercial Aviation Alternative Fuels Initiative 63 Posted on GEPC Sharepoint in Liaison Folder
Liaison Positions to Fill! 1.Atmospheric and Space Environments TC – xxx 2.Society & Aerospace Technology TC – xxx 3.Propellants & Combustion TC – xxx 4.ASME Wind Energy TC - xxx (talk to Doug Cairns 5.More Rocket and Space TC’s – xxx 6. CAAFI – xxx 64
Subcommittee Status Reports Leadership Membership Communications Conference Standards Education Awards Liaison Policy Green Aviation Green Energy 65
GEPC Policy Subcommittee Members (Jason Slagle, Dan Jenson, Jeff Hamstra, Noel Bakhtian) Responsibilities Working with other AIAA committees, develop AIAA policy related to Green Engineering 2014 -2015 Plans Support CVD – Congressional Visits Day Report to PC on current AIAA policy issues Engage with AIAA Policy folks to develop a Green Aviation or Green Energy related topic for next year – pulse the membership 66 assroots_Programs/Compiled%202014%20Key%20Issues %20Final%20%20013114.pdf
Subcommittee Status Reports Leadership Membership Communications Conference Standards Education Awards Liaison Policy Green Aviation Green Energy 67
GEPC Green Aviation Subcommittee Members (Leader TBD, Ruben DelRosario, Brien Seeley, Ryo Amano) Responsibilities Provide technical oversight GEPC Conference Tracks –Leverage GEPC technical committees liaison efforts for relevant research topics –Leverage GEPC subcommittees efforts to grow/promote Green Aviation research topics Grow/engage Industry, Academia and Government (DoD, FAA) leaders to share Green Aviation technology development program progress and future needs Support abstract reviews for GEPC conference tracks Provide items and contacts for Year in Review Article 2014 Plans Develop goals for 2014 –Add GEPC Green Aviation Panel (Industry, Academia and Government) »Propulsion and Energy Forum 2014 »Aviation Science and Technology Forum 2015 –Evaluate/plan for one additional AIAA Conference to add GEPC tracks 68
Subcommittee Status Reports Leadership Membership Communications Conference Standards Education Awards Liaison Policy Green Aviation Green Energy 69
GEPC Green Energy Subcommittee Members (John Blanton-Chair and 15 others, ~6 active, Noel Bakhtian) Responsibilities Provide technical oversight, support abstract reviews and sessions, support year in review article 2014 Activities Telecon meeting 31 March (2 attendees) Survey email 25 June (6 respondents) Member Demographics (7) 70 Member interest areas: –Renewables (wind, solar) –Nuclear energy including LENR –Education and outreach –DOD applications Conferences attended –Propulsion and Energy –SciTech –Aviation –Space
Back Up 72
GEPC Leadership Team Contact Info Chair - Marty Bradley Membership – Danielle Soban Communications – Tayo Ladeinde Conference – Ruben Del Rosario Standards - Open Awards – Essam Khalil Education – Open Liaison – Tayo Ladeinde Policy – Jason Slagle Green Aviation – Open Green Energy – John Blanton 73
GEPC General Team Meeting July 14, 2014 4 PM EDT Agenda 1.What happened at Aviation 2014 2.Subcommittee Status and Plans 3.Preparation for P&E14 4.How to get involved/more involved with the GEPC 1.WebEx meeting Join meeting as Attendee: Meeting password: GEPC2014mar 2. If you are unable to join with the above link, then use the following information: WebEx site: Meeting number: 890 623 483 3. Audio conference 888-210-4729 code 8195448 303-632-3082 74
Attendance – GEPC General Meeting 7/14/2014 1.Marty Bradley 2.Brien Seeley 3.Ruben Del Rosario 4.Chris Hughes 5.John Blanton 6.Noel Bakhtian 7.Franz-Josef Kahlen 8.Andy Gibson 9.George Miley 10.Jerry Welch 11.Larry Leavitt 12.Ryo Amano 13.Jeff Hamstra 14.Valerie Lyons 15.Rich Wahls 16.Jean Koster 17.Essam Khalil Provided chart update but unable to link to meeting (give credit for attendance anyway) 75
Attendance – GEPC Leadership Team Meeting 7/16/2014 1.Marty Bradley 2.Franz-Josef Kahlen 3.Sivaram Gogineni 76
Recent Conference Performance Issues / Help Needed Hosted panel and technical sessions at ASM 2013 JPC 2013 SciTech 2014 Develop succession plan Fill key holes in subcommittee positions Funding for a one-time purchase of committee shirts and/or business cards Accomplishments We have a strong list of diverse members Planned & Held over 8 panel and technical sessions in 2013 Established 25 liaison positions with other committees and organizations Submitted 2013 annual report Outreach to local section –Presentation on alternate energy and fuels for aviation, Outreach to Region Student Conference - Presentation on: “Green Aircraft Concepts and Enabling Technology Research at NASA 1 st GEPC Leadership Team and GEPC Conference Subcommittee break-out meetings held at SciTech 2014 Continue successful conference work: Create a “Green” track, better integrate with conferences, and support conference planning & coordination. Engage Forum Integration Tier. 1 st Call for Papers for SciTech15 Do an Aerospace America Year in Review Article 5-6 committee meetings expected for 2014 (SciTech, P&E, Alt. Conf., + 2-3 telecons) Team with ABP TC’s to help with Propulsion Design Competition Leverage Liaisons to generate more joint projects Initiatives & Plans Financial Status and Other Activities Current balance: $0. GEPC Overview & Accomplishments Update
Established Air Breathing Propulsion TC’s FAA CLEEN NASA ERA NASA SFW Aerooacoustics TC Aircraft Design TC Applied Aero TC Energy Optimized Aircraft PC EPT CoS – Electric Propulsion Testing Standards ETC – Emerging Technologies Committee FAA CLEEN Terrestrial Energy Systems TC IGTI IEEE Navy DoE ARPA-E Adaptive Structures TC Propulsion for Future Flight TC Asian Liaison V/STOL TC Transformational Flight PC PC Chair Marty Bradley Email: Vice Chair (Future Chair) TBD Membership Chair Marty Bradley (acting) Need to make progress to update the organization, identify new subcommittee leaders, and place all members in active positions PC Members 49 Total – 34 Regular – 4 YPs – 11 International Category – Industry (43%) – Academia (41%) – Government (16%) International members –4 Japan –1 United Kingdom –1 Egypt –1 South Africa –1 Thailand –1 Canada –1 Israel Technical Area – Green Aviation (57%) – Green Energy (43%) PC Liaisons Membership Summary Update
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