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English 9 Perry HS. Click on the following link to view:

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1 English 9 Perry HS

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3  Write your name, period and date.  Write the topic/objective: Auschwitz Documentary  Write the essential question: What was it like to be a prisoner at Auchwitz?  Write questions/topics on the left column  Record details on the right column

4  Answer the following questions:  What was it like to be a prisoner at Auschwitz?  What did prisoners need to do to try to survive?  What was the most shocking thing you learned about prisoner life in the camp?  How was Kitty Hart-Moxon’s Auschwitz story similar to Elie Wiesel’s story? How is it different?

5  Fill out agenda  Clubs: Bring everyone’s Memory Keepers to the front table. I will finish grading this weekend; you will get them back Monday. Don’t forget rubric!!  Extra credit opportunity : So much of what we’ve learned about rhetoric can be found in our everyday world. For 10 points extra credit, find an ad from a magazine, newspaper, or printed from the web that employs a rhetorical strategy/strategies (from your chart) that clearly builds ethos/pathos/logos.  Print it out or cut it out (not optional)  Neatly glue onto a colored sheet of paper/construction paper (not optional and must be done BEFORE you enter class)  If your sample is used, you will receive an additional 5 points extra credit THANKS !!!!

6  Fold a blank sheet of paper into 4ths  Write your name and period top left  Label each square table 1, table 2, table 3, etc. all the way to table 8  For each square write the genocide that each table was assigned top center  In the box, write as many IMPORTANT facts about as you can  You will be given a grade based on how many significant facts you write A=9-10 facts each genocide/square (NOT SLIDE!) B=8 C=7 D=6 F=5 or less **You will be given 10 minutes to practice your presentations

7  Table 1: Rwanda  Table 2: Sudan/Darfur  Table 3: Uganda  Table 4: Democratic Republic of Congo  Table 5: Cambodia  Table 6: Bosnia  Table 7: Armenia  Table 8: Guatemalan Civil War

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