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Curriculum for Excellence and CLD Keeping it real and making it better.

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Presentation on theme: "Curriculum for Excellence and CLD Keeping it real and making it better."— Presentation transcript:

1 Curriculum for Excellence and CLD Keeping it real and making it better

2 What changes are we responding to?  The changing world - technology, globalism, economy, uncertainty  The changing context - policy, frameworks, expectations and priorities  Changing relationships  Inhabiting ambiguity

3 Eric Hoffer  In times of change, the learners shall inherit the earth while the learned will remain beautifully equipped for a world that no longer exists

4 David Cameron  And the learners who can identify opportunity and manage risk, who can innovate and create, will shape that inheritance and define the future

5  Adding value is not enough for some of our young people, we need to challenge their destinies. We are not editing life stories, we are creating new narratives

6 Improvement will not be enough Effective Ineffective TraditionalForward Looking

7 Consonance Organisations which recognise consonance are more able to see opportunities for focusing their development work on the achievement of students and the teaching and learning process through externally generated change

8 What does CfE offer you?  Learning for capacity  Learner at the centre  Supporting journeys  Providing a framework  Consistency and progression  A basis for ambition

9 Issues with the Experiences and Outcomes  Dealing with all/most of them  Not able to phase  Dense and difficult for some of us to absorb  Progression not always clear  Anomalies  But the “backbone” of CfE  Work already done on them

10 Make use of the outcomes  First, be clear about purpose  – are they a reference point for planning?  - are they a basis for discussion to establish consistency with partners?  - are they likely to be criteria for assessment?  - are they a framework for progression?

11  Identify the content  Focus on the headlines  Think in terms of differentiation  Match tasks and assessments to that

12  Establish standards  Use that to build progression and continuity  Recognise the familiar  Record appropriately  Use the learner’s log

13 What are the pathways? 1Knowledge and information Involves recognising or recalling information. When encountering a new piece of information, recalling existing knowledge and seeing how they fit together is often a vital step towards understanding. 2Understanding Understanding goes well beyond recall. It involves absorbing ideas and information in a way that makes them meaningful, memorable and usable.

14 3 Application In many ways this is an extension of understanding where learners put what they understand into practice 4 Analysis Analysis builds on understanding. Sound procedures are used to examine knowledge critically. The outcome is new ideas

15 5 Synthesis The ability to put information and ideas together and reconcile contradictions 6 Evaluation Evaluation goes beyond analysis by subjecting whole processes and systems to objective examination. This often entails applying values and beliefs as well as cognitive skills.

16 7Systems thinking Breadth of vision is combined with deep knowledge and understanding in order to appreciate the workings of complex real world systems and anticipate the impact on the whole of alterations in the parts. 8 Creation Creation is the stage beyond evaluation. The outcomes of evaluation are used to create new processes and systems.

17 Key Messages  Don’t compromise your fundamental nature  Remember you were there first(arguably)  But see the opportunity  Play a part  Be disciplined  Be coherent  STAY FOCUSSED ON THE LEARNER AND THE COMMUNITY

18 The Lacuna Their white dresses swirled like froth, with skirts so wide they could take the hems in their fingertips and raise them up to make sudden wings, like butterflies, fluttering as they turned….. “Indian girls,” she spat……”A corn eater will never be more than she is”

19 The dancers were butterflies. From a hundred paces Salome could see the dirt under their fingernails, but not their wings

20 There’s a discussion coming  Do you accept the analysis?  What is working well in your area?  Share any examples of practice which you are proud of?  What are the barriers, if any, to achieving all you want to achieve?  What are you going to do now?  What further support is needed?

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