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The King James Version of the Bible is a very accurate translation, but its English is antiquated and archaic. This creates some awkward readings. This.

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2 The King James Version of the Bible is a very accurate translation, but its English is antiquated and archaic. This creates some awkward readings. This creates some awkward readings. (Exodus 28:8, 11; Genesis 43:30; Song of Solomon 5:4)

3 The KJV use of the word “bowels” -- an important word to understand From the same root that we get the word spleen. Thayer defines the Greek word as “bowels, intestines, (the heart, lungs, liver, etc.)” He explains: “The bowels were regarded as the seat of the more violent passions, such as anger and love; but by the Hebrews as the seat of the tenderer affections, especially kindness, benevolence, compassion; hence our heart (tender mercies, affections, etc.)” It is used literally in Acts 1:18 It is used figuratively and interchangeably with heart in 2 Corinthians 6:11-12 It symbolically refers to emotions and affections that churn deep within us.

4 Filled with Mercy The word translated “bowels” is often associated with mercy in the NT. The word translated “bowels” is often associated with mercy in the NT. (Philippians 2:1; Colossians 3:12) Mercy provides for others’ physical needs. Mercy provides for others’ physical needs. (1 John 3:17; Psalm 37:21, 23-26; Proverbs 11:17; Luke 10:37) Mercy provides for others’ spiritual needs. Mercy provides for others’ spiritual needs. (Matthew 9:11-13; James 3:17) Mercy should not be confused with tolerance!

5 We are Instruments of Mercy for God Showing mercy on the poor honors God. Showing mercy on the poor honors God. (Proverbs 14:31) Showing mercy marks us as God’s children. Showing mercy marks us as God’s children. (Luke 6:35-38) Showing mercy changes lives! Showing mercy changes lives!

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