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“Done with Bullying”. Session 4 - Buddying What can you do instead of bullying?

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Presentation on theme: "“Done with Bullying”. Session 4 - Buddying What can you do instead of bullying?"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Done with Bullying”

2 Session 4 - Buddying

3 What can you do instead of bullying?

4 You can start "Buddying." Buddying is done by practicing acts of kindness. It is the exact opposite of bullying. You see, strength and kindness go together. Truly strong people are kind and they practice buddying all the time.

5 Why should you practice Buddying?

6 1.It is the right thing to do. 2.It’s fun! 3.It makes you feel good. You only have to try surprising someone with an act of kindness once to see how good it feels. Why should you practice Buddying?

7 Can anyone remember how you felt after you did something nice for someone? Pretty good, right?

8 Can anyone remember how you felt after someone did something nice for you? Also pretty good, right?

9 What are some ways that you can practice buddying? Buddying is going out of your way to make someone else feel good about themselves.

10 Those are some good ideas. Here are some more: You can... let someone else go first You can... compliment someone for a job well done You can... ask someone who is sitting alone to join you at lunch You can... surprise someone with a small gift just because You can... hold the door open for a classmate

11 You can... help your teacher keep the class clean You can... help someone with their homework You can... ask how someone's day was and then really listen You can... write a note to a classmate telling them what you like about them You can... let someone else pick the game you are going to play There are so many things you can do!

12 Once you get in the habit of buddying, you will start to see the true power it brings. It is completely different than the false, temporary sense of power that bullying might bring.

13 Buddying is contagious. It starts with you. So the next time you are tempted to bully someone, catch yourself and think... how can I buddy them instead? You will be glad you did... and so will they.

14 Closing

15 I am so proud of how well you all did today. If we all work together we can put a stop to bullying once and for all.

16 True warriors are NOT bullies, they are Upstanders. Real heroes are NOT bullies, they are Upstanders. Martial arts masters and NOT bullies, they are Upstanders. Great leaders are NOT bullies, they are Upstanders.

17 Don’t EVER mistake kindness for weakness. You have to be strong to choose to be kind.

18 Let’s say the Anti-Bullying Pledge one more time I believe everyone has the right to feel safe I will commit to standing strong against bullying I will treat others with respect and kindness I have the compassion to not be a bully And the courage to not be a bystander It is my responsibility to help others being bullied and to report bullying when I see it or when it happens to me There is always something I can do. I will not stand by. I will stand up.

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