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Published byMarlene Chase Modified over 9 years ago
LS1 – EN-HE Transport and Handling related issues 12 th June 2012 I. Rühl / EN-HE
Agenda EN-HE objectives for LS1 EN-HE objectives for LS1 Transport and handling activities Transport and handling activities Assistance works Assistance works EN-HE equipment readiness EN-HE equipment readiness Cryo-Magnet replacement infrastructure Cryo-Magnet replacement infrastructure Lifts Lifts Cranes Cranes Remote handling equipment Remote handling equipment Divers Divers Conclusion Conclusion LS1 day- 12/06/2012 I. Rühl / EN-HE 2
EN-HE objectives for LS1 Provide all requested transport and handling activities Provide all requested transport and handling activities Provide assistance work Provide assistance work Get all the necessary transport and handling equipment ready for reliable operation Get all the necessary transport and handling equipment ready for reliable operation Maintenance and consolidation projects Maintenance and consolidation projects LS1 day- 12/06/2012 3 I. Rühl / EN-HE
EN-HE-Heavy Handling Prepares, organizes and executes all transport and handling operations for accelerators and experiments and CERN users in general Section of 10 staff and a base contract of 50FTEs that will increase to about 90 to 100 FTEs during LS1 (~1100 man-months in 2013) Actual budget is approved only for standard operations, on-going projects and experiences – During normal LHC run: central budget for standard operations (install a transformer or transport a cable drum every now and then) + project budget for experiments and approved projects requesting fix teams. – LS1 increase of base activities (60 transformers, 800 cable drums), the financing is not clear. Provide large flexibility but request to perform almost all operations overnight is unrealistic and unfair LS1 day- 12/06/2012I. Rühl / EN-HE5
Transport + Handling activities ZoneWorkTimeDateManpowerRemarksPlanβ n° ATLASDetector maint. / upgrade16 m11/2012 to 04/2014 64 man months Budget approuved PL M. Nessi ALICEDetector maint. / upgrade16 m11/2012 to 04/2014 64 man months Budget approuved PL W. Riegler CMSDetector maint. / upgrade16 m11/2012 to 04/2014 64 man months Budget approuved PL A. Ball LHCbDetector maint.16 m11/2012 to 04/2014 32 man months Budget approuved PL R. Lindner LINAC4Installation of accelerator12 m2013/201412 man months Budget approuved PL M. Vretenar HIE ISOLDEInstallation of beam line4m2013/201412 man months Budget approuved PL D Parchet SPSExchange (~30) aimants MB/MQ 2 m01/2013 to 04/2013 8 man months Budget requested PL J. BaucheSPS Upgrade jacks de 52910 a 63510 2 m11/2012 to 04/2014 4 man months Budget requested PL P. Bestmanm 11311 Irradiated cables removal (lss1,ba5,tcc2) 6 m05/2013 to 11/2013 18 man months Budget requested PL G. Gros Temporary removal of lss1 magnet line 2 m05/20138 man-months Budget requested PL G. Gros LS1 day- 12/06/2012I. Rühl / EN-HE 6
Transport + Handling activities ZoneWorkTimeDateManpowerRemarksPlanβ n° LHC Replacement of 19 cryo- magnets 2 m01-05/201310 man-months Budget requested PL JP Tock1460 R2E blindages RR13/17, RR53/57… 14 m12-2012 to 01/2014 112 man-months Budget approuved PL AL. Perrot10959…etc, Replacement of 1232 racks DYPB 8 m01-08/201332 man-months Budget requested PL K. Dalherup1486 Collimateurs/TDI0.5 m11/20132 man-months Budget requested PL R. Bebb/ F. Loprete 1149-1461- 1495..etc MKB/MKI/MKD installation 1 m1 m11/20123 man months Budget requested PL L. Ducimetiere 11024-11034- 11036…etc, Installation of 60 new transformers 6 m01/2013 to 06/2013 24 man months Budget requested PL G. Le Godec1514 Shielding removal and installation pmi2-rb24- rux45, rux65,… 1 m12/201220 man months Budget requested PL C. Bertone11180-11182- 11187 R2E relocation2 m01.2013 to 03.2014 20 man months Budget requested PL A-L. Perrot1084-1085- 1086 General services, cable drums (800!), UPS 8 m05/2013 to 11/2013 24 man months Budget requested PL JC. Guillaume LS1 day- 12/06/2012I. Rühl / EN-HE7
Comment - T+H activities Unlikely that every transport / handling maneuver can be attributed to ‘one’ client. During the LHC installation, a central budget was put in place for the ‘transport and handling’ activities required for the machine installation. Proposal – central budget for these kind of activities also for LS1 – envelope to be discussed once all work packaged are confirmed! LS1 day- 12/06/2012I. Rühl / EN-HE8
EN-HE-HH contact persons Transport + Handling activities 1 st contact person 2 nd contact person 3 rd contact person On call service via 72201 T+H activities Meyrin, PS, PSB, etc Y. Bernard 164043 S. Fumey 163041 S. Pelletier 163380 Contractor S130 working in shifts No on call service via contract S130 foreseen 1 staff (alternating) CERN T+H activities Prevessin,SPS, etc P. Vallet 163868 P. Brunero 163011 Y. Bernard 164043 T+H activities LHC S. Fumey 163041 S. Pelletier 163380 P. Brunero 163011 T+H activities ATLAS S. Pelletier 163380 S. Fumey 163041 Y. Seraphin 160119 T+H activities ALICE Y. Seraphin 160119 S. Fumey 163041 S. Pelletier 163380 T+H activities CMS E. Dugue 164686 S. Fumey 163041 P. Brunero 163011 T+H activities LHCb Y. Seraphin 160119 P. Vallet 163868 S. Fumey 163041 T+H activities Divers P. Brunero 163011 S. Pelletier 163380 C. Bertone 164356 LS1 day- 12/06/2012I. Rühl / EN-HE9
EN-HE-Assistance Work Organizes, plans and carries out infrastructure works for CERNs accelerators + experiments Installation and maintenance of manual and motorized industrial doors incl. shielded doors 3 CERN staff; up to 30 FTEs via FSU contract(s) LS1 day- 12/06/2012I. Rühl / EN-HE11
Assistance work - Projects ZoneLocationWorkTimeDateRemarksPlanβ n° PSPS complex + CTF3 Infrastructure work for new PS access system 19 m06/2012 to 12/2013 PL P. Ninin1515 ? LINAC4MeyrinInfrastructure works + inst. Of jacks 12 m2013PL M. Vretenar LHCPA5Relocation works – R2E16 m01/2013 to 04/2014 PL Anne-Laure Perrot LHCPA7 (left + right of TZ76) Sealing of collimator regions + ventilation by-pass (EN-CV) 2 m03-o4/2014PL S. Redaelli ? Parameters – input HSE ? ECR 557796 (P. Collier) 11306 LHCPA 2,4,6+8Installation of 16 fire resisting doors between UJs+Uas and sealing off UAs / RAs 2 w / PA 06-12/2012PL S. Weisz11296 LHCallManufact. + inst. of >300 QRL access platforms 12 m06/2012 to 06/2013 PL O. Pirotte ECR in preparation AllallMiscellaneous work requested by clients 16 m01/2013 to 04/2014 Requested and paid by clients LHCallOrphan works16 m01/2013 to 06/2014 PL F. Bordry Budget to be foreseen LS1 day- 12/06/2012I. Rühl / EN-HE12
EN-HE-AW contact persons Assistance work 1 st contact person 2 nd contact person 3 rd contact person On call service via 72201 Assistance works + doors maintenance A. Foreste 160468 J. Sakkinen 163816 P. Vincent 160386 Staff - on best effort basis LS1 day- 12/06/2012I. Rühl / EN-HE13
EN-HE-Handling Maintenance EN-HE-Lift Maintenance Covers all necessary technical, administrative and managerial actions during the life cycle of the industrial transport, handling and lifting equipment For maintenance purposes approximately 20 FTEs provided by four service contracts are permanently on site. An additional 20 FTEs intervene according to a fixed intervention schedule, for breakdown interventions or upon request. Network of local and international equipment specialists/experts. LS1 day- 12/06/2012I. Rühl / EN-HE15
Preparations for LHC cryo-magnet replacements ZoneLocationWorkTimeDateRemarksPlanβ n° LHCall sectors incl. TI2 Cleaning and repair of optical guidance line 8 wAccord. to operation needs Permanent task during replacement period 11312 LHCall sectors incl. TI2 Cleaning and repair of power feed rail 4 w12/2012Permanent task during replacement period 11303 LHCS 3-4Replacement of power feed rail and inst. of protection 2 w01/2013Due to water infiltration11299 LHCUJ22Maintenance of 6 MAFI convoys 5 m01/2013 to 05/2013 Permanent task during replacement period 11141 LHCall sectorsClearing up of transport zone 4 w12/2012Equipment groups? LHCall sectorsRemoval of shielding walls from transport zones 8 w12/2012 to 01/2013 EN-HE-HH on behalf of ? UJ13 : 10965 ->11093 UJ17 : 11094 -> 11134 RR13 : 10964, … LS1 day- 12/06/2012I. Rühl / EN-HE16
LIFT - Maintenance LiftBldgZoneWorkTimeDateRemarksPlanβ n° AS 7xxPM, PX LHCCompulsory lift maintenance 2h/liftmonthlyAdd. costs if outside normal working hours 6am to 8pm; 5/7d 11232 AS 7xxPM, PX LHCPeriodic safety Inspections 3h/liftannuallyDone in parallel with maintenance (2h+1h) HSE ? AS 7xxPM, PX LHCOverhaul of generator units 4d/liftduring LHC run Program scheduled to be finished before LS1 Current Work AS 7xxPM, PX LHCOverhaul of lift door mechanisms 2d/lifttbcPreferably done before LS1 (during TS) 11230 AS 7xxPM, PX LHCConformity works according to new regulations 3d/lifttbcPreferably done before LS 1 (during TS) 11223 AS 7xxPM, PX LHCIncreased maint. freq. due to increased runs 2h/liftEvery two weeks Add. Budget requested11232 AS xxxPS, SPS, etc Compulsory lift maintenance 2 hmonthlyAdd. costs if outside normal working hours PS : 11958 SPS : 11960 AS xxxPS, SPS, etc Periodic safety Inspection 3 hannuallyDone in parallel with maintenance (2h+1h) HSE ? LS1 day- 12/06/2012I. Rühl / EN-HE17
LIFT - Projects LiftBldgZoneWorkTimeDateRemarksPlanβ n° AS45361BoosterLift replacement8 w07-08/2013DO-27516/EN released11070 AS35269BoosterLift replacement8 w03-04/2013DO-27582/EN in prep.11075 AS504BA2SPSLift doors replacement 2w12/2012New doors at CERN11078 AS509BA6SPSLift doors replacement 2w01/2013New doors at CERN11079 AS507BA3SPSLift doors replacement 1w12/2012New doors already installed; finishing works 11082 AS513BA7SPSRepair of hydraulic jack 3w01/2013Via maintenance contract E111 11081 AS717PM54CMSLift machine replacement 4w+12/2012Project under study New107MeyrinNew lift(s)8 wtbc New192MeyrinNew lift8 wtbc New774 Prevessin New lift(s)8 wtbc AS96193AD Meyrin Lift replacement8 w2013, tbc LS1 day- 12/06/2012I. Rühl / EN-HE18
CRANE - Maintenance CraneZoneWorkTimeDateRemarksPlanβ n° 9 PR Brunnhuber 3 PR TAIM LHC, ATLAS, ALICE, CMS 10 years intensive maint. program on 12 cranes by manufacturers 2 d / PR 3 weeks 12/2012 to 01/2013 In view of reliability and availability during LS1 Budget requested 5 PR SD (LEP time) 3 PR SX 5 PRUX LHC, LHCb Intensive maint. + PSI on all critical cranes 4 w12/2012 to 01/2013 In view of reliability and availability during LS1 11374 4PR (360-surface) 1PR (361-cavern) BoosterIntensive maintenance and repair on all cranes 4 to 6 w02- 03/2013 In view of reliability and availability during LS2 PR 565 BB5 (75t) PR567 ECA5 (40t) PR570 ECA4 (40t) PR572 BA4 (40t) SPSAssessment of consolidation needs for LS2 2 w04/2013To define major revamping/replaceme nt works at the beginning of LS2 or in between LS1 and LS2 PR40 (sector 65) other PR PSAssessment of consolidation needs for LS2 1 w04/2012As above LS1 day- 12/06/2012I. Rühl / EN-HE19
CRANE - Projects CraneBldgZoneWorkTimeDateRemarksPlanβ n° PR709SX2LHC-ALICERevamping – new hoist2 w 1 w 06-07/2012 11/2012 Final modifications Cavern mode PR706 + PR702 SXL2 (ext.) LHC-ALICERepl. 2 cranes (63t gantry + 2t) 2 - 3 weeks07–08/2012Contr. B1330/EN New170 newISOLDE (Meyrin)new 5t crane (PR251)2 w08/2012Contr. B1304/EN 11547 PR142183ATLAS (Meyrin)Repl. 30t crane2 w09/2012Contr. B1330/EN 11274 PR39157 East area (Meyrin) Revamping 40t (45t) crane2 m09-10/2012Contr. B1331/EN 11280 PR67157 East area (Meyrin) Revamping 20t (25t) crane 2m10-11/2012Under study! 11283 PR131191 ATLAS (Meyrin) Renovation 170t crane2 m11-12/2012Contr. B1331/EN 11285 PR561ECN3 North area (Prevessin) Revamping 40t crane2 m11-12/2012 IT-3886 released on 04.06.2012 11287 PR84180 ATLAS (Meyrin) Revamping 60t crane1 month04/2013Contr. B1331/EN 11292 PR6, 7, 8, PR 20, 21 PSPS tunnel Repl. 5 cranes (2t - 7.5t) 3 w05/2013Contr. B1304/EN 11058, 11068, 11072, 11074, 11076 PR91180 ATLAS (Meyrin) Revamp. 40t crane1 m11/2013Contr. B1331/EN 11293 NewnewN-TOF; AD ext.; BA3bis New 7.5t, 10t, 10t cranes 1 w / crane 2014Contr. B1304/EN LS1 day- 12/06/2012I. Rühl / EN-HE20
EN-HE-Handling Technologies REMOTE HANDLING - Projects Eq.BldgZoneWorkTimeDateRemarksPlanβ n° Robot170ISOLDEReplacement of 2 robots 6 m07-12 /2013 Tests in bldg. 927 under way 11829 TIMPA1 + PA5 LHCTIM RP monitoring4 m01-04 /2014 Project under study11839 Remote controlled crane LHCCollimator exchange2 w01- 04/2014 Trials in the tunnel11840 Collimator separation LHCCollimator vacuum disconnection 4 w01- 04/2014 Trials in the tunnel11841 LS1 day- 12/06/2012 I. Rühl / EN-HE 21
EN-HE-LM(HM/HT) contact persons Transport + Handling equipment 1 st contact person 2 nd contact person 3 rd contact person On call service via 72201 Lifts projects + maintenance A. Calderone 160249 JP. Lappe 160012 N. Perez 169285 Contracts E080 + E111 24/24h; 365/365d Crane consolidation O. Boettcher 160011 R. Rinaldesi 01.09.2012 G. Roche 164084 - Crane maintenance D. Lafarge 168786 G. Roche 164084 JP. Granchelli 160251 Contract E097 16/24h; 5/7d Industrial truck maintenance JM. Chevalley 162980 H. Lourenco 166012 Contract E098 16/24h; 5/7d Remote handling B. Feral 164704 JL. Grenard 160946 C. Bal 164622 Staff - on best effort basis LS1 day- 12/06/2012I. Rühl / EN-HE22
DIVERS 1/2 Lift operators Lift availability most critical during LS1 due to the enormous number of people that have to get in and out of the tunnel Lift availability most critical during LS1 due to the enormous number of people that have to get in and out of the tunnel Main failure cause during LHC installation – damaged doors Main failure cause during LHC installation – damaged doors >25’000 people (approx. 200 runs*20 people/lift) entered the LHC tunnel during the last ‘open days’ at CERN – without a single breakdown – lift operators were in place >25’000 people (approx. 200 runs*20 people/lift) entered the LHC tunnel during the last ‘open days’ at CERN – without a single breakdown – lift operators were in place Proposal to put lift operators (via GS-IS) in place that follow the major work sites (i.e. splice consolidation) Proposal to put lift operators (via GS-IS) in place that follow the major work sites (i.e. splice consolidation) 2(4) operators / 1(2) shift / 17 months155,-(310,-)kCHF 2(4) operators / 1(2) shift / 17 months155,-(310,-)kCHF LS1 day- 12/06/2012 24 I. Rühl / EN-HE
DIVERS 2/2 Standard mobile equipment RTL tractors RTL tractors RTL PEFRA for LHC RTL PEFRA for LHC 55 tractors (+ 12 Fire brigade) 55 tractors (+ 12 Fire brigade) RTL Keys managed by EN/MEF RTL Keys managed by EN/MEF RTL for SPS RTL for SPS 42 tractors (including 12 new) 42 tractors (including 12 new) Standard keys on the tractor Standard keys on the tractor ‘Engagement de conduite’ ‘Engagement de conduite’ put in place by HSE/EN-HE put in place by HSE/EN-HE for the use of the tractors in for the use of the tractors in the tunnels LHC and SPS the tunnels LHC and SPS LS1 day- 12/06/2012 25 I. Rühl / EN-HE Draft
Conclusion 1/2 Transport and handling activities Transport and handling activities Main projects identified but only few financed (client budget or central budget?) Main projects identified but only few financed (client budget or central budget?) Cryo-magnet replacement and R2E works during night shifts but no more … Cryo-magnet replacement and R2E works during night shifts but no more … Considerable increase (factor 2) of contractors manpower; at limit of supervision capacity per CERN staff Considerable increase (factor 2) of contractors manpower; at limit of supervision capacity per CERN staff Need LS1 planning team to evenly distribute workload in order to avoid peak workloads; stable workforce between 90 and 100 FTEs Need LS1 planning team to evenly distribute workload in order to avoid peak workloads; stable workforce between 90 and 100 FTEs No transport and handling on call service via contract S130 – to be confirmed by LS1 PL No transport and handling on call service via contract S130 – to be confirmed by LS1 PL LS1 day- 12/06/2012 27 I. Rühl / EN-HE
Conclusion 2/2 Equipment readiness and assistance work Equipment readiness and assistance work Preparation (maintenance, consolidation) of ‘critical’ equipment well under way Preparation (maintenance, consolidation) of ‘critical’ equipment well under way Lifts remain critical for all tunnel access and exit operations Lifts remain critical for all tunnel access and exit operations Proposed increased maintenance frequency Proposed increased maintenance frequency Proposed lift operators for intensively used lifts Proposed lift operators for intensively used lifts Need of one week stop for each LHC lift for repair and consolidation works Need of one week stop for each LHC lift for repair and consolidation works Additional budget for increased maintenance activities and on call services requested Additional budget for increased maintenance activities and on call services requested Assistance works already now heavily requested; budget for orphan works to be foreseen by LS1 PL Assistance works already now heavily requested; budget for orphan works to be foreseen by LS1 PL LS1 day- 12/06/2012 28 I. Rühl / EN-HE
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