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Presentation Overview Research and Policy Links What we are telling Ministers about an ageing society Research role: adherence to the UK Code and the structures.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation Overview Research and Policy Links What we are telling Ministers about an ageing society Research role: adherence to the UK Code and the structures."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation Overview Research and Policy Links What we are telling Ministers about an ageing society Research role: adherence to the UK Code and the structures we work within Successes and limitations

2 Equality and Social Need Research Branch Informing the development of Strategies: Anti-poverty (LTO) Gender Children and Young People PSI Groups on disability and lone parents Equality Statistics – LFS and the 9 equality categories Annual research programme (ESNSG)

3 Older People Production of statistical compendium to inform ‘Ageing in an Inclusive Society’ – updated 2009 Barriers to essential services ESRC fellowship – older people in rural areas (qualitative project with some demographic trend information included) Compendium not agreed by Executive What have we presented to Ministers?


5 Maturing Societies Sarah Harper/Jaco Hoffman (Oxford Inst.)

6 The % increase of older population in developing countries is much higher than that in developed countries % increase in elderly population between 1990 and 2025 Indonesia Colombia Kenya Thailand Mexico Zimbabwe Brazil India China US Germany France UK Uruguay Sweden

7 Total dependency ratios for UK 66% increase in old-age dependency ratios between 2005 and 2050

8 Total dependency ratios for Japan 150% increase in old-age dependency ratios between 2005 and 2050




12 Research and Information Strategy Agreement by the Executive and foreword signed by FM and dFM Took over a year to agree Publication rights and report quality issues Annual report to Executive covering: Policy relevance, costs, impact on policy

13 Successes Strategy documents underpinned by evidence : Poverty, Gender, Childcare FMdFM/Executive endorsement of research strategy and annual report on value and impact Much activity within the sector (CAP, OP Advocate, ASP, CARDI, Age Concern Help the Aged) Better understanding among SpAds of the evidence Assembly Committee familiarity with and use of our data UK Statistics Authority – ONS not a ministerial department, NI Executive agreed the structures

14 Limitations Departments do not always fully exploit the policy relevance of their data – departmental business needs take precedence – new training being developed Universities do not always fully exploit the policy relevance of government data – academic output influenced by the research assessment exercise Sir Gus O’Donnell – statisticians should be ‘boring’, stats without context are boring Policy officials focus on strategy and professionals tend to focus on measurement People use evidence selectively – evidence does not always change opinions

15 Rights based and budget analysis approaches need to be supplemented with research illustrating economic interdependence Children who fail at school need more support if GVA is to improve GVA needs to improve to support an ageing population therefore: Child well being is related to pensioner poverty The new childcare strategy has implications for (particularly female) pensioner poverty

16 % living in households below 50% and 70% of UK median income by lifecycle and region 2002/032003/042004/052005/062006/07 50%70%50%70%50%70%50%70%50%70% All individuals NI (UK median)12291230122911321128 UK9269 92510261126 Children NI (UK median) 13341236133513391033 UK10321132103211331233 WA adults NI (UK median) 11241124102410271023 UK9219 9 922921 Pensioners NI (UK median) 15351639163914411841 UK1034103493211331335

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