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Lesson 5: Interpreting Line Graphs

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 5: Interpreting Line Graphs"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 5: Interpreting Line Graphs

2 Where Have You Used/Seen Line Graphs Before?

3 What is a Line Graph??? Used to show trends in data OVER TIME
Points are plotted and a line is drawn to connect the points EVERY POINT ON THE LINE SHOULD HAVE A VALUE!!! All line segments must be the SAME LENGTH!

4 What Do You See in this Line Graph?

5 Independent and Dependent Variables
Independent (Controllable) Variable - X variable – Located on X-axis - YOU control this - ex: Time, Months of the year Dependent (Uncontrollable) Variable - Y variable – Located on Y-axis - You CANNOT control this - ex: Temperature

6 Attributes of a Line Graph
What are attributes? - A collection of things needed in order for something to happen - ex: Cars, Sports ATTRIBUTES NEEDED WHEN DEALING WITH LINE GRAPHS!!! - Title - Axis (X and Y) - Intervals (Range of #s, ex: 1-5) - Scale (Appropriate one needed) - Skew – Inappropriate scale used - Misleads information (Graph may look too big or too small because scale is too big or too small

7 Different Ways to Show Line Graph Data
Continuous Data - The points on a graph are JOINED - “Connect the dots” - Every point is meaningful Discrete Data - Points are NOT JOINED - Every single point is not relevant - ex: DVD sales

8 What is a Table of Values?
A table that contains data “values” Shows trends/relationships about data

9 Example See Handout!!!

10 Create a Line Graph From the Following Table of Values

11 Create a Table of Values from the Line Graph

12 What Relationships Do You See in the Graphs/Table of Values???
What do I mean by relationships? - Comparing the data to show trends over time What are the graphs showing? What questions can be answered by looking at the graphs? Are there any patterns you see from the data?

13 Make a Line Graph How much sleep did you get last week?
Put the data in a table of values then construct a line graph based on your findings! What conclusions can you make based on your data?

14 Journal Writing Where do we see patterns in everyday life? Explain
- Ex: Nature, clothing etc. Why/Why didn’t you like our Twister game? Explain

15 Questions!!! Do together: A-G page 127 Questions 1-5 page 129

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