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Desktop Publishing CRAP.

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Presentation on theme: "Desktop Publishing CRAP."— Presentation transcript:

1 Desktop Publishing CRAP

2 Four Basic Principles Contrast Repetition Alignment Proximity

3 Contrast Contrast is what makes a reader look at the page in the first place. It is the most important visual attraction on the page Avoid elements on the page that are merely similar If elements are not the same, them make them very different

4 Repetition Repeating visual elements of the design throughout the piece. Repeat color Repeat shapes, textures Repeat spatial relationships Repeat line thickness, fonts, sizes, graphic concepts This develops the organization and strengthens the unity.

5 alignment Nothing should be place on the page arbitrarily
Every element should have some visual connection with another element on the page This creates a clean, sophisticated, fresh look

6 proximity Items relating to each other should be grouped close together When grouped together they become one visual unit rather than several units This helps organize information, reduces, clutter and gives the reader a clear structure.



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