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Contextualized Learning Activities

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1 Contextualized Learning Activities

2 Topics of Discussion What is Contextualized Learning?
The Purpose of a CLA CLA Development – Process Examples of CLA’s What is in a CLA CLA Ministry Template Timelines CLA Delivery

3 What is Contextualized Learning?
Capture the learner’s attention and promote learning retention of specific knowledge, skills or behaviour Emphasizes content relevance by presenting realistic, industry specific scenarios to learners Use of authentic learning resources and/or settings

4 The Purpose of a CLA The goal of a CLA is to build or refine on the student’s existing knowledge to achieve a desired outcome expressed as enhanced knowledge, a new skill, or modified behavior specific to new setting or industry sector

5 CLA Development - Process
Identify the possible courses that are part of the SHSM bundle (other than the SHSM focus courses) that lend themselves well to the development of a CLA Must be grade 11 or 12 courses English, Science, Mathematics or Business Studies Use Curriculum documents to help identify the overall or specific expectations the CLA will cover

6 CLA Development - Process
CLA does not need to cover all expectations Course Profiles provide a good starting point Note – significant changes to Math program, English curriculum has also been revised – current Course Profiles may not be accurate Must use current Technological and Science curriculum documents

7 Examples of CLA’s Use of Differentiated Instruction is desirable
Traditional “Paper & Pencil” assignment Oral presentation to class Power Point presentation As part of a “Reach Ahead” activity Use a job shadow assignment as the basis of an report to be done in class - a “day in the life” experience Use of various media – video, music Needs to have Formative assessment & Summative evaluation components

8 What is in a CLA Must follow the assigned Ministry Template
Clearly defined activity Opportunity for formative assessment A summative evaluation Answer Key /Marking Scheme Clearly Stated Expectations (Overall or Specific) - taken from the Curriculum documents Student Accommodations – See Course Profiles for strategies and examples

9 Timelines CLA’s are part of the SHSM agreement Boards have with the Ministry of Education Two CLA’s must be developed per SHSM One CLA must be ready for delivery to Ministry by February, 2009 CLA’s will be vetted, and may require editing Approved CLA’s will be posted on Ministry SHSM and eLearning web sites CLA’s are the property of the Ministry of Education

10 CLA Delivery Must be a minimum of six hours in length
Is not intended to be delivered by the SHSM teacher but rather the subject teacher(s) in the other courses that make up the SHSM bundle Can not be seen as an “add on” Try to integrate the CLA in the current program Present the CLA as a new lesson plan/activity Formative Assessment & Summative Evaluation is done by the subject teacher May need the support of the SHSM teacher Easier said than done…some logistical issues may come up – need teacher buy in and administrator support


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