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Internet-Based Project Work. Why do Internet-based project work? It’s a structured way for teachers to incorporate the Internet into the language classroom.

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Presentation on theme: "Internet-Based Project Work. Why do Internet-based project work? It’s a structured way for teachers to incorporate the Internet into the language classroom."— Presentation transcript:

1 Internet-Based Project Work

2 Why do Internet-based project work? It’s a structured way for teachers to incorporate the Internet into the language classroom. Cooperative learning and interaction are encouraged. Interdisciplinary purposes allow for cross-over into other departments and subject areas. Critical thinking is encouraged.

3 Steps to prepare an IBPW: Choose the project topic. Make the task clear. Find the resources. Decide on the outcome.

4 Basic Projects

5 Low-level project: “My favourite actor”My favourite actor

6 High-level project: “Global Warming”

7 Internet-based simulations

8 Bring real-life contexts to the classroom Internet gives students access to authentic websites that enable them to carry out these simulations

9 A Business English simulation

10 A General English simulation You are planning a three-week trip to the United Kingdom. You’ll need to make arrangements for your transport and accommodation facilities beforehand. Remember that you’ll need to take pocket money too. Your total budget is £2500. You can visit the following websites: _live/hs.xsl/accommodation-in-great-britain-ireland.htm _live/hs.xsl/accommodation-in-great-britain-ireland.htm gland?subid=PPCGO8g2en gland?subid=PPCGO8g2en

11 WebQuests






17 1) The Introduction “Hooks” students—gets them interested. Prepares students for tasks ahead. Poses an authentic problem. “Hooks” students—gets them interested. Prepares students for tasks ahead. Poses an authentic problem.

18 2) The Task Provides purpose for all lesson activities. Describes students’ end product. Provides purpose for all lesson activities. Describes students’ end product.

19 Adding a Scoring Guide Include one at this time. – Gives focus to your teaching objective. Allows teachers to evaluate: – Complex products; – Subtle degrees of accomplishment. Allows students: – To know expectations ahead of time. Skill4321 Model Diagram

20 3) The Process How students accomplish the task. – Step-by-step in nature; – Includes links to online resources; – Includes time away from computers; – Includes some higher-level thought.

21 The process culminates in: An authentic product. – Students use WebQuest knowledge… – …to create something meaningful. An authentic product. – Students use WebQuest knowledge… – …to create something meaningful.

22 4) The Evaluation Teacher employs scoring guide; Students reflect on: – The activity; – Their performance; – What they learned; – What they enjoyed—or didn’t.

23 5) The Conclusion Great place for: – Extension activities; – Discussions about the project. Great place for: – Extension activities; – Discussions about the project.





28 Thank you Thank you …

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