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12/20/2015 1 Giving Effective Presentations Group Presentations.

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Presentation on theme: "12/20/2015 1 Giving Effective Presentations Group Presentations."— Presentation transcript:

1 12/20/2015 1 Giving Effective Presentations Group Presentations

2 12/20/2015 2 Purpose Provide guidelines to help you give an effective group presentation. Persuade you that an effective group presentation is possible.

3 12/20/2015 3 Main Points Oral Messages Are Unique Group Requirements Strategy Visual Guidelines Delivery

4 12/20/2015 4 Oral Messages Are Unique

5 12/20/2015 5 Group Requirements Enforce Time Limits 15 minute for presentation 5 minutes for questions Plan Transitions Coordinate your Visuals Practice as a group Dress for the occasion

6 12/20/2015 6 Strategy Simplify and Organize

7 12/20/2015 7 Presentation Content Overview Opening Body Closing Questions

8 12/20/2015 8 Visual Guidelines Purpose of Slides 12 or fewer slides per presentation. Use text sparingly and adhere to size reccomendations. Limit the # lines to 5 or 6 per slide. Make your slides consistent.

9 12/20/2015 9 Visual Guidelines - cont Use graphs and charts to show data trends. Utilize contrast between text and background. Don’t show a visual until you’re ready to talk about it. Use animation schemes to support main points.

10 12/20/2015 10 Props Flip Charts Chalkboards Whiteboards Handouts Posters

11 12/20/2015 11 Delivery Make eye contact Enunciate clearly Use gestures Adjust Vocal Inflection, pace, volume Be energetic Prepare notes Three gray geese in the green grass grazed Shy Sarah saw six Swiss wristwatches "Gesture is a hand movement that is as much a part of language as speech."

12 12/20/2015 12 Be prepared Caffeine Intake Relabel your nerves Take deep breaths

13 12/20/2015 13 Conclusion You can do it. Preparation creates confidence. Confidence breeds trust. Trust leads to agreement.

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