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Library Orientation Counseling 101 S. Duran-Katnik October 6, 2007 J.Coe, Librarian.

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2 Library Orientation Counseling 101 S. Duran-Katnik October 6, 2007 J.Coe, Librarian

3 Intro & welcome Why use “reference books”? Why use print journals and magazines?

4 Where to start?! The library Web site The best place to start your research!

5 Why start with books? Books are the best place to get overviews, background information, and in-depth treatments of your topic. Click on Rio Web Cat from the library homepage Try these searches: vocational guidance (= careers) study skills

6 Where do I find articles in the library? Articles are the best places to get current information about events or topics; they can range from short or very localized reporting to substantial analyses and original research. You can find articles in either PRINT publications or in ONLINE DATABASES.

7 Which online databases should I use? ProQuest is a large database that contains both scholarly and popular articles ProQuest SIRS is a topic-oriented database that contains all full-text articles SIRS Gale Virtual Reference Library has several e-Books that would be helpful Gale Virtual Reference Library

8 How do I find authoritative information on the Internet? Type a few words into Google?? Nooooooooo!

9 Instead, start with these sources: Rio Hondo College Library Subject GuidesSubject Guides Other libraries’ guidesguides Subject (web) directories like and Infomine But remember…

10 When searching on the open Web.. Always evaluate the information you find on the Internet.evaluate Use a checklist approach – Ask questions about Authority, Accuracy, Objectivity, Currency, Coverage Or use the context and corroboration approach

11 Selected individual web sites of interest The OWL at Purdue JobStar College Source

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