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Gregor Mendel Book: “Experiments in Plant Hybridization”

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1 Gregor Mendel Book: “Experiments in Plant Hybridization”

2 Why Mendel was successful… He studied single traits He used LARGE sample sizes Introduced Ratios

3 Terms to KNOW Allele: 1 of 2 or more different forms of a gene. Represented as a letter. 2 alleles make a genotype. Genotype: Genetic Make-up represented as 2 alleles, one from each parent. Ex: “AA, Aa, aa” Phenotype: Physical Characteristic. Ex: Blue eyes. Dominant: Allele that will be expressed. Represented as a capital letter. Ex: “A” Recessive: Allele that is “hidden.” Represented as a lower case letter. Ex: “a” Homozygous: 2 of the same alleles Example: AA or aa Heterozygous: 2 different alleles Example: Aa

4 MORE Terms to Know Monohybrid: Individual that is heterozygous for one trait. Ex: Aa Monohybrid Cross: Genetic Cross between 2 heterozygotes. Ex: Aa x Aa First and Second Parental Generations P 1 and P 2 First and Second Filial Generations (offspring- filial means child in Latin) F 1 and F 2

5 Law of Dominance : If a dominant allele is present, the dominant phenotype will be expressed. ModelGenotype symbol Genotype description PhenotypeType of organism that exhibits genotype RRHomozygous Dominant RoundPure bred rrHomozygous recessive WrinkledPure bred RrHeterozygousRoundHybrid

6 Law of Segregation During the formation of gametes (in meiosis), alleles of gametes separate (segregate). Each G allele has separated from the other.

7 Punnett Square Diagram showing the possible combinations of offspring from a genetic cross rr RRr R Parents Offspring

8 Rr RRRRr r rr rr RRr R Pisum sativum Pea Plants P1= round (RR) x wrinkled (rr) F1 = round (Rr) P2= round (Rr) x round (Rr) F2 = 5,474 round, 1,750 wrinkled

9 Types of Ratios 1. Genotypic Homozygous Dominant : Heterozygous: Homozygous Recessive 2. Phenotypic Dominant : Recessive Example: genotypic ratio ________ ; phenotypic ratio _______ RR Rr R R r R 2:2:0 or 1:1:0 4:0 or 1:0

10 Monohybrid Cross Ratios RRRr rr R R r r 1:2:1 Genotypic Ratio: Phenotypic Ratio: 3:1


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