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Word bank rainy cloudy snowy sunny thermometer temperature hot warm 多雨的 多雲的;如雲的 多雪的;雪白的 晴朗的 寒暑表;體溫計 溫度;體溫 炎熱的 溫暖的.

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Presentation on theme: "Word bank rainy cloudy snowy sunny thermometer temperature hot warm 多雨的 多雲的;如雲的 多雪的;雪白的 晴朗的 寒暑表;體溫計 溫度;體溫 炎熱的 溫暖的."— Presentation transcript:

1 word bank rainy cloudy snowy sunny thermometer temperature hot warm 多雨的 多雲的;如雲的 多雪的;雪白的 晴朗的 寒暑表;體溫計 溫度;體溫 炎熱的 溫暖的

2 cool cold freezing foggy windy dry wet icy 涼爽的 寒冷的 冰凍的;酷寒的 有濃霧的;霧深的 多風的 乾燥的 潮濕的 似冰的;極冷的

3 rainy Summer is a rainy season.Summer is a rainy season. It was rainy last summer.It was rainy last summer.

4 cloudy It’s a cloudy sky. It is cloudy today.

5 snowy We’ve had a very snowy winter this year. The old lady has snowy hair. I remember him as an old man with a snowy- white (pure white) beard.

6 sunny It’ll be sunny tomorrow. The sunny weather is likely to continue until the weekend, when thunderstorms are expected.

7 thermometer Centigrade (or Celsius) thermometer. clinical thermometer Fahrenheit thermometer you take your temperature with a ~.

8 temperature The nurse took the ~s of all the patients. The normal body ~ of an adult is about 37C.

9 hot It is hot in summer. Summer is a hot season. Sam doesn’t like hot milk.

10 warm It is warm in spring. Spring is a warm season.

11 cool It is cool in fall. Fall is a cool season.

12 cold It is cold in winter. Winter is a cold season.

13 freezing It was freezing last night. I’m freezing (=I feel very cold). What freezing weather!

14 foggy It is a foggy night. What foggy weather!

15 windy It was a windy night. It was wet and windy for most of the week.

16 dry This summer is a dry season. It’s dry this summer.

17 wet He stay indoors in wet weather. Did you get wet in the rain? Take off the wet coat.

18 icy An icy wind blows from the north. It’s an icy road.

19 The Four Seasons

20 1. Springtime full of fresh new things The trees are very green, April showers fill the earth, with sunshine warm in spring. Seasons come and seasons go, changing all the time. 2. Summertime and sunshine, with sky and sea so blue, Warm breezes blow, As fields do grow, The sun so hot in summer Seasons come and seasons go changing all the time

21 1. Autumn leaves are painted gold, the trees all shed the leaves, breezes blow a little cold With sunset orange seas Seasons come and seasons go, changing all the time 2. Winter white and snowing bright, The trees have lost their leaves, breezes cold and frosty toes. The wintertime is here. Seasons come and seasons go, changing all the time.



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