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MarioAI Level Generation Track. COMPETITION GOALS  Create an automatic level generator for Infinite Mario Bros.  Levels should be randomly generated.

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1 MarioAI Level Generation Track

2 COMPETITION GOALS  Create an automatic level generator for Infinite Mario Bros.  Levels should be randomly generated based on certain input values Terrain type Difficulty  Replayed levels should be regenerated, never the same as before.  The winner will be decided through live play tests.

3 PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS  Must run on an Intel computer.  OS choices Mac OSX - The preferred OS. Ubuntu Windows XP- Available via Windows 7 compatibility mode.

4 LANGUAGE REQUIREMENTS  Any language is accepted.  Java is the preferred language.  For other languages : They must be well commented. Must interface to an unmodified version of the basic game package.  Must be runnable from an applet.

5 GETTING STARTED  Basic packages are available and can be run without difficulty.  Source code from previous entrants is available.  Tutorials on running the agent are available from the website.

6 HOW IT WORKS  Two main objects: Test levels. Customized levels.  Program uses test level to gather user data.  It then creates a customized level based on this data.  2012 Competition has ended.  Entries have opened again.

7 FUTURE PROGRAM USE  Testing Learning Algorithms Player’s playing style must be learned to generate a fun level for them.  Proceduralized Terrain Generation Every time a level is loaded it must be randomly created.

8 LINKS  Youtube example –  Mario Ai

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