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10 Study Strategies for Success Student Academic Success Center.

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Presentation on theme: "10 Study Strategies for Success Student Academic Success Center."— Presentation transcript:

1 10 Study Strategies for Success Student Academic Success Center

2 Attend All Classes and Actively Engage  Go early and stay until the end  Sit in front  Participate and ask questions  Take notes  Instead of having to teach yourself the material, you can spend your study time reviewing what you need to know

3 Schedule Regular Study Hours  Study 2-3 hours outside of class for every hour you are in class (at least 20-30 hours per week) every week!  Be realistic and keep them like appointments  Study in 1-2 hour blocks with breaks

4 Create “To Do” Lists  Lists help you take control of what you have to do  Know what is coming up in each class  Prioritize your tasks

5 Learn to Study in the Best Environment and Time for You  Be aware of your best time of day to study; when do you have the most energy?  Find a study location that works for you.

6 Set a Specific Goal for Each Study Session  What can I realistically accomplish in the next 45 minutes.  Study your most difficult subjects first  Don’t worry if you don’t reach that goal in your allotted time. You can reschedule the task to another study session or come back to it later that night.

7 Keep up with Reading  Reading is “studying”  Break reading in to small chunks  Read “actively not passively”  Take notes when you read

8 Review Your Notes Daily  Studies have shown that you can only recall 20% of the information from a lecture the next day.  Reviewing notes keeps the information fresh in your mind and will save you from cramming for an exam in the future!

9 Breakdown Large Tasks  Your workload will be spread out  The assignment won’t seem so overwhelming  You won’t be waiting until the last minute to finish

10 Vary Your Work  Break up your study time into different methods of studying (reading, note- taking, homework, writing papers)  Vary the subjects that you are studying  A change in material and way of studying is like giving your brain a break.

11 Reward Yourself  When you complete a study goal, reward yourself  This gives you an incentive to reach your goals and will help motivate you to get your work done.  Take time to relax, exercise and have fun.

12 Adapted from:  Fraser, L. (2009). Making your mark: Develop the motivation and skills to achieve high-performance college and career success. Toronto: LDF Publishing.  Conestoga College (2008). Study Hints Handout  GVSU’S Student Academic Success Center’s Twenty Tips for College Success.

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