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Grassroots Marketing Developing WIC as a Community Investment.

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Presentation on theme: "Grassroots Marketing Developing WIC as a Community Investment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grassroots Marketing Developing WIC as a Community Investment

2 Outreach Successes Maintaining a caseload close to 50,000 per month Obtaining OAF for $297,174, Flex-E-Grant for $10,000 & $4,000 from Dept of Ed in 2007 Good partnership with many community/faith- based agencies Met all performance measures for FY 2006

3 Monthly Caseload

4 Funding

5 Percent of Population Being Served Statewide WIC is serving 61% of eligible participants who also receive Medicaid; 68% of all eligible state residents Medicaid data contends the state could serve 74,336 participants This would contribute $7.7 million more to the administrative budget

6 Grassroots Marketing Strategies Inclusive to Agency Tell a Story Identify the Need Creates Partnerships Has its Roots in the Community

7 Grassroots Marketing Structure Posture Position Presence Performance

8 Key Indicators of Success Client Access Are we unique? Are we relevant? Does our organization facilitate change?

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