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The Effects of Elevated Carbon Dioxide on Microarthropods Jarret M. Childers. Undergraduate at Northern Arizona University. Environmental Science: Management.

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Presentation on theme: "The Effects of Elevated Carbon Dioxide on Microarthropods Jarret M. Childers. Undergraduate at Northern Arizona University. Environmental Science: Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Effects of Elevated Carbon Dioxide on Microarthropods Jarret M. Childers. Undergraduate at Northern Arizona University. Environmental Science: Management.

2 Carbon Dioxide  Carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) emitted from use of fossil fuels  Large player in climate change  Emissions expected to continue  Varied impacts on ecosystems

3 Microarthropods  Very small yet important  Nutrient cycles  Decomposition cycles  Extremely abundant  Dependent on other parts of system  Roots, fungi, limiting nutrients Photo by Dr. Bruce Hungate 1mm

4 Study Site  Merrit Island National Wildlife Refuge, FL  16 chambers; 8 ambient (378ppm) and 8 elevated (796ppm)  Post fire (regeneration)  Heavily studied  General increase in plant productivity  Low nutrients  Adverse and extreme conditions Photo by Dr. Bruce Hungate

5 Hypothesis  Microarthropod abundance will increase when exposed to elevated CO 2  With increase in plant productivity

6 Laboratory Methods  Dissecting microscope  Sort thousands of microarthropods  Very time consuming  Statistical analysis  One way ANOVA

7 Results  Data indicate no major influence of CO 2 p= 0.84 Soil

8 Results Photo by Dr. Bruce Hungate Soil

9 Results  Arthropod abundance highest in litter and top soil layer (0-10cm)

10 Discussion  What are other factors  Roots  Soil Fungi  Environmental factors  Sampling  Continuation of project  Other studies in different ecosystems

11 Acknowledgements  Dr. Catherine Gehring  Todd Wojtowicz  Dr. Bruce Hungate  NASA Space Grant Program

12 Questions/Comments?

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