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Diabetes By Zach Drenkhahn and Brendan Town. Diabetes Also called diabetes mellitus. Among the top 10 killers of U.S. adults and the leading cause of.

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Presentation on theme: "Diabetes By Zach Drenkhahn and Brendan Town. Diabetes Also called diabetes mellitus. Among the top 10 killers of U.S. adults and the leading cause of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Diabetes By Zach Drenkhahn and Brendan Town

2 Diabetes Also called diabetes mellitus. Among the top 10 killers of U.S. adults and the leading cause of blindness. Contributes greatly to heart disease. Two types: type 1 and type 2. Type 1 is less common and often affects children and teenagers. Type 2 accounts for 80% of the cases, and usually affects people of middle age or older. Both produce the same warning signs.

3 The pancreas and its insulin The hormone insulin is made by the pancreas is the heart of both types of diabetes. Insulin transfers glucose (sugar) from the blood into the body’s cells, witch use the sugar as energy. Without insulin, the sugar level in the blood builds up, but the cells starve for sugar. Insulin is the only way for sugar to enter the cell, without it,sugar cannot enter the cell, and the is no other way for the cell to get this sugar.

4 The pancreas

5 Type 1 diabetes In type 1 diabetes, the person’s own immune system attacks the pancreas and destroys the cells that make insulin. Possible reasons: toxins, allergies, or a virus. Genetic inheritance also make it likely that the immune system will behave like this. Whatever the cause, the pancreas soon stops making insulin, and each meal brings a large, long-lasting sugar surge to the bloodstream.

6 Type 2 diabetes Blood of a person with type 2 diabetes also builds up glucose to a high level, but not for the same reason. Instead of a lack of insulin, the fault lies within the body’s cells. The cells don’t respond to the insulin. Obesity is a major risk factor for diabetes.

7 Dangers Of Diabetes Some are immediately apparent, like when blood glucose goes out of control. Other dangers occur over time. Diabetic Coma, Cause? Those who fail to control their diabetes. Creates toxic levels in the blood. Can cause tiredness, nausea, dry skin, or abdominal pain. Body tissues are starving for glucose. Tissues forced to make more fats than normal for energy. Fat molecules break down and this creates ketones *fragments of fat*. Insulin Shock: Cause? Possible when meals are skipped, too much insulin taken, or exercising has used up to much glucose. Symptoms: Shakiness, dizziness, hunger, sweating, headaches, pale skins, rapid heart rate, jerky movements, and confusion. Treatment: needs glucose. (glucose tablets, candy, or fruit juice.)

8 Long-Term Effects Of Diabetes They are less immediate but more severe. It can damage the organs, even when drugs control blood glucose. Destruction of small blood vessels that lead to eyes, heart and kidneys. Can block blood flow to legs and feet. Therefore without blood flow to the tissues they die and can lead to other diseases. Diabetes also named as a risk factor for many other diseases.

9 Prevention and Control Type 2 most preventable. Tends to run in families; especially ones where obesity is prevalent. Occurs in overweight middle-aged adults, even children and teenagers. Once diabetes is diagnosed, its control is essential to health. Must balance medication, diet, and physical activity. Medication: Type 1, must receive insulin shots. Pills do not provide enough insulin. Type 2, drugs that stimulate the pancreas to release insulin.

10 Prevention and control cont… Diet: Balanced diet of fresh, high fiber vegetable\s, whole grains, low fat meats and milk products, and other nutrient food. Physical activity: Helps control body weigh, also helps use up blood glucose. Some people notice that when they are physically active that they need less insulin or other drugs when it becomes a daily routine.

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