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Agenda: Social Cognitive Theory Quiz Review Assignment Scores Sean – Overview, Knowledge, Self-Efficacy Erica – Self-Efficacy (NCI Schwarzer & Laszczynska)

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda: Social Cognitive Theory Quiz Review Assignment Scores Sean – Overview, Knowledge, Self-Efficacy Erica – Self-Efficacy (NCI Schwarzer & Laszczynska)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda: Social Cognitive Theory Quiz Review Assignment Scores Sean – Overview, Knowledge, Self-Efficacy Erica – Self-Efficacy (NCI Schwarzer & Laszczynska) Gerald – PBC (NCI Thompson & Schlehofer) McKenna – Goal formation, sociostructural influences, triadic reciprocal causation Kate – SCT Implementation Plan


3 Knowledge According to Bandura, knowledge is a precondition for behavior change, a “gateway” for it “Knowledge is a necessary, but not sufficient, basis for behavior change” Content knowledge involves understanding the advantages and drawbacks of a health behavior – C.f., Consequences, costs and benefits Procedural knowledge involves understanding how to engage in a given health behavior - skills – C.f., A precursor to self-efficacy – Knowing how to do something & doing it are different

4 Self-Efficacy Perceived self-efficacy is a person’s perception of his or her ability to perform a specific behavior – Self efficacy is task-specific, someone’s self-efficacy may be strong for one task but weak for another Low self-efficacy generates fleeting or no efforts to perform a behavior. On the other hand, resilient self-efficacy leads to perseverance even when conditions are not ideal Behavioral capacity is the actual ability or skill a person has to perform a given behavior, it can include whether the environment provides opportunity for the behavior – Interventions should increase both behavioral capacity & self-efficacy – Textbook implies that behavioral capacity comes after self-efficacy in the causal chain – others equate behavioral capacity with skills, which come before self-efficacy

5 Motivation Level of motivation a person has towards adopting a health-protective behavior – Motivation = outcome expectancies + self-efficacy – C.f., Intentions It involves answering two questions: – 1. Will adopting the health-protective behavior reliably lead to a valued outcome? – 2. Can I realistically perform the necessary behavior? Bandura does not consider social normative beliefs even though social learning is occurring!

6 Socio-structural Factors Goal attainment – through motivated behavior (positive outcome expectancies + perceived self-efficacy) is a function of the supporting and impeding factors in the environment – The world we live in enables and limits our ability to effectively engage in goal-directed behavior – C.f., perceived behavioral control in TPB

7 Questions about Bandura’s SCT Bandura fails to mention that outcomes people expect (expectations) are derived from _______? He sees expectancies as outcomes of self-efficacy –Are they outcomes, predictors, neither or both? “Perceived severity and susceptibility in the HBM are _______? “Attitudes” in TRA/TPB are expectations –True or false? Why? SE and outcome expectations are the focus in SCT –What factor is missing? Goals as intentions –Are goals predictors, outcomes, neither or both?

8 Bandura, 2004: Primacy of SE You can see why Bandura and Fishbein could never quite agree! Intentions Attitudes Social Influences  SNB ??

9 White et al (2012) model

10 Anderson et al (2010) Model Main mediation pathways Self-regulation, as measured, was the behavioral outcome.

11 11 GOALS/MOTIVATION SOCIAL S ITUATION BIOLOGY/ P ERSONALITY SCT aligned with the TTI ATTITUDES TOWARD THE BEHAVIOR SOCIAL NORMATIVE BELIEFS Trial Behavior EXPERIENCES: Expectancies -- Social Reinforcements -- Psychological/Physiological SELF-EFFICACY BEHAVIORAL CONTROL Nurture/CulturalBiological/Nature Intrapersonal StreamSocial/Normative StreamCultural/Attitudinal Stream 192021 22 23 Distal Influences Proximal Predictors Levels of Causation Ultimate Causes Social/ Personal Nexus Expectancies & Evaluations Affect and Cognitions Decisions Experiences a b c d e f g h i j k m n o p q r s t u v w x Related Behaviors J K C F I B E H A D G CULTURAL E NVIRONMENT Why not Norms?? Socio-structural factors = behavioral control, and are influenced by self-efficacy - really? Expectancies Role Models

12 Total Reciprocal Determinism - 3 self-regulatory feedback loops

13 13 DECISIONS/INTENTIONS SOCIAL S ITUATION BIOLOGY/ P ERSONALITY TRIADIC CAUSATION AND THE TTI ATTITUDES TOWARD THE BEHAVIOR SOCIAL NORMATIVE BELIEFS Trial Behavior EXPERIENCES: Expectancies -- Social Reinforcements -- Psychological/Physiological SELF-EFFICACY BEHAVIORAL CONTROL Nurture/CulturalBiological/Nature Intrapersonal StreamSocial/Normative StreamCultural/Attitudinal Stream 192021 22 23 Distal Influences Proximal Predictors Levels of Causation Ultimate Causes Social/ Personal Nexus Expectancies & Evaluations Affect and Cognitions Decisions Experiences a b c d e f g h i j k m n o p q r s t u v w x Related Behaviors J K C F I B E H A D G CULTURAL E NVIRONMENT

14 What’s wrong with this?

15 Skills and environmental constraints should precede self-efficacy. What’s the difference between “Attitudes toward targets” In column 1 and “Attitude” in column 3?

16 16 GOALS/MOTIVATION SOCIAL S ITUATION BIOLOGY/ P ERSONALITY SCT aligned with the TTI ATTITUDES TOWARD THE BEHAVIOR SOCIAL NORMATIVE BELIEFS Trial Behavior EXPERIENCES: Expectancies -- Social Reinforcements -- Psychological/Physiological SELF-EFFICACY BEHAVIORAL CONTROL Nurture/CulturalBiological/Nature Intrapersonal StreamSocial/Normative StreamCultural/Attitudinal Stream 192021 22 23 Distal Influences Proximal Predictors Levels of Causation Ultimate Causes Social/ Personal Nexus Expectancies & Evaluations Affect and Cognitions Decisions Experiences a b c d e f g h i j k m n o p q r s t u v w x Related Behaviors J K C F I B E H A D G CULTURAL E NVIRONMENT Why not Norms?? Socio-structural factors = behavioral control, and are influenced by self-efficacy - really? Expectancies Role Models

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