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TEA-21 Reauthorization and Freight Gary Maring, FHWA Freight Forum TRB Annual Meeting January 13, 2002.

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Presentation on theme: "TEA-21 Reauthorization and Freight Gary Maring, FHWA Freight Forum TRB Annual Meeting January 13, 2002."— Presentation transcript:

1 TEA-21 Reauthorization and Freight Gary Maring, FHWA Freight Forum TRB Annual Meeting January 13, 2002

2 2 Reauthorization Process and Timing Milestones  2001 through early 2002- DOT Analysis and Outreach  Early 2002- DOT reviews options for reauthorization; Congressional reauthorization hearings begin  Spring 2002- DOT begins drafting legislation; FY2004 budget development begins  June 2002- Condition and Performance Report to Congress  Late 2002- Submit DOT reauthorization legislation  Early 2003- Congress takes up reauthorization legislation  Oct. 1, 2003- New authorization required for 2004 apportionments DOT Freight Reauthorization Task Force currently considering options and invites your input

3 3 Freight Analysis

4 4 2020 volume/capacity ( forecasts applied to current system) Source: FHWA Freight Analysis Framework flows -- Battelle analysis of HPMS data

5 5 Mid-Atlantic Rail Corridor Choke-Points Study Participants: Amtrak, CSX, NS, NJ, PA, DE, MD, VA, I-95 Coalition

6 6 The Policy Challenge Both passenger and freight demand upon the nation’s infrastructure will increase significantly Freight volumes could nearly double to 2020; with higher growth in some corridors and nodes Current planning and financing methods do not adequately address freight’s unique concerns Intermodal linkages not seamless Increased focus on safety and environmental issues Industry productivity challenged; Nation’s economic competitiveness at stake Post Sept. 11 security requirements will further challenge productivity

7 Freight Outreach Events

8 8 What we’re Hearing Solutions will involve new capacity coupled with improved operations Plan and operate the system as a system, not as individual modes/elements Improve intermodal connections to offer choice, connectivity, interoperability More Federal leadership needed given multiple modes, jurisdictions, private stakeholders, international considerations, and national security implications Improve State and MPO planning and financing mechanisms for freight Support multistate coalitions to deal with corridor and regional trade/transportation issues Better enable public/private financing and other innovative finance approaches for freight

9 Reauthorization Context- Federal Transportation Programs by Mode AIR-21 Rail Transit Federally Funded Transportation Planning Process TEA-21 RIDE-21/RAIL21? Intercity Motor Carrier Waterway Dev. Act Highway Marine -?SEA-21 Transportation Security Legislation

10 10 Future Options Toward Reauthorization

11 11 Freight Options being considered Infrastructure Funding program options Institutional change Operations/Technology Safety and Security Data and tools Research Education/professional capacity building

12 12 ISTEA Intermodalism Innovative Finance TEA-21 Funding Increases TIFIA State/local freight focus ??? EfficiencyEquityEffectiveness 1991 - 971998 - 032004 - ?? Toward Surface Transportation Reauthorization- Freight elements?

13 Join the National Freight Electronic Dialogue Gary Maring Director, FHWA Office of Freight Management

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