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Sports Club Committee Training September 2015. Welcome.

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Presentation on theme: "Sports Club Committee Training September 2015. Welcome."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sports Club Committee Training September 2015

2 Welcome

3 Introductions

4 Team Hallam Staff Based at the Students' Union Sports Manager Joel Sports Club Programme LeaderKirstie Social Sport FacilitatorEllen BUCS AdministratorLydia Student Activities AdministratorSarah

5 Team Hallam Staff Based at the University, Pearson Building Sport Development Ass. ManagerRyan Performance Athlete Support Off.Helen Sport Development Intern (Perf)Jordan Head S&C CoachAndrew Sport Development Officer (Part)Callum O' Sport Development ManagementFrazer

6 Sport & Physical Activity Officer

7 What I've Been Up To... Slide Title Tour Varsity Visual Presence LGBT+ Campaign Wednesday Afternoons Transport Sports Officer Touch Time Inclusivity Workshops

8 What I've Been Up To... Slide Title Tour 19 th - 25 th March 2016 Tour Meeting - 16 th October

9 What I've Been Up To... Slide Title Varsity Visual Presence 105 - Winter Varsity 212 - Varsity

10 What I've Been Up To... Slide Title LGBT+

11 What I've Been Up To... Slide Title Wednesday Afternoons

12 What I've Been Up To... Slide Title Transport

13 What I've Been Up To... Slide Title Touch Time With Sports Officer Drop-in sessions ◦ 2:00pm-3:30pm Tuesday and Friday Social Media question time ◦ 3:00pm-4:00pm Monday and Thursday Continue the Chairs breakfast ◦ October, January, April

14 What I've Been Up To... Slide Title Inclusivity Workshops

15 What I've Been Up To... Slide Title Sports Working Group

16 Section Title Sub-text explaining section, lorem ipsum dolor est lordem rondus lindum

17 Sheffield Hallam Students Union

18 Sheffield Hallam Students' Union Slide Title Who we are We are a not for profit organisation We have to operate in line with our articles of governance We are run by students for students! Our Mission Be the difference in Students' Lives

19 Sheffield Hallam Students' Union Slide Title

20 Sheffield Hallam Students' Union Slide Title Policy A policy is something that the Students' Union are mandated to do by the student body. A policy is effectively an idea that a student, or a number of students, have had which they believe will make the student experience at Sheffield Hallam University better. It's something that they want the Students' Union to work on in order to make their Students' Union, their Education, or their time in their Community better. Once passed by Zones, by Union Council or by Referendum, policies are binding on the Students' Union for three years - and the Students' Union needs to work to make sure they happen!

21 Sheffield Hallam Students' Union Slide Title

22 Questions?

23 Role Specific Sessions

24 Sheffield Hallam Students' Union Slide Title Committee RoleRoomSession Lead Chairperson & SecretaryJoel Kesterton Treasurer & Equipment OfficerMatt Leese & Sarah Clayton Safety & Training OfficerKirstie Carruthers Equality & Diversity OfficerEllen Holmes & James Manson CaptainsLydia Smith Social SecretariesEmily Wilkes

25 Team Hallam Kit Deposit Scheme

26 Lunch

27 Welcome Back

28 Get Active Week

29 Slide Title 25 th - 29 th January 2016

30 Your Club in Your Community

31 Community Week

32 Slide Title 25,000 visitors February half-term 42 different activities last year, over 70 volunteers "Give it a Go" sessions £30 for your club

33 Community Projects

34 Slide Title Make a difference in your community Work with local organisations Not just sports sessions

35 Varsity Outreach Projects

36 Slide Title Get experience in partnership working Plan & deliver sessions in the community £30 for your club "I really enjoyed it! I haven't coached like that in a while and can tell how much it means to them too. They were all enthusiastic which was good and they were well behaved and they even came and shook our hands at end. I want to do more to be honest” Player/Volunteer - Men's Football Outreach Project

37 Timebuilders Projects

38 Slide Title Use your skills to deliver sessions in the community Get rewarded for volunteering Run one-off events or longer term projects

39 What's in it for us?

40 Slide Title Benefits Better opportunities for your members Improve your employability Develop personal & professional skills with support from the Union Enhanced club reputation Help your community Better links for your club

41 What's next?

42 Slide Title James Manson - Community & Welfare Officer / 0114 225 Serena Noble - Community Engagement Programme Leader / 0114 225

43 Club Development

44 Club Development Planning Slide Title What's the situation? We're currently in the process of reviewing the Club Development Process There will be a 'stripped back' version this year Club will choose three objectives (and do them well!) Regular updates throughout the year

45 Club Development Planning Slide Title Committee Training (Sept) Semester 1 Keep in touch meeting (October) Semester 1 Summary & Semester 2 Planning (Dec) Semester 2 Keep in Touch Meeting (February) Club AGM & Online Election (March/April) Semester 2 Summary & 16/17 Planning Committee Training (May 2016) Committee Handover (1 st June 2016)

46 Club Development Planning Slide Title Club StructureClub CultureSustainabilityPerformanceParticipationFinanceCommunity Increase membership by a %age Embed an inclusive culture within your club Develop a proposal to purchase new equipment for your club Improve your BUCS League Position Become actively engaged in your sports social sport sessions Attract a sponsorship deal from a business that isn't a bar or nightclub Deliver a community Varsity Session Work with potential future committee members to provide insight into what's involved Develop an improvement plan to tackle anti-social behaviour within your club Improve your clubs attendance % at Strength & Conditioning sessions Have at least one student sport activator from your club or committee Work with RAG to raise money for your club and their nominated charity Get involved in Community Week Work closely with HE/Uni Officers (if applicable) Develop a healthy lifestyle plan for your club Create a development squad Get involved with Get active week AW Complete a funding application which attracts new participants to your sport Deliver a Community outreach project

47 Club Development Planning Slide Title What are you going to do now? As a committee pick 3 objectives, from 3 different themes Develop an Action Plan for each objective What do you need to do? How are you going to do it? Who's going to do it? By when?

48 Workshops

49 Sheffield Hallam Students' Union Slide Title Working with your CoachD105Ryan Amos PerformanceD107Helen Roberts Social Media Do's and Don'tsD103SU Marketing Dept. EmployabilityD013Doug Muzawazi SponsorshipD011Kirstie Carruthers Sports Working GroupD006Emily Wilkes Get more people participating in your sport HW1Ellen Holmes


51 Questions?

52 Thank You!

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