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(Finite) Mathematical Induction In our first lesson on sequences and series, you were told that How can we be certain that this will be true for all counting.

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Presentation on theme: "(Finite) Mathematical Induction In our first lesson on sequences and series, you were told that How can we be certain that this will be true for all counting."— Presentation transcript:

1 (Finite) Mathematical Induction In our first lesson on sequences and series, you were told that How can we be certain that this will be true for all counting numbers n ? Let us call this proposition, “P.”

2 (Finite) Mathematical Induction This proposition P is logically equivalent to asserting all of the following, together: … and continuing for all the counting numbers.

3 (Finite) Mathematical Induction Taken by itself, each of these individual propositions is simple to verify: simply compute each side of the equation and check that they are equal. But a proof can’t go on forever. We must find another way to prove P.

4 (Finite) Mathematical Induction The situation could be like this: P1P1 P2P2 P3P3 P4P4 P5P5 P6P6 If there are infinitely many of these, and you need to knock over every one of them, you will never be finished.

5 P6P6 P5P5 P4P4 P3P3 P2P2 (Finite) Mathematical Induction However, if they were arranged like this: P1P1 Even if there are infinitely many of them, one push (to knock over P 1 ) will knock over all of them.

6 (Finite) Mathematical Induction Method for knocking over infinitely many dominos: Method for proving infinitely many propositions: 1.Make sure that each domino, P k, will knock over the next one, P k+1. 1.Prove that each proposition, P k, implies the next one, P k+1. 2.Knock over the first domino, P 1. 2.Verify the first proposition, P 1. P k+1 PkPk “If P k is true, then P k+1 must also be true.

7 (Finite) Mathematical Induction Remark 1: If you include the “k” along with the “k+1” on the left-hand side, you will be glad you did. Remark 2: When you simplify, be flexible. Your goal is to show that two expressions are equivalent.

8 (Finite) Mathematical Induction The two parts of a finite mathematical induction proof: 1)Verify P 1 EASY! 2)Prove: if P k is true, then P k+1 must also be true. P k+1 PkPk Verifying P 1 is usually so easy that it’s hard to say much about it. However, there are some cases where P 1 is actually the difficult part.

9 (Finite) Mathematical Induction The two parts of a finite mathematical induction proof: 1)Verify P 1 EASY! 2)Prove: if P k is true, then P k+1 must also be true. P k+1 PkPk What we must do: Assume that P k is true, and then prove that P k+1 must be true. What can we use? We can use any algebraic techniques, but we can also use P k. How do we use P k ? Usually by substitution: any occurrence of the left-hand side can be replaced with the right-hand side.

10 (Finite) Mathematical Induction The two parts of a finite mathematical induction proof: 1)Verify P 1 EASY! 2)Prove: if P k is true, then P k+1 must also be true. P k+1 PkPk Where do we start? Examine P k+1 and try to find where the left-hand side P k of occurs in it. Replace this occurrence of the left-hand side of P k with the right-hand side.

11 (Finite) Mathematical Induction The two parts of a finite mathematical induction proof: 1)Verify P 1 EASY! 2)Prove: if P k is true, then P k+1 must also be true. Now it should be possible to prove that the two sides are in fact equivalent. Tip: Since one side (the right-hand side) is a single fraction, try making the other side be a single fraction. Tip: Since the denominators are the same, all we need do is prove that the numerators are equivalent.

12 (Finite) Mathematical Induction The two parts of a finite mathematical induction proof: 1)Verify P 1 EASY! 2)Prove: if P k is true, then P k+1 must also be true. Simplify both numerators. Hopefully they will simplify to the same expression. Left-hand side:Right-hand side:

13 (Finite) Mathematical Induction The two parts of a finite mathematical induction proof: 1)Verify P 1 EASY! 2)Prove: if P k is true, then P k+1 must also be true. What did we just accomplish? We just proved to ourselves that if P k is true, then P k+1 must also be true. Now we are ready to write the proof.

14 (Finite) Mathematical Induction Using mathematical induction, we will prove that When n = 1, and So the proposition is true when n = 1.

15 (Finite) Mathematical Induction Induction hypothesis: the proposition is true when n = k. Now, to prove the proposition when n = k + 1, Also, Thus, if the proposition is true for n = k, it is true for n = k + 1. Therefore the proposition is true for all counting numbers n. QED.

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