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The Wars of Independence 1810-1826. Immediate Influences Creole Nationalism  Frustration at “Institutionalized Discrimination” Enlightenment Influence.

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Presentation on theme: "The Wars of Independence 1810-1826. Immediate Influences Creole Nationalism  Frustration at “Institutionalized Discrimination” Enlightenment Influence."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Wars of Independence 1810-1826

2 Immediate Influences Creole Nationalism  Frustration at “Institutionalized Discrimination” Enlightenment Influence How Much Influence Was the French Revolution?  The Specter of Haiti The Real Catalyst: European Events

3 The Spanish Crisis, 1808-1810 Background: The Napoleonic Wars Spain as Napoleon’s “Satellite Kingdom”  Charles IV Abdicates  Joseph Bonaparte The 1808 Revolutionary Junta  Fernando VII The Cortes and the Constitution of 1812  The Bourbon Reforms Remain in America

4 The Movement for Independence in Spanish America Response to the French Invasion of Spain  Peninsulare and Criollo Agendas South American Rebellions  Buenos Aires, Montevideo, Chile—but not Peru  The “Liberators”—a Creole Elite Father Miguel Hidalgo and Revolution in Mexico  September 16, 1810  The Virgin of Guadalupe  The Sack of Guanajuato  Revolution from Below—And Those Who Fear It  Hidalgo’s Martyrdom

5 The Independence Movements in South America The Influence of Simón Bolívar in the North  Bolívar’s Ideology  Venezuela and New Granada The Llaneros Ferdinand and the 1820 Liberal Revolt in Spain Sucre and Andean Warfare San Martín and the Southern Cone  Bernardo O’Higgins and Chilean Independence  The Guayaquil Conference, July 1822 Ayacucho and the Consolidation of Independence










15 Postcolonial Blues The Rise of the Caudillo  Caudillismo Latin American Society in the Era of Independence  “The Same Priest on a Different Mule”  The Question of Slavery  Religion  Land Reform—or lack thereof The Liberal-Conservative Split Federal vs. Central The Roots of Neocolonialism








23 The Mexican Independence Movement after Hidalgo José María Morelos  A Radical Vision for a New Mexico  Guerilla Warfare  Congress of Chilpancingo  The Spanish Counterinsurgency A Violent Interlude Once Again, Spanish Events Intrude

24 The Consummation of Mexican Independence Agustín de Iturbide & Vicente Guerrero Plan de Iguala The “Three Guarantees” Independence Won  Treaty of Córdoba The Legacy of the Wars of Independence Emperor Agustín I and the Mexican Empire  Economic Crises



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