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Unit 5: Latin America Review.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 5: Latin America Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 5: Latin America Review

2 Vocabulary - Be able to define…

3 Primate City name an example.

4 Panama Canal

5 Conquistador

6 Mestizo

7 Mexican Plateau

8 Extended family

9 Isthmus

10 Land Bridge

11 Cash Crop

12 Latifundia

13 Population pressure

14 Cottage Industry

15 Maquiladora

16 Brain drain

17 Uneven development

18 Vertical climate zone

19 Syncretism

20 Patois

21 Ecotourism

22 Ring of Fire Chile

23 llanos

24 Pampas

25 Oxisol

26 Cordillera

27 Quipu

28 Altiplano

29 General information...

30 How does Mexico’s City’s geography affect air pollution?

31 The mayor of Mexico City launched pollution reduction programs that did what?

32 Where does most of the food grown in Mexico come from?

33 Which biome is found in northern Mexico?

34 Who conquered the Aztecs?

35 Mexico is the world’s leading producer in which precious mineral?

36 Which country won its independence with Francois Toussaint-Louverture’s leadership?

37 Who were leaders of the South American wars for independence?

38 Costa Rica and Panama are considered ____ hotspots.

39 What climate is found in the Caribbean Islands?

40 What are the leading causes of deforestation in Central America?

41 ___________ has become a problem for islands that have been intensively farmed for centuries.

42 List the major crops exported from South America.

43 What is sustainable development and how is it promoted?

44 Which vertical climate zone is characterized by frost in winter and is where potatoes and barley are grown?

45 What are predominant climates of South America?

46 What river basin is home to the world’s largest rain forest?

47 PRODSEC (Economic Development Program for the Dry Region of Nicaragua)...

48 Why is Patagonia dry, barren, and windy?

49 Where do most people live in South America?

50 Which two countries in South America have large South Asian populations?

51 What are favelas?

52 Why did many indigenous communities in South America develop as isolated groups?

53 Describe the Inca.

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