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Unit 14: Vital Signs.

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1 Unit 14: Vital Signs

2 Temperature (the balance between heat lost and heat produced in the body)
Heat is lost through Perspiration Respiration Excretion Heat is produced by Metabolism Muscle and gland activity Homeostasis – state of balance; ideal state in the human body

3 The rate of chemical reactions in the body is affected by temperature.
If body temperature is too low or too high, homeostasis is affected. Generally, the normal range of body temperature is F. Variations in temperature can occur due to Rate of metabolism Time of day (morning-lower; afternoon – higher)

4 Abnormal Temperatures
Hypothermia Low body temperature (below 95) Caused by prolonged exposure Death occurs if temperature falls below 93 for a period of time Fever (pyrexia) Elevated body temperature (above 101) Usually caused by infection or injury with inflammation Febrile- having fever; afebrile-without fever Hyperthermia Body temperature greater than 104 Caused by prolonged exposure to high temps May cause brain damage Temp greater than 106 can lead to convulsions and death

5 Sites for temperature assessment
Oral most convenient and common Thermometer in place for 3-5 minutes Normal range F Rectal Most accurate Normal range Axillary Least accurate Thermometer in place for 10 minutes Normal range Aural Taken in ear (auditory canal), measures heat from tympanic membrane Most aural thermometers record in less than 2 seconds

6 Factors that Increase Temperature
Illness and infection Exercise Excitement Hot environment Factors that Decrease Temperature Starvation/fasting/dieting Sleep Decreased muscle activity Cold environment

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