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Salary Calculator. Design a page like the following.

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Presentation on theme: "Salary Calculator. Design a page like the following."— Presentation transcript:

1 Salary Calculator

2 Design a page like the following


4 Basics (style) You must have some CSS. The body should have a non-default – Background color – Color – Font family The text inputs should be right justified. The button should not be default gray.

5 Basics (interaction) You must use jQuery. The user enters the hourly wage in a text input. The user enters the numbers of hours worked in a text input. The user clicks a button and the weekly salary is calculated and displayed.

6 Calculation If the user worked less than 40 hours, then the salary is the hours times the hourly wage, e.g. 30 hours at $10.00 an hour gives $300.00. If the user worked more than 40 hours, then he/she makes the regular wage for the first 40 hours and 1.5 * wage for each hour exceeding 40. e.g. 50 hours at $10.00 hour gives $550.00 (40*10.00 + (50-40)*1.5*10.00).

7 User Interaction If user changes the hourly wage, clear out your answer. Use the key-down event. If the user changes the number of hours worked, clear out your answer. If the user enters a wage which is not a number (isNaN), alert him/her to the problem and do not calculate.

8 User Interaction (Cont.) If the user enters a number of hours that is larger than 84, alert him/her to the problem and do not calculate. If the user enters a wage which is not a number, alert him/her to the problem and do not calculate. Display the result formatted as currency – with dollar sign and two decimal places (toFixed).

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