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Teacher Effectiveness: All of Your Questions Answered Matt Gill, Tammy Meyer, Robin Curtis 10/15/2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Teacher Effectiveness: All of Your Questions Answered Matt Gill, Tammy Meyer, Robin Curtis 10/15/2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teacher Effectiveness: All of Your Questions Answered Matt Gill, Tammy Meyer, Robin Curtis 10/15/2015

2 Teacher Effectiveness Overview

3 Background Principle 3 of the ESEA Waiver to No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Commission on Teaching and Learning (CTL) created to design the Teacher and Principal Educator effectiveness models – Includes teachers, principals, higher ed, SD DOE, SDEA, EDEC

4 TIMELINE REVIEW SY 2014-15 : Teacher Effectiveness Learning Year SY: 2015-16: Teacher Effectiveness Full Implementation – Includes SLO and Danielson-aligned Professional Practice Rating Fall 2016: Submission of district-level aggregate Teacher Effectiveness data from SY 2015-16 via PRF – Data will NOT be reported individually

5 The Parts Professional Practice Rating – South Dakota Framework for Teaching Student Growth Rating – Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) Summative Teacher Effectiveness Rating – Combination of the Professional Practice and Student Growth Ratings

6 Summative Rating Matrix Professional Oversight: Is the rating fair and accurate based on the evidence and data shared by the teacher Determining Teacher Effectiveness Using multiple measures of professional practice and student learning Domain 1Domain 2Domain 3Domain 4 Planning and Preparation Classroom Environment Instruction Professional Responsibilities Classroom Observations and Evidence of Effective Practice Components from Each of the 4 Domains At Least 8 Components Chosen Based on District or School Priorities South Dakota Framework for Teaching Professional Practice Rating Below ExpectationsMeets ExpectationsExceeds Expectations Differentiated Performance Categories Student Growth SLOs Growth Rating SLOs State Assessments (as one measure if available) District Assessments Evaluator-Approved Assessments

7 Professional Practice Rating Student Growth Rating Summative Evaluation Rating

8 Summative Scoring Matrix Summative Teacher Effectiveness Rating Categories Below Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations Judgment Rating Subject to Review Judgment Rating Subject to Review ✪

9 Misconceptions Use of the state assessment – The state assessment IS NOT the measure of the SLO in tested grades and subjects – Used to prioritize the learning content and develop SLO baseline Used as a “gotcha” – FALSE – This model is all about growth for all and focused conversations Use of Teacher Effectiveness Ratings – The SD DOE only reports state-level aggregate data Length of SLO – SLO should last the duration of the class (semester, year) and cover the most important learning

10 The Aspiration: Improve Instruction and Student Learning 1. Encourage meaningful, in-depth dialogue focused on improving instruction 2. Provide regular, timely, useful feedback that guides professional growth 3. Support a culture in which data drives instructional decisions 4. Establish clear expectations for teacher performance 5. Use multiple measures to meaningfully determine and differentiate teacher performance 6. Provide a fair, flexible, research-based model that informs personnel decisions.

11 Lesson’s Learned


13 Differentiated Goal **Recommended, not Required** 1. Disaggregate your pre-assessment data and develop differentiated individual or group goals. 2. Write you SLO so that it includes 100% of your students. 100% of my students will reach their individual teacher-created growth goal.

14 Why Differentiated SLOs? – All students CAN show growth. – All students CAN and SHOULD be included in instruction. – Differentiated SLOs become a true GROWTH goal, set by the teacher who best understands what is realistic and rigorous for the children in his/her classroom. – Doesn’t an SLO like “90% of students will score an 85% or higher on the math assessment” sound a lot like AMOs? NCLB?

15 Handbooks Teacher Effectiveness – Student Learning Objective (SLO) – Principal Effectiveness –

16 Comparison of State Requirements to Recommended Model ents/TEReqReco.pdf ents/TEReqReco.pdf

17 Tammy – What you Learned

18 Robin – what you learned

19 The State – what you learned

20 SDEA Resources SLO Attainment Calculator - Professional Development Opportunities - SLO Repository -

21 SD DOE Website

22 State-Paid Professional Development ents/doepdopts1.pdf ents/doepdopts1.pdf

23 Teachscape - Updates

24 Dashboard

25 Evaluation Plans Teacher Evaluation Plan Non-Evaluation Year Plan (SLO-Only Plan) School Specialist Plans and Rubrics Principal Evaluation Plan (coming soon)

26 Contact Information

27 Matt Gill 605-773-8193 Tammy Meyer Robin Curtis

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