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1 TECHNOLOGY PLANS & E-RATE How are they tied together?

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Presentation on theme: "1 TECHNOLOGY PLANS & E-RATE How are they tied together?"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 TECHNOLOGY PLANS & E-RATE How are they tied together?

2 2 Does the SLD/USAC website provide guidance about technology plans for E-rate?  YES. SLD/USAC maintains FAQs about technology planning at: hnologyPlanningFAQ.asp

3 3 How can an E-rate applicant locate a Certified Technology Plan Approver? The SLD/USAC has a “Certified Technology Plan Approver Locator” on its website at: default.asp default.asp

4 4 Must all E-rate applicants develop a technology plan? NO. A technology plan is not required for basic telephone service including voicemail. Source: 47 CFR section 54.504 For all citations in this presentation, retrieve the complete text at:

5 5 Must E-rate applicants certify the existence of a technology plan? E-rate applicants only seeking support for basic telephone service including voicemail, are not required to certify the existence of an E- rate technology plan. All other applicants must certify the existence of a technology plan on Form 470.

6 6 SLD/USAC on Technology Plans: “Hardware alone is not enough.”

7 7 From the SLD/USAC website: “Technology planning must not be treated as a separate exercise dealing primarily with networks and telecommunications infrastructure.”

8 8 From the SLD/USAC website: “Approved technology plans must establish connections and relationships between information technology…professional development…and curriculum initiatives.”

9 9 Does federal law specify how E-rate applicants should develop an E-rate technology plan? YES. Federal law specifies that E-rate applicants have 2 options for developing a technology plan.

10 10 Two options are available for developing an E-rate acceptable technology plan: Minimum required for E-Rate –47 CFR section 54.508(a) = option 1 Satisfies both EETT and E-Rate –47 CFR section 54.508(b) = option 2

11 11 Option 1: required technology plan elements 1.Goals and a realistic strategy 2.Professional development 3.Needs assessment 4.Sufficient budget 5.Evaluation

12 12 Option 2: required technology plan elements 1.A state-approved EETT technology plan. 2.A supplemental budget analysis maintained with an entity’s state-approved EETT technology plan and retained locally.

13 13 Option 1: Pros and Cons 1.Meets technology plan requirements for E-rate. 2.Does not meet technology plan requirements for EETT funding or other state and federal initiatives requiring a CDE-approved EETT technology plan.

14 14 Option 2: Pros and Cons 1.Meets technology plan requirements for E-rate and EETT funding and many other state and federal initiatives. 2.May take a bit longer to prepare, but consider the advantages!

15 15 CDE Guidance on completing a supplemental budget analysis to an EETT technology plan: As of this date, the SLD/USAC does not require that a supplemental budget analysis to an EETT technology plan be completed annually. However, CDE recommends that it be completed annually.

16 16 Tip: the technology plan approval process does not have to be completed to file FCC Forms 470 On Form 470, item 21, an applicant can indicate that the technology plan will be approved by an authorized approver by the time E-rate services are received.

17 17 Tip: On FCC Form 486 an applicant must confirm that the technology plan was approved before the applicant began receiving E-rate services. Source: 47 CFR section 54.508(c)

18 18 Tip: A technology plan must be in effect throughout the time the entity receives discounted E-rate services. The person authorized to order eligible services shall sign Form 470 and include that person’s certification that all of the individual schools receiving discounted services are covered by technology plans for using the services requested in their application. Source: 47 CFR section 54.504(b)(2)

19 19 Resources: Information on E-rate at CDE website: atemain.asp

20 20 Resources: Information on Technology Plans for E-rate and EETT at CDE website: n.asp

21 21 Resources: Information on E-rate and EETT Technology Plan Status at CDE website: p/county.asp

22 22 Q and A

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