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Lesson planning, what makes a good lesson.. Session objectives To consider how to plan a lesson. To discuss what makes an effective/good lesson.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson planning, what makes a good lesson.. Session objectives To consider how to plan a lesson. To discuss what makes an effective/good lesson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson planning, what makes a good lesson.

2 Session objectives To consider how to plan a lesson. To discuss what makes an effective/good lesson

3 Session outcomes: To know what makes up a lesson and how it can be planned. To understand the things that make a lesson good or better.

4 Starter In your tables discuss the things that you think would make a good lesson plan. i.e. what should be on it? What should it look like?

5 What might a lesson plan look like?




9 Criteria for an effective lesson plan: Learning objectives and outcomes Questions Use of student dataTimings DifferentiationSchool initiatives Literacy/Numeracy/ICT/SMSCHomework/extended learning Learning episodesPlenary Assessment/mini plenaryContext

10 What makes a good lesson? Clear starting point. Essentially it is getting the mix of the criteria from the previous slide right. As well as showing progress in learning and or attainment. It needs to be engaging, inspiring, motivating and structured.

11 What next? Evaluate and reflect upon areas of strength and areas for development. Celebrate. Action plan.

12 Task In groups of 3 plan a lesson that looks at the water cycle. Lesson should last 30 minutes. Students receiving the lesson should know what is it, the processes involved and know more key terms than they did previously.

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