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Review on Implementation of BGREI & NFSM Agriculture Department Govt. of Odisha27.10.2015.

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1 Review on Implementation of BGREI & NFSM Agriculture Department Govt. of Odisha27.10.2015


3 Total Outlay - Rs 18347.83 lakh

4 Final Progress under BGREI (2014-15) Sl. No. Component Physical Financial ( Rs lakh) TargetAchievmtTargetAchievmt 1Crop Demonstration94702 Ha.95702 Ha.6622.148 2Asset Building24118 Nos.27037 Nos.3681.85 3Site Specific Need376 3626.887 4Marketing & Processing Support 4654424416.95 Grand Total 18347.835

5 Year wise Financial Allocation, Expenditure & U.C position (lakh Rs) YearAllocationExpenditure U.C. submitted 2011-126262.00 2012-1321725.00 2013-1419930.02 2014-1518347.835 17821.296 2015-1618399.9273608.4883578.49

6 For the year 2015-16, the State has selected 22 districts under BGREI programme and 8 districts under NFSM-Rice Districts selected for BGREI programme 1.Balasore 2.Bargarh 3.Bhadrak 4.Bolangir 5.Boudh 6.Cuttack 7.Dhenkanal 8.Gajapati 9.Ganjam 10.Jagatsingpur 11.Jajpur 12.Kalahandi 13. Kendrapada 14. Khorda 15. Koraput 16. Mayurbhanj 17. Nabarangpur 18. Nayagarh 19. Puri 20. Rayagada 21. Sambalpur 22.Subarnapur

7 Intervention wise Allocation & Achievement of under BGREI for 2015-16 (Financial in Rs lakh ) InterventionUnit TargetAchievement PhysicalfinancialPhysicalfinancial 1Cluster DemonstrationHa. 807607286.398806602322.35 2 Seed Distribution(HYV)Qtl. 1821601821.6040987.2409.872 Seed Production(HYV)Qtl. 91080910.8000 3 Nutrient Management & Soil Ameliorants Ha. 196183910.79916328.016 Integrated Pest ManagementHa. 145728728.641108029.1 4Asset BuildingNos. 213523643.153149763.65 5Site Specific ActivitiesNos. 1361821.6000 6 Post Harvest & Marketing SupportNos. 125910.8000 Cropping system based TrainingNos. 1301182.14130145.5 Contingency 184.0030.00 TOTAL 18399.9273608.488

8 Cultivation of Pulses in Rice fallow areas during Rabi 2015-16 (BGREI)  Area programmed under CSBD : 25,200 Ha.  Paddy area covered under CSBD during Kharif 2015 : 25,200 Ha. Area programmed during Rabi 2015-16; a. Pulses : 21,650 Ha. b. Oilseeds : 3,550 Ha. Total : 25,200 Ha.  Additional area proposed under pulses (in moisture stress area): 50,000 Ha.


10 PROGRESS under NFSM (2014-15) (Rs. in lakh) Component Approved allocation by GOI Funds Received ( Released by GOI) Final Expenditure % of Expenditu re against release UC Submitted Unspent as on 1.4.2015 Rice 4639.953479.963165.44913165.44314.52 Pulses 3560.882845.662677.27942677.27168.38 Coarse - cereals 343.00257.25213.0183213.0144.24 Cotton 59.9644.9759.9613359.960 Jute 42.00 10042.000 Total 8645.796669.846157.6892%6157.68527.14 NB: Unspent amount of Rs. 527.14 lakh has been utilized during 2015-16. The UC will be submitted soon.

11 PROGRESS OF NFSM SINCE 2007-08 YEAR AMOUNT RELEASED BY GOI AMOUNT UTILISED % UTILISATION 2007-081133.62381.4234 2008-096975.738 100 2009-106390.3446380.34499.8 2010-115862.766257.458107 2011-126476.6146244.6396 2012-136584.596472.57598 2013-147304.436035.6090 2014-156669.846157.6892 (Rs in Lakhs)

12 NFSM IMPLEMENTING DISTRICTS IN ODISHA FROM 2015-16 RICE (8 districts) Jharsuguda, Angul, Kandhamal, Malkanagiri, Nuapada, Sundergarh, Deogarh & Keonjhar. PULSES All 30 districts. Coarse Cereals (Maize & Ragi) - 6 districts Ganjam, Keonjhar, Rayagada, Gajapati, Koraput, Nawarangpur

13 PROGRESS OF NFSM 2015-16 ( as on 22.10.2015 ) ( Rs. in lakh ) Component Approved Allocation Funds Released by GOI) Funds Sanctioned by State Expenditure (22.10.2015) % Expendr Rice5828.9961457.252914.501722.5359 Pulses5046.0501486.502031.02167.468 Coarse cereals375.0093.75187.50151.20081 Total Food Grain 11250.053037.505133.022041.1940 Cotton112.0028.0046.7682.74 (com)177 Jute82.8820.7234.5200 Sugarcane40.0010.0016.7000 Total Commercial Crops 234.8858.7297.9882.7484 TOTAL NFSM11484.933096.225231.002123.93 41 CS5742.471548.112615.501061.97 SS5742.461548.112615.501061.96

14 PREPAREDNESS FOR RABI 2015-16 CropArea ( lakh Ha.) Yield (Kg/ha.) Expected Revised Production ( Lakh Mt.) Initial Programmed Revised Rice 3.002.70 34309.26 Wheat0.15 19230.29 Maize0.25 32400.81 Ragi0.05 12000.06 Total Cereals 3.453.15 331910.42 Gram0.50 8400.42 Mung6.60 5063.34 Urd3.503.805091.78 Other Pulses3.90 5152.01 Total Pulses14.5014.805217.55 Total Food Grains 17.9517.75105817.97 1. Crop wise Area & Production Targets for Rabi /Summer-2015-16

15 PREPAREDNESS FOR RABI 2015-16 - contd….. CropArea ( lakh Ha.) Yield (Kg/ha.) Expected revised Production (Lakh MT) Initial Programmed Revised Ground nut 2.05 21714.45 Til 0.68 4120.28 Sunflower 0.35 12570.44 Linseed 0.30 5000.15 Safflower 0.05 6000.03 Castor 0.05 8000.04 Mustard 1.30 5080.66 Soyabean 0.02 5000.01 Niger 0.05 4000.02 Total Oilseeds 4.85 12546.08 Sugarcane 0.50 7420037.10 GROSS TOTAL 30.00 C rop wise Area & Production Targets for Rabi / Summer- 2015-16

16 PREPAREDNESS FOR RABI 2015-16-Contd. Name of the scheme Crops to be taken under Demon. Area to be taken under demon. ( Ha.) Requirement of seeds ( Qtl.) Arrangeme nts made (Qtl.) Gap ( Qtl.) A. Normal Demonstration BGREI Mung19,8503,970 - Biri5,00100 - Bengal Gram1,625650 - Ground nut1,1501,725 - Mustard3,300165 - NFSM-Pulses Mung40,0008,000 - Gram30,0001,200 - NFSM-Coarse Cereals Maize4,000600 - NMOOP Mustard4,000200 - Sub Total 16,610 - 2. Demonstration Programme

17 PREPAREDNESS FOR RABI 2015-16 Contd. Name of the scheme Crops to be taken under Demon. Area to be taken under demon. ( Ha.) Requirement of seeds ( Qtl.) Arrange ments made (Qtl.) Gap ( Qtl.) B. Additional Demonstration Programme Proposed (as per Farmers’ Demand) BGREI Mung50,00010,000- NFSM-Pulses Mung57,00011400-11,400 NMOOP Mustard15,000750- Groundnut15,00022,500- Sub-total 44,650- Grand Total Demon. 61,26016,61044,650

18 ABSTRACT OF SEED REQUIRMENT FOR Rabi:2015-16 CropRequirement Arrangement made Gap Demon. Addl. Demon. Total A. Demonstration Programmes Mung11,97021,40033,37011,97021,400 Biri100- - Bengal Gram1,850 - Groundnut1,72522,50024,2251,72522,500 Mustard3657501,115365750 Maize600- - Total 16,61044,65061,26016,61044,650 (Fig. in Qtl.)

19 ABSTRACT OF SEED REQUIRMENT FOR Rabi:2015-16 – contd… CropRequirementArrangement madeGap B. Bulk Sale Paddy90,600 - Wheat4,000 - Maize141.50-141.5 Ragi11.50 - Mung6,33024913839 Biri (Urd)4,90825682340 Bengal Gram1,0421042- Groundnut57,50040,11217,388 Mustard3,1362,939197 Field Pea1,853 - Total1,69,5221,45,616.502,39,05.50 (Fig. in Qtl.)

20 ABSTRACT OF SEED REQUIRMENT FOR Rabi:2015-16 - contd…… CropRequirementArrangement madeGap C. Total Seed Requirement (Demonstration +Bulk Sale) Paddy90,600 - Wheat4,000 - Maize741.50600141.50 Ragi11.50 - Mung39,70014,46125,239 Biri5,0082,6682,340 Bengal Gram2,892 - Groundnut81,72541,83739,888 Mustard4,2513,304947 Field Pea1,853 - Total 2,30,782.001,62,226.5068,555.50 (Fig. in Qtl.)

21 Cultivation of Pulses in Rice fallow areas during Rabi 15-16  Estimated Ri ce Fallow area of the State : 13,33,990 ha.  Crop wise area programmed for Rabi 2015-16 : 5,46,000 ha. CropsArea Cultivated (hact.) Mung2,13,000 Biri (Urd)1,21,500 Gram47,800 Field Pea19,200 Lentil12,200 Mustard89,900 Groundnut10,900 Linseed30,700 TOTAL5,46,000

22 Schematic interventions planned for Pulses in Rice fallow areas during Rabi 2015-16 Name of the Scheme InterventionArea in hact. BGREI CSBD21,650 Additional Demon. Proposed50,000 Sub Total71,650 NFSM CSBD8,000 Cluster Demon.12,000 Additional Demon. Proposed57,000 Sub Total77,000 TOTAL1,48,650

23 DEMONSTRATION ON STRESS TOLERANT RICE VARIETIES DURING KHARIF 2015 ( BGREI & NFSM) Programme: 25,940 Ha Achievement : 25,940 Ha Varieties utilized : a) Sahabhagi Dhan (tolerant to moisture stress): 4,532 Ha b) Swarna Sub 1 (tolerant to flash floods) : 21,408 Ha YearSahabhagiSwarna Sub-1Lunishree/ Luna Sampad Total 2012-13410.971331.7001,742.67 2013-146477.635198.19011,675.82 2014-1524879.402675.4027.4027,672.20 2015 (kharif)7473.0036861.70044,334.70 2016( Kharif) expected 21598.0073172.0072.0094,842.00 Distribution of stress tolerant varieties in the state ( Qtl.)

24 AVAILABILITY OF SEEDS OF VARIOUS CROPS FOR 2016-17 Crop Requirement (in qtl) Arrangements made (in qtl)Gap Kharif & RabiOSSCOAIC Through MOU with National / International agencies Total Paddy 7,97,0007,13,8001,20,00008,33,800- Moong 21,5606,9407005,00012,6408,920 Biri 15,2004,6251,1451,5007,2707,930 Arhar 3,100003,000 100 Groundnut 1,19,4109,0075,11218,15032,26987,141 Mustard 2,9503,38000 - Til 3,1501,21000 1,940 Field pea 3,7400000 Bengal gram 2,70030007001,0001,700 Paddy varieties released within 10 years : 3,57197 qtl

25 Strategies to meet deficit quantity of seeds 1.Long term MOUs signed for arrangement of deficit quantity with National/International seed producing agencies like NSC & ICRISAT. (Further MoUs with other Agencies being planned). 2.As per dynamic seed rolling plan, a supplementary MOU with NSC will be executed to meet the gap. 3.A State Seed Policy is being worked out to sort out problems in seed production and distribution. i) MOU with growers at the time of distribution of foundation seeds for seed production with stringent actions for both the parties for not fulfilling the requirements of MOU. ii) An attractive price formula for procurement of seeds from growers will be declared in advance to motivate growers for seed production. iii) Payment schedule to growers has been fixed. 4. Direct arrangement of deficit quantity of seeds through National level Seed producing agencies, State Seed Corporations & other seed producing agencies.

26 CROP COVERAGE & ESTIMATED PRODUCTION DURING KHARIF - 2015 Crops Kharif 2015 ( 1 st Advance Estimate ) Kharif 2014 Area ( ‘000ha.) Yield ( Kg/ha.) Production (‘000mt/Bales Area ( ‘000ha.) Yield ( Kg/ha.) Prodn (‘000mt/Bales) Rice 3620.731 2276 8242.503365.42 22877696.7 Jowar 6.18 809 5.006.69 6264.2 Bajra 2.09 890 1.862.34 6131.4 Maize 221.74 4908 1088.23253.79 2774704.0 Ragi 142.80 1137 162.36154.50 865133.6 S.Millets 25.312 435 11.0021.27 50310.7 Total cereals4018.857 2367 9510.954094.288 22529220.3 Arhar 138.90 1402 194.75137.89 898123.8 Mung 209.425 716 150.00220.671 465102.6 Urd 269.043 652 175.35261.20 444116.0 CowPea 31.42 1021 32.0830.65 77723.8 Other Pulses 56.27 622 35.0054.18 48526.3 Total Pulses705.059 833 587.18705.503 556392.3 Total Food Grains 4723.91 2138 10098.134799.7912011 9652.4

27 CROP COVERAGE & ESTIMATED PRODUCTION (contd.) Crops Kharif 2015 ( 1 st Advance Estimate ) Kharif 2014 Area ( ‘000ha.) Yield ( Kg/ha.) Production (‘000mt/ Bales) Area ( ‘000ha.) Yield ( Kg/ha.) Prodn (‘000mt/Bales) Ground nut 92.865 1954 181.4491.77 1351 124.02 Til 155.96 721 112.50159.11 434 69.00 Castor 7.20 828 5.967.00 629 4.40 Sun Flower 0.271 14945 4.050.32 719 0.23 Niger 56.11 722 40.5063.01 369 23.22 Soya bean 1.00 660 0.66 Total Oilseeds 312.416 1103 344.45322.22 688 221.53 Jute@@ 5.62 12790 71.887.55 41423 312.74 Mesta@@ 8.79 5280 46.4111.79 7321 86.31 Cotton@ 125.19 3003 375.92125.10 466 58.25 Sun hemp@@ 5.16 5019 25.905.32 5043 26.83 Total Fiber @@ 144.776 3593 520.11149.763 3233 484.13 @@- Production in ‘000 bales of 170 kg @ -Production in ‘000 bales of 180 kg

28 1) GoI approval may be accorded for additional amount of funds under different programme for taking up demonstrations on Pulses/ Oilseeds during Rabi 2015-16 in the areas affected by moisture stress during Kharif 2015. ISSUES & SUGGESIONS SchemeProgramme already approved by GoI (in Rs lakh) Additional requirement of fund (Proposal Submitted by State) (in Rs lakh) Total (in Rs lakh) BGREI18399.9272500.0020899.927 NFSM (Pulses)5046.054375.009421.05 NMOOP(MMI-1 Oilseeds) 660.002028.002688.00

29 Contd.. 2) Relaxation may be allowed for using some popular non-paddy (Pulses & Oilseeds) varieties released above15 years for demonstrations. Moong : TARM-1, TARM-2, PDM-54, PDM-11, K-851 Urd : T-9, TU-94-2 Bengal gram : Annegri-I, JG-11 Field pea : Rachana, Aparna Arhar : UPAS-120, Asha, Laxmi Mustard : M-27 Groundnut : TAG-24, Smruti 3) The Action Plan for NFSM Commercial Crops(Jute) may be approved one year ahead since cropping season starts in April.


31 Progress under BGREI(2014-15) A) Cluster Demonstration Sl. No. Eco System Subsidy limit per Rs. Physical (Ha) Financial ( Rs lakh) TargetAchievt.TargetAchievt 1Rainfed Upland69502408 167.356 2 Rainfed Shallow Low Land 695036574.20 2541.907 3Irrigated HYV695044188.8045188.803071.122 4Irrigated Hybrid730011531 841.763 Grand Total-9470295702 6622.148 BACK

32 Progress under BGREI(2014-15) B) Asset Building Sl. No. Name of the machinery Subsidy @50% limited to (lakh Rs) Physical (nos) Financial ( Rs lakh) TargetAchievt.TargetAchievt 1Paddy Transplanter0.75600397450.00297.75 2Pump sets0.1017917198401791.701984.10 3Paddy Thresher0.1532014400480.15440.00 4 Multi crop Thresher (Axial Flow) 0.402400 960.00 Grand Total- 24118 Nos. 27037 Nos. 3681.85 BACK

33 Progress under BGREI(2014-15) C)Site Specific Activity Sl. No. Name of the machineryUnit Cost (in lakh Rs) @100% assistance Physical (nos) Financial ( Rs lakh) TargetAchievtTargetAchievt 1Cluster Deep Bore well12.6022 277.20 3Cluster Shallow Tube Well17.2525 431.05 2Community Surface Lift Irrigation Project 13.0096 1248.00 3Checkdam7.6283 632.526 4Diversion weir6.1763 388.395 5WHS7.46887 649.716 Grand Total- 376 3626.887 BACK

34 Progress under BGREI(2014-15) D) Processing and Marketing Support of Rice Sl. No. ComponentsRate of assistance (Rs in lakh) Physical (nos) Financial ( Rs lakh) TargetAchvtTargetAchvt. 1Threshing Floor/Drying Yard(Semi covered) 12.65144 1821.60 2Community Threshing Floor (20mt X 20 mt) 5.50277 1523.50 3Paddy Seed Cleaner cum Grader for Community 0.202805.600 4Rubber Roller Sheller (Tractor Operated) 1.25131816.2521.85 5Storage Godown350.00331050.00 Grand Total-4654424416.95 BACK

35 Target & achievement for cluster demonstration 2015-16 (Physical in Ha & Financial in Rs lakh) Intervention Rate of Assistance UnitTargetAchievement PhysicalFinancialPhysicalFinancial Cluster Demonstration i)Direct Seeded RiceRs.7500/-Ha. 3400255.00340093.75 ii)Line Transplanting Rs.7500/-Ha. 217121628.4021712651.20 iii)SRIRs.7500/-Ha. 4708322.498460848.30 iv)Stress Tolerant Varieties Rs.7500/-Ha. 257401930.5025740772.60 v)Hybrid RiceRs.7500/-Ha. 0000 vi)Cropping System based Rs.12500/-Ha. 252003150.0025200765.50 TOTAL 807607286.398806602322.35 BACK

36 Targets For 2015-16 (Physical in Qtl & Financial in Rs lakh) Intervention Rate of Assistance UnitTargetAchievement PhysicalFinancialPhysicalFinancial Seed Distribution i)HYV RiceRs.1000/-Qtl. 1821601821.60 40987.2409.872 ii)Hyb.Rice Rs.5000/-Qtl. 0000 TOTAL 182160 1821.60 40987.2409.872 Seed Production i)HYV RiceRs.1000/-Qtl. 91080910.8000 ii)Hyb.Rice Rs.5000/-Qtl. 0000 TOTAL 91080910.80 00 BACK

37 Targets For 2015-16 (Physical in Ha & Financial in Rs lakh ) Intervention Rate of Assistance UnitTarget Achievement PhysicalFinancial PhysicalFinancial IV) Nutrient Management & Soil Ameliorants a)MicronutrientRs.500/-Ha.121750608.7515607.8 b)Bio FertilisersRs.300/-Ha.56933170.799720.216 c)GypsumRs.750/-Ha.17500131.2500 TOTALHa196183910.79916328.016 V) Integrated Pest Management a)P.P Chemicals/ Bio-Pesticides Rs.500/-Ha.122400612.0052600 B ) WeedicideRs.500/-Ha.23328116.64582029.1 TOTAL145728728.641108029.1 BACK

38 Targets For 2015-16 (Physical in No & Financial in Rs lakh) Intervention Rate of Assistance UnitTargetAchievement PhysicalFinancialPhysicalFinancial Asset Building i)Seed cum Fert. Drill Rs.15000/-Nos. 1210 181.50 15022.5 ii)RotavatorRs.35000/-Nos.2350822.50 1051367.85 iii)TransplanterRs.75000/-Nos. 336 252.00 9067.5 iv)ThresherRs.40000/-Nos.2115846.00 400160.0 v)Power WeederRs.15000/-Nos.14121.15 00 vi)Pump SetsRs.10000/-Nos.152001520.00 1458145.80 TOTAL 21352 3643.15 3149763.65 BACK

39 Targets & Achievement For 2015-16 (Physical in No. & Financial in Rs lakh) Intervention Rate of Assistance UnitTargetAchievem ent Physical Financial Physical Financial Site specific activities i) Cluster Bore Well (4 nos.) Rs.1260000/-Nos.17214.20 0 0 ii) Cluster Shallow Tube Well (5 nos.) Rs.1725000/-Nos.19327.75 0 0 iii) River Lift Project Rs.1300000/-Nos.1001279.65 0 0 TOTAL 1361821.600 0 BACK

40 Targets Achievement For 2015-16 (Physical in No. & Financial in Rs lakh ) Intervention Rate of Assistance UnitTarget Achievement PhysicalFinancial PhysicalFinancial Post Harvest & Marketing Support Threshing Floor/Drying Yard(20 mt.x 20 mt.) Rs.732000/-Nos125910.80 00 TOTAL 910.8000 Cropping System based Training Rs.14000 /-Nos.1301182.14 130145.5 TOTAL 182.14130145.5 GRAND TOTAL 18399.933578.48 BACK


42 Sl. No. Approved InterventionsUnit Rate of assistance (Rs.) Revised ProgramAchievement Phy Fin. ( Rs. in lakh) Phy Fin. ( Rs. in lakh) 1 Cluster Demonstration (100 ha.) Line Transplanting/SRI/DSRHa750013000975.0013819866.16 Hybrid rice Tech. Ha75003300247.503300216.95 Demonstration on Stress Tolerant Rice Var. Ha750020015.0021911.61 2Seed Asst. on distribution of HYV seeds.( < 10 yrs old var.) Qtl.1000320032.00316631.67 3Plant & Soil Protection Mgt. supply of MicronutrientsHa.500 39100195.5028293141.46 Supply of PP ChemicalsHa.50050000250.0047929239.64 Supply of WeedicidesHa.50040000200.0026977134.89 NFSM-RICE PROGRESS UNDER NFSM-2014-15

43 NFSM-Rice contd. Sl. No. Approved InterventionsUnit Rate of assistance (Rs.) Revised ProgramAchievement Phy Fin. ( Rs in lakh) Phy Fin. ( Rs in lakh) 4 Resource Conservation Technique/tools a) Cono weeder & MarkerNo.600400024.007004.20 b)Manual SprayerNo.600523631.42489729.38 c) Power SprayersNo.300050015.002998.98 d) Power Weeder No.150007010.507010.50 e)Paddy ThresherNo.4000022590.0022590.00 f) RotavatorNo.3500021073.5021073.50 f) Drum seederNo.1500133520.031221.83 h) Self Propelled Paddy Transplanter No.75000142106.50142106.50 5.Incentive for pumpsetsNo.100004832483.204692469.19 6 Cropping system based farmers Trg. No 1400017023.8017031.46 7 Local initiatives Supply of Rice sheller a) Single Polisher 12500084105.0084105.00 b) Double Polisher1900001426.601426.60 GRAND TOTAL 3479.963166.44

44 NFSM-Pulses Sl. No Interventions Unit Pattern of assistance in Rs. Revised ProgramAchievement Phy Fin. ( Rs in lakh) Phy Fin. ( Rs in lakh) 1Seeds Distribution on certified seedsQtl. < 10 years variety2500328082.003258.5281.46 2 Demonstration on Improved Technologies a)Cluster Demon.Ha.750013650849.7513650818.61 B )Cropping System Based DemonHa.125003510388.753510373.93 3 Integrated nutrient management ( 50% subsidy sale) a) GypsumHa750174513.097415.55 b) MicronutrientsHa5001194359.71754237.71 c) Assistance for Rhizobium Culture/PS.B. distribution Ha10064316.4321202.12 4Integrated pest management (IPM) PP ChemicalsHa.5001300065.001054452.72 WeedicidesHa.500823841.19705235.26 5 Resource Conservation Technologies Manual SprayersNo.600560533.63449826.99 Power SprayersNo.300037011.102647.920 RotavatorNo.35000300105.00300105.00 Zero Till Seed DrillNo.150009013.509013.50

45 NFSM-Pulses contd. Sl. No InterventionsUnit Pattern of assistance in Rs. Revised ProgramAchievement Phy Fin. ( Rs in lakh) Phy Fin. ( Rs in lakh) 6 Efficient Water Application Tools/Technologies ( 50% subsidy sale) Distribution of sprinkler setsHa1000020520.5012212.19 Incentive for Pump SetsNos1000012812.8012812.80 Assistance for pipe for carrying water from source to the field up to 600 Metres 15000867130.00735110.25 Mobile Rain GunNo.15000254.2191.35 7Cropping system based TrainingNo.14000436.00436.00 8.Miscellaneous expenses Dist Level with PMT (30 dist.)126.00116.33 State Level31.0025.10 9Local Initiatives a) Paddy Bund Plantation of Pulses Ha.2001800036.001800030.45 b ) Support for pulses in Rice fallows Ha.100015000150.0015000 105.18 10 Demon. On Additional area covg. Ha.560012500700.0012500647.33 G.Total2845.662651.76

46 NFSM-Coarse Cereals Sl. No InterventionsUnit Pattern of assistance in Rs. Revised ProgramAchievement Phy Fin. ( Rs in lakh) Phy Fin. ( Rs in lakh) 1 Demonstration of Improved Package of Practices Ha.50005560257.255560213.01 2 Distribution of Certified seeds(,<10 yrs old variety) Qtl. a) Hybrid Maize seeds5000 b) HYV seeds of Ragi1500 Total257.25213.01

47 NFSM-Commercial Crops Sl. No. Approved InterventionsUnit Rate of assistan ce (Rs.) Approved Action Plan Progress Phy Fin. ( Rs in lakh) Phy Fin. ( Rs in lakh) COTTON 1 FLD on Integrated Crop Management Ha. 700035825.0635825.06 2 FLD demon on Desi & ELS cottonHa. 8000231.8231.8 3 FLD on IntercroppingHa. 7000 37025.9037025.90 4 Trials on High Density Planting System Ha. 9000 807.20807.20 Sub-Total 83159.9683159.96 JUTE 1 FLD on Production TechnologyHa. 8000 51541.2051541.20 2 State Level TrainingNo. 40000 20.802 Sub Total 42.00 Total Commercial Crops101.96

48 Progress of Implementation of NFSM Program Kharif 2015 Sl. No. Approved Interventions Unit Rate of assistance (Rs.) Approved Action Plan Progress Phy Fin. ( Rs in lakh) Phy Fin. ( Rs in lakh) 1 Cluster Demonstration (100 ha.) Line transplanting/SRI/DSR Ha7500250001575.00250001240.56 Hybrid rice Tech.Ha75001007.50 Cropping System Based Demonstration Ha.12500800010000.008000255.85 2Seed Assistance on distribution of HYV seeds (<10 yrs old varieties) Qtl.10001000001000.0020000200.00 3 Plant & Soil Protection Mgt. Incentives for micronutrients Ha.500 70000350.00 Incentives for PP Chemicals & Bio agents Ha.50070000350.00 weedicidesHa.50050000250.00 NFSM-RICE

49 NFSM-RICE contd. Sl. No. Approved Interventions Unit Rate of assistance (Rs.) Approved Action Plan Progress Phy Fin. ( Rs in lakh) Phy Fin. ( Rs in lakh) 4 Resource Conservation Technique/tools a) Cono weederNo.6004502.701000.60 b)Manual SprayerNo.600754145.253301.98 c) Power SprayersNo.300050015.00 d) Power WeederNo.150007110.65 e) Paddy thresherNo.4000020080.00 f) RotavatorNo.35000314109.90 h)Self Propelled Paddy Transplanter No.7500010075.00 5.Incentive for pumpsetsNo.100005950595.00 6 Cropping system based farmers Trg. No 1400045063.0045023.54 7.Local initiatives Threshing FloorNo. GRAND TOTAL 5828.9961722.53 CS2914.498861.265 SS2914.498862.265

50 NFSM-Pulses Sl. No Interventions Unit Pattern of assistanc e in Rs. Approved Action Plan Progress Phy Fin. ( Rs in lakh) Phy Fin. ( Rs in lakh) 1 Seeds Distribution on certified seeds(< 10 yrs variety) Qtl.250020000500.00 2 Demonstration a.) Cluster demonstration.Ha.7500230001725.001000063.65 b)Cropping system based Demonstration Ha.125001000125.0040028.33 3 Integrated nutrient management a) GypsumHa7501100082.50 b) MicronutrientsHa50040000200.00 c) Assistance for Rhizobium Culture/PS.B. distribution Ha3001000030.00 4 Integrated pest management (IPM) PP ChemicalsHa.50050000250.00445022.25 WeedicidesHa.50021000105.0018989.49 5. Resource Conservation Technologies Manual SprayersNo.6001000060.00 Power sprayersNo.300060018.00 RotavatorsNo.35000483169.00 Seed cum-fert DrillNo.1500010015.00

51 . Sl. No InterventionsUnit Pattern of assistan ce in Rs. Approved Action Plan Progress Phy Fin. ( Rs in lakh) Phy Fin. ( Rs in lakh) 6 Efficient Water Application Tools/Technologies Distribution of sprinkler sets Ha100001500150.0012412.40 Mobile Rain GunNo.15000304.50 Incentive for Pump SetsNos1000045045.00 Assistance for pipe for carrying water from source to the field 1set= 600 Metres 150001540231.0015623.40 7 Cropping system based Training No.1400030042.003003.64 8. Miscellaneous expenses Dist Level with PMT (16dist.) 120000030360.003.20 State Level PMT31.001.20 9 Additional arae coverage Cluster demonstrationNo.750012000900.00 G.Total5046.05167.46 CS2523.0383.73 SS2523.0283.73 NFSM-Pulses –contd.

52 NFSM-Coarse Cereals. Sl. No InterventionsUnit Patter n of assista nce in Rs. Approved Action Plan Progress Phy Fin. ( Rs in lakh) Phy Fin. ( Rs in lakh) 1 Demonstration of Improved Package of Practices Ha.5000 a) Hybrid Maize7000350.003000151.20 b) Ragi30015.00 2. Distribution of Certified Seeds( < 10 yrs old) Qtl. a) Hybrid Maize50001949.70 b) HYV Ragi1500200.30 TOTAL375.00151.20 CS187.5075.60 SS187.5075.60

53 NFSM-Commercial Crops Sl. No InterventionsUnit Rate of ass. Approved Action Plan Progress Phy Fin. ( Rs in lakh) Phy Fin. ( Rs in lakh) COTTON 1 FLD on Integrated Crop Management Ha.700078154.6773640.48 2FLD on IntercroppingHa.700077454.1872940.09 3 Trials on High Density Planting System Ha.9000353.15352.17 Sub-Total112.0082.74 JUTE 1 FLD on Production Technology ( Jute) Ha. 8000 49539.60 2 FLD on Production Technology( Mesta) Ha. 8000 52141.68 3 State Level TrainingNo. 40000 41.60 4 Contingency 0.12 Sub Total83.000 Suagr Cane 1IntercroppingHa.800046837.44 2Tissue culture Plantsno3.50502861.76 3State LevelTraining4000020.80 Sub Total40.00 0 Total Commercial Crops234.88 82.74

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