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PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR EVALUATORS DAY 3 Leveraging Performance Management to Support School Priorities.

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Presentation on theme: "PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR EVALUATORS DAY 3 Leveraging Performance Management to Support School Priorities."— Presentation transcript:

1 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR EVALUATORS DAY 3 Leveraging Performance Management to Support School Priorities

2 Today’s Agenda Practice observation Artifacts Formative assessment Breakouts  Planning for peer evaluation work at your school  Working with teachers on improvement or directed growth plans Managing your time to get this done Exit ticket and wrap up

3 Practice Observation Chris McCloud 7 th Grade Math Teacher

4 StrengthsAreas for Growth Improving student performance in math for students who enter my class performing below grade level Indicators/Elements: Teaching classrooms with diverse needs (especially meeting the needs of student with an IEP) Indicators/Elements: Family outreach and communication Indicators/Elements: Additional support for implementing the revised MA Curriculum framework Indicators/Elements: Improving communication with families for whom English is a second language Indicators/Elements: Strengthen leadership skills Indicators/Elements: C. McCloud’s self-assessment against the rubric 4

5 StrengthsAreas for Growth Improving student performance in math for students who enter my class performing below grade level II-D. Expectations Teaching classrooms with diverse needs (especially meeting the needs of student with an IEP) II-A. Instruction Family outreach and communication III-A-1. Parent/Family Engagement, III-C. Communication Additional support for implementing the revised MA Curriculum framework I-A-1. Subject Matter Knowledge, I-A-3. Rigorous Standards-Based Unit Design Improving communication with families for whom English is a second language III-C-2. Culturally Proficient Communication Strengthen leadership skills IV-B-1. Professional Learning and Growth C. McCloud’s self-assessment against the rubric 5

6 Chris McCloud’s Goals: SL: Based on the fact that my 7 th grade ELL students averaged 30% on my pre-assessment, my goal is that they will average at least 80% on each of the six unit assessments that they will take before May 15. PP: In order to support my ELL students in averaging 80% on unit assessments, I will consistently identify and teach symbols, key terms and other math vocabulary, and use daily exit tickets that measure both vocabulary and conceptual understanding. I will measure my progress through student vocabulary notebooks and tracking exit ticket performance data.

7 Observation of Chris McCloud: Selective Scripting 1. Read over the three excerpted elements from the rubric. 2. Watch the video. 3. While you are watching the video, collect evidence that will allow you to rate Mr. McCloud on the three elements. Use the worksheet to selectively script evidence related to each of the elements. 4. When you are finished, complete the worksheet and rate Mr. McCloud.

8 How did it go?

9 Value of Feedback Targeted, Ongoing Feedback Improved Educator Practice Improved Student Achievement

10 Characteristics of Effective Feedback FOCUSED: feedback should focus on what was observed EVIDENCE-BASED: feedback should be grounded in evidence of practice CONSTRUCTIVE: feedback should reinforce effective practice and identify areas for continued growth TIMELY: feedback should be provided shortly after the observation

11 Constructing Feedback Chris McCloud: Using your observation notes and the rubric: Draft two points of feedback for Chris Focus on feedback that is  Focused  Evidence-based, and  Constructive

12 Feedback conversations What has been your experience with feedback conversations?

13 Feedback conversations: Resources Beyond the Scoreboard, Educational Leadership  We need to focus on development, not just ratings Talk About Teaching, Charlotte Danielson  How professional conversations can promote ongoing teacher learning Leverage Leadership, Paul Bambrick-Santoyo  Instructional & cultural levers for school change, including observation & feedback Difficult Conversations, Stone, Patton & Heen  How to approach tough issues & manage emotions

14 Collecting Evidence: What can you see? In the classroomOutside of the classroom In artifacts Well-structured lessons Student engagement Classroom management Differentiated instruction A safe learning environment Professional collaboration Family and community engagement Reflection Results of data analysis Adjustments to practice

15 Evidence from Artifacts  Basics  Examples  Artifacts in EDFS

16 Collecting and Assessing Evidence - Artifacts Artifacts may include:  Student assessment data  Student work  Lesson plans  Teacher-made assessments Identify possible sources of evidence in the standard you are assigned. What kind of documents can teachers upload?

17 Artifacts: Clarifying Expectations How many would you like people to submit? What kind of documents? How detailed of a rationale would be useful?

18 Zils PP Goal and Action Steps

19 Zils PP Artifact #1

20 Zils PP Artifact #2

21 Strong SLG and Action Steps

22 Zils SLG Artifact #1

23 Zils SLG Artifact #2

24 Mid Year Check Point

25 Artifacts on EDFS: Educator & Evaluator View

26 Artifacts: Educator & Evaluator View





31 Artifacts All artifacts have to be uploaded to EDFS – even if the hard copy is not scanned, it has to be entered as evidence and a hard copy kept in a binder. You can comment on artifacts through EDFS, but the online system is not a substitute for face-to-face conversation.

32 Formative Assessments The basics Evaluations on EDFS Examples

33 What is a formative assessment? A mid-plan check-in  rating on progress towards each goal  rating on each standard A document that considers all evidence  observations to date  evidence to date It may be used to change a plan  If there is a significant change in practice, however, this is not mandatory. The plan may continue until the summative.

34 Formative Assessments A formative assessment IS the end product! It is NOT a formal observation and a write up of that observation.

35 Formative Assessment & Summative Evaluation Meetings  Upon request of educator or evaluator  Required for Summative if the overall rating is NI or Unsatisfactory

36 Evaluations in EDFS

37 Formative Assessment Step 1 Step 2

38 Evaluations in EDFS

39 Evaluations in EDFS: Rating Goals

40 Evaluations in EDFS: Rating Standards

41 Evaluations in EDFS: Overall Rating

42 Evaluations in EDFS: Prescriptions Prescriptions for any standard in which an educator is rated NI or UNSAT.

43 Evaluations in EDFS: Comments Comments are optional for both the evaluator & the educator

44 Evaluations in EDFS: Release

45 Evaluations in EDFS: Sign-Off

46 Formative Assessment Examples Read one of the formative assessment examples you have. What strikes you about how evidence is used in the write up?

47 Rationales for Ratings Standard I. Curriculum, Planning, & Assessment Rating Exemplary, Proficient, Needs Improvement, Unsatisfactory Rationale Claim/Connection to rubric: Evidence 1: Evidence 2: Evidence 3: Rationale: What claim can you make and what is the evidence to support it?

48 Case Study: Ms. Z Examine the artifacts and observations of a BPS teacher, “Ms. Z.” What claims might we make in the formative assessment? Do we have enough evidence to make informed ratings for each goal and standard? Which observations & artifacts are the most informative? The least? Why?

49 Breakouts  Group 1: Planning for peer evaluation work at your school  Group 2: Working with teachers on improvement or directed growth plans

50 Planning the work at your school Guiding Questions: What has your school done to support staff with the evaluation process? What additional supports do you think would be helpful? What are ways of structuring this support at the school? What timelines should guide the work?

51 Peer Evaluation  Stick to teachers on self-directed plans  Resource: Danielson’s Talking About Teaching

52 Working with teachers rated NI or U You can change the plan at the time of the formative assessment (though a formative assessment does not HAVE to change the plan).

53 Timelines and Requirements Type of Educator Plan Self-Directed Growth Plan 1 school year* Directed Growth Plan Less than 1 school year Improvement Plan 30 calendar days to 1 school year Developing Educator Plan 1 school year Announced observations None required 1 1 Unannounced observations 1 2 2 if plan is less than 6 months 4 if plan is between 6 months and 1 year 4 Required Dates Oct. 1: Educator submits self-assessment & proposes 2 goals Nov. 1: Evaluator completes educator plans by approving goals & action steps May 15: Evaluator completes Summative Evaluation Report June 1: Evaluator meets with educators whose overall Summative Evaluation ratings are moved from Proficient or Exemplary to Needs Improvement or Unsatisfactory Dates established in educator plan. Oct. 1: Evaluator meets with 1 st year educators to assist with self-assessment and goal-setting. Other dates are same as above for 1-year Self- Directed Growth Plan.

54 Directed Growth and Improvement plans Considerations: Choosing length Using a calendar to calculate dates of formative assessment and summative evaluation Writing goals from prescriptions Developing the Action Plan, including supports and timelines Collection of evidence Supports: “Did I” sheets and timelines

55 Making the Time How can my team and I manage our time to get this important work done?

56 For more information, visit:  EDFS:  Email questions, comments and feedback to:  MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) Evaluation Site: 

57 Office of Educator Effectiveness Ross Wilson, Assistant Superintendent for Educator Effectiveness Jared Joiner, Implementation Specialist Emily Kalejs Qazilbash, Implementation Specialist Angela Rubenstein, Implementation Specialist Kris Taylor, Implementation Specialist Jenna Costin, EDFS On-line System Coordinator Evaluator Training Facilitators: Jess Madden-Fuoco, Charlestown High school Sam Varano, Edison K-8

58 Closing Please complete the exit ticket. Thank you so much for participating, and please be in touch!

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