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University Seminar 1100 Instructor Workshop. Stormwater Awareness What is stormwater? Rainwater that does not soak into the soil and grass Rainwater that.

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Presentation on theme: "University Seminar 1100 Instructor Workshop. Stormwater Awareness What is stormwater? Rainwater that does not soak into the soil and grass Rainwater that."— Presentation transcript:

1 University Seminar 1100 Instructor Workshop

2 Stormwater Awareness What is stormwater? Rainwater that does not soak into the soil and grass Rainwater that runs off our streets, parking lots, concrete, etc.

3 Stormwater Awareness Where does it go? Runoff flows to ditches and gutters Into storm drains and underground pipes Directly into our creeks and river Untreated and Unfiltered

4 Why is this bad? Unfiltered stormwater can have contaminates and bacteria such as: Oil and gasoline Fertilizers Pesticides Soil Grass clippings Trash Pet waste Cigarette butts Stormwater Awareness

5 The San Marcos River is our treasured water for recreation… …and is home to 5 threatened and endangered species Example: Texas Wild Rice Example: Texas Blind Salamander

6 Stormwater Awareness How Can I help? Respect and protect our river Don’t litter & pick up trash others leave behind (can end up in storm drains and in river) Recycle your cans & water bottles Encourage others to do the same

7  How Can I Help? o Report illegal dumping Don’t throw items or dump chemicals down storm drains If you see someone doing it, report it immediately Below are contacts of offices you can contact to report any illegal disposal of items into storm drains City of San Marcos: (512) 393-8036 Texas State University, EHSRM: (512) 245-3616 Stormwater Awareness

8 How Can I Help? Dispose of used oil/hazardous waste properly Campus: EHSRM disposes of campus hazardous wastes City Residents: Residents can drop off waste at Household Hazardous Waste events Clean up after your pooch Pet waste can end up in the river Bacteria in waste can make swimmers sick Stormwater Awareness

9 How Can I Help? Volunteer Habitat Conservation Plan Tree planting along river banks River Clean-Ups Spread the Word

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