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Lesson Plan Objective - To understand Marketing and working as a team member towards the construction and promotion of a product. Separate into groups.

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2 Lesson Plan Objective - To understand Marketing and working as a team member towards the construction and promotion of a product. Separate into groups of 5 - decide roles in the “company” for each team member and discuss what each role entails. Logos - Groups will compose a logo for their “company” after having seen examples of other logos during the “logo quiz”. What is Marketing? - Groups will decide a brand name for their product and discuss ways of promotion for their “company”. Construction - Groups will construct their product and will be awarded points for good team work. Debrief - Did the groups fulfil the objectives? Did they work as a team? Were they able to compromise. What has everyone learnt from this exercise?

3 Rules & Bonus Points You will work together as a team – with each member participating. When materials are put in front of you, do not touch until told to do so. Listen carefully when others speak. Bonus Points will be awarded to Groups that follow these rules!

4 What is Marketing? Marketing is a communication about a product / service to encourage people to buy or use a service. Traditional marketing tools include: a. Advertising b. Packaging c. Publicity d. Promotion e. Branding (Logos) The above five are all elements of the 'marketing mix' i.e. the range of variables that make up marketing. If used effectively, all will lead to an increase in sales - or at least a slow down in a decrease of sales.

5 Organisational Chart Where will you be in the company? Manager Parts manager Assembly Manager Marketing Director Logo Designer Controls the process and helps where needed. Sorts the parts of the car ready for assembly. Performs the assembly process. Controls the marketing process, makes sure the product is desirable and that it sells. Designs the logo for the company.

6 How to gain points for your team Logo Quiz – 30 to 35 questions correct = 5 points 25 to 29 questions correct = 3 points 20 to 24 questions correct = 2 points Below 19 questions correct = 1 point Logo Design – Up to 10 points allocated for excellent team work. Construction – For every completed product, which has been quality checked, 5 points. You won’t get any points if the product does not pass its quality check. Bonus Points – will be awarded for any good behaviour and for following the rules set for you.

7 Score Board Company / GroupLogo Points Construction Points Bonus Points Total Points

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