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PGCE Full Time 2011-12 Professional Studies Emma Morley & Mark Jenkins GOOD TEACHERS.

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Presentation on theme: "PGCE Full Time 2011-12 Professional Studies Emma Morley & Mark Jenkins GOOD TEACHERS."— Presentation transcript:

1 PGCE Full Time 2011-12 Professional Studies Emma Morley & Mark Jenkins GOOD TEACHERS

2 Reflect... On...the teachers and teaching which have had a positive impact on your own learning and development. Identify : What they did… What characteristics they had …

3 Discuss... Similarities Differences What you have experienced What you have seen

4 Reflect... On...the converse. Identify teachers or teaching which have had a negative impact on your learning or development.. Discuss how to turn the negative into a positive i.e. to avoid a negative impact a teacher should … or teaching should

5 A good teacher is someone who... Highlight the top 5 features on your own list. Form a group Take turns to contribute one idea. One person records Get ready to share some ideas within the whole group.

6 Different Views Teaching: Science, Craft or Art ? Muijs & Reynolds (2001) argue that it is possible to create a science of teaching Marland (1975) regards teaching as essentially a craft Eisner (1979) views teaching as essentially an art (Arthur & Cremin, 2010:10)

7 Charismatic, technical, reflective? qxnMOg Phil Beadle- The Unteacheables (Channel 4) YbjYsso

8 The inspectors..... Outstanding, Good, Satisfactory, Inadequate ‘Ofsted uses 390 words to summarise the characteristics of outstanding teaching, including: committed, confident, imaginative, knowledgeable, independent and thoughtful. Outstanding trainees should possess high and demanding expectations, be committed to raising achievement and know how to accomplish this in ways appropriate to the pupils they are teaching. They are expected to take the initiative, think rigorously and pursue their professional development across the life of the school’ (Ofsted, 2005 cited in Grigg, 2010:3)

9 Consider and compare... A selection of the research findings with your own ideas about good teachers

10 Asking children: A good teacher Smiles Is generous Listens to you Has faith in you Encourages you Keeps things positive Likes teaching children Takes time to explain things Enjoys teaching different subjects Helps you when you are stuck Tells you how you are doing Does not give upon you Lets you have your say Cares for your opinion Makes you feel clever Treats people fairly Makes allowances Stands up for you Tells the truth Forgives you Laughs 8 9 year olds – Hayes, D.(2006) Inspiring Primary Teaching. Exeter: Learning Matters

11 Reflect... (IST) Why do you want to teach? What kind of teacher do I want to be? What will your personal teaching philosophy be?

12 Some ‘big’ questions to think about... The new primary curriculum- what should it look like? Children- should they be playing so much in school? Schools- should schools weed out poor teachers and reward the best? Parents- should parents have more say in the classroom? The government – should the government have the duty to test children regularly Inspectors – should inspections be ‘spot’ checks without any notice?

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