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Crystal Shape: Cubic Fluorite Crystal Shape: Dodecahedron Garnet.

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Presentation on theme: "Crystal Shape: Cubic Fluorite Crystal Shape: Dodecahedron Garnet."— Presentation transcript:


2 Crystal Shape: Cubic Fluorite

3 Crystal Shape: Dodecahedron Garnet

4 Crystal Shape: Hexagonal Prism - Quartz

5 Crystal Shape: Octahedron Magnetite

6 One Cleavage Plane Two Cleavage Planes at right angles Two Cleavage Planes not at right angles Three Cleavage Planes at right angles Three Cleavage Planes not at right angles

7 Fracture No well defined cleavage planes Conchoidal Fracture

8 Physical Properties Color and streak Luster: Intensity of light reflected off a mineral Metallic, non-metallic- glassy (vitreous) and earthy (dull)

9 Physical Properties continued… Hardness: resistance to abrasion Mohs Scale (diagram below) Soft <2.5 fingernail will scratch mineral Hard >5.5 glass - mineral will scratch glass Medium 2.5 – 5.5 not scratched by fingernail and will not scratch glass

10 Other Properties Taste Reaction with acid Specific Gravity The weight of a mineral compared to the same volume of water Magnetism

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