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Two articles on Consumer Purchase Behavior Markus Fraisl 0050109.

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1 Two articles on Consumer Purchase Behavior Markus Fraisl 0050109

2 Titles Zhang: Comparing Consumer Purchase Behavior on the Internet and in Brick- and-Mortar Stores: An Overview of Recent Research Moon: Consumer adoption of the internet as an informations search and product purchase channel: some research hypotheses

3 Zhang Comparing Consumer Purchase Behavior (CPB)

4 Comparing Consumer Purchase Behavior 2 Unterscheidungsdimensionen  factors that may cause behavioral differences  patterns of behavioral differences

5 Comparing CPB 2 Factors Affecting Behavioral Differences  Shopping environment related  Consumer related Information search cost Accessibility of Information Richness of Information Demographics Lifestyle

6 Comparing CPB 3 Patterns of Behavioral Differences  Price sensitivity Less in online stores  State dependency Variety seeking versus Inertia higher level of Inertia in online stores  Brand loyalty For larger brands sgnificantly higher

7 Comparing CPB 4  Size loyalty Online consumers prefer larger size  Consideration set effect Consumers are not willing and/or able to evaluate all alternatives Initial consideration set formation stage less important in online stores  Impact of sensory attributes lower impact on brand choice in online shops

8 Comparing CPB 5 – A research example Zhang: differences in consumers‘ dynamic brand choice behavior  between online and brick-and-mortar stores Data  Online: Peapod Inc.  Brick-and-Mortar Stores: A.C.Nielsen selected by household size and income

9 Comparing CPB 6 – A research example 2 result  more Inertia  less price sensitivity 2 different decisions  on the spot decisions  habitual decisions in online stores

10 Comparing CPB 7 - A research example 3 ultimate objective  finding an algorithm for managers when to promote what to whom Basis: state dependency model  in which state is consumer now  comparison of recommendations for marketing and past purchase data

11 Moon Consumer adoption of the internet as an information search and product purchase channel

12 information search and product purchase objective: framework for choosing between online and brick-and-mortar stores consumer decision process – 5 steps  problem recognition  information search  alternative evaluation  purchase  post–purchase behavior

13 information search and product purchase 2 contingent three factors in decision making  characteristics of the persons making the decision  decision problem  social context key functions for the web  information search  purchase herein the web is more effective and efficient than traditional channels

14 information search and product purchase 3 Consumer characteristics  Knowledge level  Internet usage skills  Challenging mind-set to the Internet  Lifestyle  Demographic characteristics

15 information search and product purchase 4 Information search  continuous search  Pre-purchase search Website characteristics  Information quantitiy  Design  Access & transaction speed  User-friendliness of search structure  Update pace

16 information search and product purchase 5 Product type  Search products / experience products  Tangible products / intangible products  Convenience products / shopping products Benefit of Internet Transaction  Product quality  Price  Assortment  Time saving  convenience

17 information search and product purchase 6 Risk of Internet Transaction  Product risk  Purchase method risk  Service risk  Payment risk

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