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1 NASA WBS 939904.01.04.02TASK #: QUARTERLY TECHNICAL PROGRESS REVIEW TASK # & TITLE:06-0xxxx Assessment of Electronic Widgets - Radiation QUARTER:XQ FY06.

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Presentation on theme: "1 NASA WBS 939904.01.04.02TASK #: QUARTERLY TECHNICAL PROGRESS REVIEW TASK # & TITLE:06-0xxxx Assessment of Electronic Widgets - Radiation QUARTER:XQ FY06."— Presentation transcript:


2 2 TASK DESCRIPTION Assessment of Electronic Widgets GOALS/OBJECTIVES Assessment of Electronic Widgets  These goals/objectives should match those in the task quad chart.  For the most part, you would input the sections on this page only once and carry it on each quarterly review for the fiscal year.  Use bullet formatting, rather than full text sentences.  Use Arial font here and for the entire quarterly review submittal.  Description of task work and how it will benefit NASA Programs and Projects. What do you plan to do and how is it relevant to NASA needs?  This brief sentence/s could be from your original task quad chart

3 3 DELIVERABLES Assessment of Electronic Widgets FY06 DeliverablesQuarter DueQuarter Completed Notes (changes to deliverable list or why not on schedule) This table is intended as an update on status of Deliverables for this year only. The listing here should be extracted from this year's quad chart. If there are changes to that deliverable list, please highlight them here. Another important point is that in the past many tasks provided only technical journal articles as deliverables. The NEPP position is that these do not constitute sufficient deliverables for a high quality task. Task Managers must bear in mind that the NEPP Program goal is to provide easily accessible, focused products that assist NASA Program and Project personnel to do their job of designing and building safe, reliable, radiation tolerant hardware. It is not acceptable to tell our customer to go look in the literature for his answer. The task should also provide as deliverables report(s) that are focused on NASA needs, summarize the work in clear, concise fashion in terms NASA users can understand, and is easily accessible. Deliverables should be stand-alone and cannot be websites maintained by the PI. Quarterly reports and data sets do not count as deliverables, but test reports do.

4 4 SCHEDULE Assessment of Electronic Widgets  Schedule should include deliverables and major milestones for all years of a multi-year task (attempt to have at least one major milestone per quarter).  Tangible products (physical items (although these are relatively rare as NEPP deliverables) and complete, stand-alone documents) are deliverables.  Please note that milestones (we completed a test on June 10) and accomplishments (we took data on 10 parts) are not deliverables (we published a report that includes completed tests and a description and interpretation of data and conclusions).  Ensure that the schedule is updated quarterly and clearly indicates completion dates of deliverables. This is in addition to the previous chart that highlights Deliverables only.  Format as a Gantt chart. You may use the version on the quad charts and modify as need be. If more information is known now than on the quad chart, please update accordingly.

5 5 BUDGET/WORKFORCE Assessment of Electronic Widgets This is what we’d like to see, but I don’t expect each technical manager to do this. A summary at branch or section level is sufficient.. Please make sure your branch/section manager knows.

6 6 MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS THIS QUARTER Assessment of Electronic Widgets  Note that bullet list of Accomplishments captures only the current quarter and should show a connection to last “Plans for Next Quarter”. Do not list accomplishments since the beginning of this task. Earlier Accomplishments will be captured in earlier Quarterly Reviews and will be rolled-up in 4Q FY06 report.  Include items that can be sent to OSMA as highlights or can be used on the NEPP website as E-Flash items.  Examples:  First test data on InUnobtanium electronics or Matrix completed of NASA ADC needs  Award won for best presentation at X  Identified critical new reliability issue and established revised test method for Y.

7 7 TECHNICAL HIGHLIGHTS Assessment of Electronic Widgets  This section should complement major accomplishments for this quarter by providing more technical detail.  Include graphs, charts and pictures with appropriate descriptions showing highlights of efforts.

8 8 PLANS FOR NEXT QUARTER Assessment of Electronic Widgets  Bullets  You can provide further out plans for other quarters, but they should map to quad chart (or revised quad chart if approved)

9 9 Partnering Assessment of Electronic Widgets  List all in-kind or direct fund sources that are non-NEPP  We would like estimated value, but not required  Work partners  Who we are funding outside of NASA (university, etc…)  Other agencies or orgs  Leverage with other NEPP tasks

10 10 PROBLEMS AND CONCERNS Assessment of Electronic Widgets  This section should convey any technical, financial and/or other problems/concerns that the Task Manager views could impact his/her task.

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