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“Make the Most of Your Journey”. English Paper + Portfolio = 100 points Social Studies Presentation + Portfolio = 100 points Shop Product + Portfolio.

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Presentation on theme: "“Make the Most of Your Journey”. English Paper + Portfolio = 100 points Social Studies Presentation + Portfolio = 100 points Shop Product + Portfolio."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Make the Most of Your Journey”

2 English Paper + Portfolio = 100 points Social Studies Presentation + Portfolio = 100 points Shop Product + Portfolio = 100 points

3  A family member, a friend or someone with expertise in your area of need:  Time management?  Organization?  Technical skills? * More details in the fall.

4  1. Estimate the potential cost of your product idea.(pg.3) *An interactive excel sheet is on the CCT website under Senior Project.  2. Your Project should be of little or no expense to you!!!

5  Power Points, brochures, fundraisers and MOST models are not products.  You can incorporate one of these elements as part of your product.  A product must allow you to demonstrate your technical expertise.

6 What are you interested in- or curious about? Develop a Plan and a Back up Plan!

7  CCT encourages projects developed around the theme of green or renewable technologies!  Projects that incorporate green technology as part of the product process are great too!

8  Identify a need: Is there a problem in your community that you can use your technical expertise to help solve or improve?  Take action: Utilize your technical knowledge to help benefit others!

9  Use your technical skills to create, a tangible project that demonstrates your technical expertise.  Some students create products for their own or their family’s use.

10  Complete your Junior Proposal  Set up Portfolio and create your Product.  Continue Portfolio and write your Paper.  Complete Portfolio, develop & present your speech. (Presentation)

11  The portfolio is the recording keeping and organizational support of your Senior Project!  It comprises 25% of each trimester’s Senior Project Grade!  It is graded by your Shop teacher, English teacher and Social Studies teacher.

12  To assure a neat and professional appearance :  Use the on line template found at to complete your Junior Proposal  Pages 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7

13  Sign-Off on or before 3/22 by your Technical Instructor for the PRODUCT Phase  Sign-Off on or before 4/5 by your English Instructor for the PAPER Phase  Return on or before 4/12 to your Technical Instructor for summer storage

14 How to reach Mrs. Knight for assistance: Hours: ‘A’ week – periods 1 & 2 ‘B’ week – periods 5 & 6 After school – by appointment In person: Senior Project Office in the construction cluster (please do not come to the Horticulture Shop) Phone: (508) 432-4500 x342 Email:

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