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T HE M IRROR HAS TWO FACES Investigation on Joy Hester and Pablo Picasso’s portraits.

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1 T HE M IRROR HAS TWO FACES Investigation on Joy Hester and Pablo Picasso’s portraits

2 P ABLO P ICASSO Picasso was born on the 25 of October 1881 in Malaga Spain. He was a abstract artist that did mainly portraits and painting of people, he also did a lot of still life paintings. He did paintings, drawings, sculpting, printmaking and ceramics. He was trained to paint by his father and went to school at The Barcelona school of fine arts. He died on the 8 th of April 1973.

3 J OY H ESTER Joy Hester was born on the 21 st of August 1920 in Melbourne Joy Hester was an abstract artist that did mainly portraits and drawings of faces. She drew and rarely painted and did some photography. She went to Brighton technical school where she did an arts and craft course. She died on the 4 th December 1960.

4 P ABLO P ICASSO T HE M IRROR HAS 2 FACES S TRUCTURAL FRAME The girl before a mirror is related to the structural frame because it has a lot of different colours and is structured so that there it looks like a girl looking at her self in the mirror, there are a lot of patterns and lines that structure the art work.

5 J OY H ESTER G IRL W ITH A BOOK ON HER HEAD S TRUCTURAL FRAME Joy Hester portrait, girl with a book on her head relates to the structural frame because of the tone and shading used in the portrait and the use of dark out lines that make the girl a stand out. The backing of the girl dose not stand out at all and creates a complete focus on the girl.

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