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L OCAL D EVELOPMENT C ENTRE P IVKA, S LOVENIA. S LOVENIA Full name: Republic of Slovenia State system: Democratic parliamentary republic, since 1991;

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Presentation on theme: "L OCAL D EVELOPMENT C ENTRE P IVKA, S LOVENIA. S LOVENIA Full name: Republic of Slovenia State system: Democratic parliamentary republic, since 1991;"— Presentation transcript:


2 S LOVENIA Full name: Republic of Slovenia State system: Democratic parliamentary republic, since 1991; member of the EU since 1 May 2004 Capital: Ljubljana Population: 2.032.362 inh. Area: 20,273 km² Population density: 99,1 inh. per km² Landscape: the territory of Slovenia is divided into four basic types of landscapes, Alpine in the north, Mediterranean in the south-west, Dinaric in the south and Pannonian in the east Official Language: Slovene Currency: Euro Phone dial code: +386 More info:

3 I NNER-KARST REGION Inner-Karst region spreads to 1.456 km², which amounts for 7,2% of the entire Slovenia area. There are 51.483 inhabitants, which makes Inner-Karst region one of the smallest in Slovenia and least densely populated (35 inhabitants/km ²). Is an underdeveloped region of Slovenia. This area is famous for Javorniki-Snežnik woods, one of the biggest forested regions in Europe and rich wildlife and many intermittent lakes that appear in spring and autumn and are the basis for development of eco-tourism in the region. Most of the region falls under Natura 2000.

4 T OURIST ATTRACTIONS IN THE INNER-KARST REGION Postojna Cave Predjama Castle Snežnik Castle Cerknica Lake collapse valley Rakov Škocjan Park of military history Pivka Križna Cave

5 D EVELOPMENT CONCEPT OF ECO-REGION Unique natural and cultural landscape, historical heritage with wide forests and typical karst phenomena directs the region development into Eco- region. The heart of eco-region is presented by the areas of Nature 2000 that occupies about 54 % of regional entire area and are – together with other preserved natural treasures – the main potential of region. Developmental opportunity of the region is sustainable tourism.

6 M UNICIPALITY OF PIVKA It extends over 223.25 km² and includes 29 settlements with about 6000 inhabitants. In view of the vast range of possibilities that it has, the Municipality of Pivka shows great promise for perspective development with new alternatives and opportunities offered by the ECO region.

7 Local Development Centre Pivka was established by the Municipality of Pivka for development of entrepreneurship in the municipality, which is characterised by large and ecologically interesting natural areas. Municipality Pivka established LDC for overcoming of development problems. Municipality Pivka is trying through LDC facilitate developing of tourism, specially with developing of small tourism businesses, farmhouses and other tourism providers. L OCAL DEVELOPMENT CENTRE PIVKA

8 LDC participate actively also in development process in Inner – Karst region, specially through direct links with Regional development Agency of Inner-karst Region. LDC has also directly influence to national polices through project “Park of Military History” which is managed by it. In this project National tank and artillery collection was located in Pivka and Park in few years became a museum and tourist centre which is developing in cooperation between the Slovenian Armed Forces and the Municipality of Pivka.

9 P ARK OF MILITARY HISTORY Pivka basin lies at the lowest passage between the Alps, Central Europe and Northern Adriatic and is one of the most strategic points in Europe. As such, this region of ancient passes witnessed numerous military maneuvers, important battles, as well as construction of fortification systems. The Park of Military History is a project in development that builds on the long military heritage of the strategic Postojna gap region. The Park's location are the now abandoned military barracks built by the Italians in the 1930s and later occupied by German, Yugoslavian and Slovenian armies. The main attractions of the Park are the National tank and artillery collection, exhibition on the strategic Postojna gap, unedrground fortificaion on Primož hill above the Park and also public re-enactment events.

10 T HE PROJECT CONDUCTED BY LDC LDC will contribute to the partnership in “B2N project” with its own examples of good and bad practices in the field of entrepreneurship in natural areas, as well as providing the expert knowledge to the policy-making guidelines that the project will produce. Benefits will arise from working with institutions that are tackling the same problems and good practices will be transferred into Slovenian environment. LDC is specially interesting to find some good practices in areas of Natura 2000 as well as practices in developing of small touristic acters in the vicinity of big touristic centres.

11 N AMES OF PERSONS INVOLVED IN B2N PROJECT Janko Boštjančič, M. Sc. Head of LDC Local development centre Pivka Kolodvorska 5 6257 Pivka SI – Slovenia T: +386 (0)31 673 010 M: +386 (0)5 994 05 91 F: +386 (0)5 994 05 19 Andreja Požar expert adviser Local development centre Pivka Kolodvorska 5 6257 Pivka SI – Slovenia T: +386 (0)31 874 582 M: +386 (0)5 994 05 19 F: +386 (0)5 994 05 19

12 Welcome in Pivka in May 2012!

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