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Matjaž Kljun Žan Babič Jan Vrhovec. 1. Introduction 2. History 3. Geography 4. Economy 5. Questions and Answers 1. Introduction 2. History 3. Geography.

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Presentation on theme: "Matjaž Kljun Žan Babič Jan Vrhovec. 1. Introduction 2. History 3. Geography 4. Economy 5. Questions and Answers 1. Introduction 2. History 3. Geography."— Presentation transcript:

1 Matjaž Kljun Žan Babič Jan Vrhovec

2 1. Introduction 2. History 3. Geography 4. Economy 5. Questions and Answers 1. Introduction 2. History 3. Geography 4. Economy 5. Questions and Answers

3 Intro Location Central Europe Bordering countries Italy, Croatia, Hungary and Austria. Area 20,273 km 2 Population 2.05 million Capital and largest city Ljubljana

4  Prehistory  Inhabited around 250,000 years ago.  Early Ages  Romans in 1st century (Emona, Celeia, Petovio)  Middle Ages to Early Modern Period  14th century: Habsburgs take over

5  Reformation and development of national identity  1550: first two Slovenian books  Abecednik and Katekizem  Slovenian protestant preacher Primož Trubar

6  World War I  Heavy casualties for Slovenia (Soča front)  World War II - 6th April 1941  Yugoslavia attacked by Axis Powers

7  Independence of Slovenia and Democracy  25th June 1991: Independence  27th June: Attacked by the Yugoslav Army  2004: EU membership

8  France Prešeren (poet)  Ivan Cankar (writer)  Jože Plečnik (famous architect)

9  Regions of Slovenia: Alps, Pannonian Plain and Mediterranean  More than 50% under forest  Around 90% at 200 metres or higher above sea level

10  Temperatures  20°C (July) and 0°C (January)  Natural regions:  The Alps  The Prealpine hills  The Ljubljana Basin  Submediterranean (Littoral) Slovenia  Dinaric Karst  Sub-pannonian Slovenia.

11  Biodiversity:  Wide variety of habitats  Proteus (Karst) and honeybee (White Carniola)  Eurasian Linx, wolves and bears (Dinaric Karst)  Lipizzan horses (Lipica)

12  Trade oriented mainly to other EU countries (Germany, Austria, Italy, France)  Important economic sectors  Transport  Tourism

13 Various landscapes within a small place  Alpine  Mediterranean Dinaric  Pannonian

14  Slovenia: an important crossroad between Western and Eastern Europe

15 Questions and Answers Sources  Wikipedia  Slovenski turistični vodič (Slovenian Tourist Guide)  Učbenik za geografijo (Geography Book)

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