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End of War: November 11, 1918

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1 End of War: November 11, 1918

2 Armistice Day November 11, 1918 at 11 am On the eleventh month, eleventh day, eleventh hour fighting stopped. – Armistice: a truce; temporary suspension of hostilities by agreement between warring parties Now Armistice day is Veteran’s day honoring all veterans that have served in the U.S. armed forces. w5-3ds w5-3ds

3 Treaty of Versailles Germany is held responsible for the war. Major points of the treaty: 1.Reparation (damages) payments. 2.Limits on the German military 3.Germany loss of territory League of Nations created by Woodrow Wilson under his 14 points.

4 14 points Created by Woodrow Wilson and included in the Treaty of Versailles. A forgiving peace plan called for: 1.Self determination: allow the people to decide how it will be governed. 2.No secret agreements: countries could no longer have secret treaties or alliances. 3.Free trade/open seas. 4.League of Nations is formed: to prevent future wars…

5 Debate over Ratification Did the League of Nations work? Debate over Ratification Opposition to the League of Nations – Congress opposed the League of Nations – Americans were not eager for more foreign commitments. Congress and Wilson could not compromise on the League of Nations or the Treaty of Versailles. United States did not ratify the Treaty or the League of Nations. – The league was formed without the United States

6 Outcome New boundaries were formed throughout Eastern Europe. Formation of the Soviet Union. United States returned to Isolationism. – Continued involvement in the world market (economy).

7 WWI The war and the Treaty of Versailles failed to make Europe “safe for democracy” The Treaty planted the seeds of WWII. U9_Qk

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